Obama or Perry: Who is more to blame for the economy?


Feb 14, 2011
I was just thinking of something which would make a funny poll question.

What do you think would be the result if pollsters asked who was more responsible for the bad economy - Obama or Perry?

I bet there is a huge chunk of people - like 30% and likely more - who would answer Perry just because his name was up against Obama. I think that wide swaths of America are so programmed (and so ignorant, partisan and/or desperate) that they would choose any Republican or even a made up fictional name for the greater blame if the poll question put them up against Obama.

I know more and more people are finally waking up, but I bet there would still be a lot of people who would pick Perry.
Well you can blame Obama for all the jobs Perry "created" via Stimulus, tax loop holes for oil companies and defense spending.

But Perry doesn't want you to.
Well you can blame Obama for all the jobs Perry "created" via Stimulus, tax loop holes for oil companies and defense spending.

But Perry doesn't want you to.

That was "almost" brilliant.. Except I can't my arms around Obama claiming credit for the "tax loop holes for oil companies" part..

"A" for effort tho... :tongue:

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