Obama loves drug cartel killers too...maybe he can give them Fast and Furious guns...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Obama commuted the life sentences of drug cartel members...what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

Do you left wing nuts approve of this too?

Obama Commutes Life Sentences of Four Mexican Cartel Leaders

Four of those convicted criminals who had been sentenced to life in prison will be released by May 17. They ran a criminal organization made up of close to 80 men and women who worked with Mexico’s Gulf Cartel to move between 100,000 to almost 750,000 pounds of marijuana into the U.S. during a 10-year period. The drugs were moved into Houston and then distributed to Atlanta, Chicago, and other major metropolitan areas.


The AP also reported that a three-judge panel cited the city’s contention that “the ordinances serve important public health and safety interests” and that gun ranges “attract gun thieves, cause airborne lead contamination and carry a risk of fire.”

The opinion issued by the court, however, countered the city’s arguments, saying:

The city has provided no evidentiary support for these claims, nor has it established that limiting shooting ranges to manufacturing districts and distancing them from the multiple and various uses listed in the buffer-zone rule has any connection to reducing these risks.

Another portion of Chicago’s ban was a prohibition on “anyone under 18” entering a gun range. The 7th Circuit struck this ordinance down, as well.

One of the three judges on the 7th Circuit panel was Diane Sykes, who “was on a list of 11 judges President-elect Donald Trump made public last year as among those he would consider as candidates for the U.S. Supreme Court.”

The 7th Circuit was responsible for striking down Illinois’ ban on concealed carry in December 2012. Striking down the ban, Judge Richard Posner wrote:

We are disinclined to engage in another round of historical analysis to determine whether eighteenth-century America understood the Second Amendment to include a right to bear guns outside the home. The Supreme Court has decided that the amendment confers a right to bear arms for self-defense, which is as important outside the home as inside.

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Breitbart is a fake news company.

Give us something real, please.

No....I linked to a story from Breitbart, not the New York times.....the Times is the fake news outlet.......
You linked to a fake news hit from from Breitbart, yes.
If you do not like his source, find your own that is what I do when you hand up some propaganda from KOS or media matters.
It's breitbart; thus it is fake news. America knows it. Run along. DeathAngel, I talked on the OP. It is based on fake news.
Breitbart is a fake news company.

Give us something real, please.

No....I linked to a story from Breitbart, not the New York times.....the Times is the fake news outlet.......
You linked to a fake news hit from from Breitbart, yes.
If you do not like his source, find your own that is what I do when you hand up some propaganda from KOS or media matters.
It's breitbart; thus it is fake news. America knows it. Run along. DeathAngel, I talked on the OP. It is based on fake news.

Ahhhh, poor fakey. No, it's not fake news. Here you go clown boy... I wonder how much they paid him:eusa_think:

President Obama Pardons Moreno Brothers’ Life Sentences

In 2001, the Moreno brothers were sentenced to life in prison without the change for parole. They were four of 79 people accused in connection to a drug trafficking group based in Starr County.

Court records state more than 750,000 pounds of marijuana, coming from Mexico, was sold by the group over a 10-year period.

President Obama Pardons Moreno Brothers’ Life Sentences
And wetwall is so easy to handle. There was no violence changed to them, yes? You think they carried 750,000 pounds of smoke, the Moreno Brothers, yes? From the link: "President Obama’s decision to commute their sentences will allow them to return to Roma more than 20 years after their capture." Twenty years is sufficient.
And wetwall is so easy to handle. There was no violence changed to them, yes? You think they carried 750,000 pounds of smoke, the Moreno Brothers, yes? From the link: "President Obama’s decision to commute their sentences will allow them to return to Roma more than 20 years after their capture." Twenty years is sufficient.

Not if there was murder involved, which, in large gangs like that is almost a certainty.

Obama has done a ton of damage to the cartels by allowing states to legalize pot! It you assholes that want a huge black market for the stuff and that strengthens the cartels.
And wetwall is so easy to handle. There was no violence changed to them, yes? You think they carried 750,000 pounds of smoke, the Moreno Brothers, yes? From the link: "President Obama’s decision to commute their sentences will allow them to return to Roma more than 20 years after their capture." Twenty years is sufficient.

Yes.....and the people who died by their hands or their orders will also come back to life...20 years is enough...right?
Just another dumbass move by Douchebag.

Manning, Rivera and cartel members. Wonder who's next.

Douchebag doesn't care about America. If he did he wouldn't be letting these scumbags out of jail.

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