Obama on Larry King

Oh I see so instead of pointing out how FOX is always bashing Obama, which is what you said. you Instead provide one very weak example and then point me to an Anti-Fox Documentary I have already seen. Well then thanks for the evidence of what you claimed.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_g6s3HzxQ0]YouTube - An Uncle Tom and Laura Ingraham bash Obama[/ame]
Just a few issues I think Obama has made drastic changes on.

Iraq time table.

Iraq Surge (said 30k troops would not help, Now says he always knew 30k more troops would improve things)

FISA (called it illegal and unconstitutional, and then voted for it)

Public campaign Financing (said he was going to take it, then decided not too)

Iran (it was a puny non threat of a nation, then all of the sudden a grave threat)

Talking to amagannakillyouall In Iran.

Thats just a few I am sure I could come up with more if I was not half drunk and tired as hell :)

Of course McCain is a flip flopper too don't get me wrong.
See I can admit both sides are fucked, can you?
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Oh I see so instead of pointing out how FOX is always bashing Obama, which is what you said. you Instead provide one very weak example and then point me to an Anti-Fox Documentary I have already seen. Well then thanks for the evidence of what you claimed.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbpnXLemYQA]YouTube - FOX AND FRIENDS BASH OBAMA HAPPILY[/ame]
Really, this has been fun for all I'm sure, and I bet youtube loves our business (those 2 guys who invented it made billions from google I believe) but I now have a question.

DO ANY OF YOU PEOPLE WORK? :eusa_whistle:

I don't right now, so I'm a bit of a night owl. What time do you people have to get up in the morning anyway?
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Oh I see so instead of pointing out how FOX is always bashing Obama, which is what you said. you Instead provide one very weak example and then point me to an Anti-Fox Documentary I have already seen. Well then thanks for the evidence of what you claimed.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJX7VqgVWf4]YouTube - Facist & Racist Dumb Bitch Ingraham bashes Obama and Media[/ame]
Is it really any different than Chris Matthews claiming he gets a tingling feeling running up his leg everytime he hears Obama speak?

Or Keith Olberman, enough said....
Oh I see so instead of pointing out how FOX is always bashing Obama, which is what you said. you Instead provide one very weak example and then point me to an Anti-Fox Documentary I have already seen. Well then thanks for the evidence of what you claimed.


This is the best clip of all. It shows FoxNews propaganda at its worst....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoxS3j3DDrE&feature=related]YouTube - FOX "News"carpet bombs Obama ahead of Pennsylvania primary[/ame]
FoxNews guest jokes about killing Obama....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0X5L9h-tBI&feature=related]YouTube - Fox News Jokes About Killing Obama[/ame]
FoxNews smear about a muslim school....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouKJixL--ms&feature=related]YouTube - FOX ATTACKS OBAMA[/ame]
LOL dude that one is hatchet job from hell. They cherry picked the parts where people against Obama talked and left out the counter balance guest that they nearly always have on. I literally jumps all over the place from the hack job editing.

But good try.

Counter guest? What counter guest?
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