Obama Press Conference Review

I agree with your post. More and more lately, he appears frustrated and agitated whenever a reporter asks a tough question. Did he think this job was going to be a walk in the park? As Bush used to say, "its hard work!"

You guys are haters. He was MONEY last night. He's not frustrated. He measures his words before he speaks. And he's not lying, like Bush did. But he doesn't want to say anything that might give the GOP reason to cry, so he's very calculated.

He was most careful when speaking about Iran.

But wasn't it refreshing to have an intelligent President speaking to us? It has been 8 years of Southern Retard leading the country, and finally we have a Statesman leading us.

More and more lately? What a joke. At least he's allowing reporters to ask tough questions. Bush only called on his buddies in the press to toss him softballs.

Speaking directions for Bobo:

Remove head from Obama's ASS, then open mouth.

He is fucking awesome, huh?

I got chills when it finally dawned on me that he is the president and Bush is really gone.

PS. You had your head up Bush's ass while he ruined your home value, 401K, job opportunities.

I have my head up Obama's ass while he tries to fix what you guys did to the American way.

I am truly appauled and ashamed at you idiots. For 8 years the GOP sent jobs overseas. You said it was necessary? Stupid cock suckers. It was totally unnecessary, unless you are an owner who's not happy making $5 million a year. So how do you go from making $5 to $10 million? Go overseas. I don't blame the business owner for doing it. I blame the GOP for allowing/encouraging it by giving him/her tax breaks to do so. Fuck that. The government should have tariff'ed that asshole, not given him tax breaks.

Anyways, you guys are silly. If you want to know what I think, just go listen to Obama's speech again. He said it all. :clap2:
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And like President Obama, Speaker Pelosi heralded her election as "a call to change." In her acceptance speech, she put it this way: "We have made history," she said. "Now let us make progress for our new America."

That was January 2007. Before the year was out, her approval ratings would be lower than George W. Bush's.

He did say 'last 8 years' quite often.

Exactly - and that is an utter sign of weakness, not to mention not quite accurate, as his own party is heading into its 3rd year of dominating both the House and Senate.

Obama points a finger at the "doubling national debt" during the Bush years, and yet, he will be doing that and more within a month of taking office - what took Bush eight years will take Obama one month.

The media should have rightfully questioned him on this, but no, such a question was not to come from the pre-determined short list of reporter questions.

All in all, a middling at best initial press conference performance.
You are correct. It took America 200 YEARS to borrow 800 billion dollars. Oblahblah is going to borrow MORE than that in ONE MONTH.

People that voted for him should be ashamed of themselves.
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And like President Obama, Speaker Pelosi heralded her election as "a call to change." In her acceptance speech, she put it this way: "We have made history," she said. "Now let us make progress for our new America."

That was January 2007. Before the year was out, her approval ratings would be lower than George W. Bush's.

He did say 'last 8 years' quite often.

Exactly - and that is an utter sign of weakness, not to mention not quite accurate, as his own party is heading into its 3rd year of dominating both the House and Senate.

Obama points a finger at the "doubling national debt" during the Bush years, and yet, he will be doing that and more within a month of taking office - what took Bush eight years will take Obama one month.

The media should have rightfully questioned him on this, but no, such a question was not to come from the pre-determined short list of reporter questions.

All in all, a middling at best initial press conference performance.
You are correct. It took America 200 YEARS to borrow 800 billion dollars. Oblahblah is going to borrow MORE than that in ONE MONTH.

People that voted for him should be ashamed of themselves.

Obama enherited this mess. That's why we didn't vote for McCain, Bush's predesessor.

It sounds like after 8 years of Bush you voted for McCain. Is that true? :cuckoo:
No kidding: Here my husband was, who doesn't pay as much attention to politics as I do even got frustrated. He looked at me, stood up from the couch, threw his hands up in the air said: You've got to be kidding right--over those absolutely nothing to do with the stimulus package. The steriod's on the baseball player sent him out of the room.

Agreed - while Obama's performance was underwhelming, those pre-selected reporters were deplorable.

And the fact Obama has to control the press room environment so much is pointed proof of his uncertainty in his own abilities.

And no follow up questions allowed?

I mean c'mon - this really has to stop.

For God's sake the man is President. The press needs to do its damn job.

I believe that there were millions of Americans watching this press conferance that were just as frustrated as we were with those absolutely nothing to do with the stimulus bill. Imagine, how the person who just lost their job felt about those frivilous questions.

Obama blew it there. He could have taken charge of those questions, sidelined the ones that had nothing to do with this stimulus bill. Instead, he spent precious minutes answering them. In fact, it would be interesting to know exactly how much time he spent answering those questions. It certainly wasn't the place or time for that. BTW--his press secretary could have easily answered those questions, during his daily briefing.

One of the talking political analysts on the TV said "This was a speech, with carefully crafted and placed questions designed to make it look like a press conference." I think I agree with at assessment.
You guys are haters. Obama's cock is 12 inches long...I give him hand jobs and reach around every night before he goes to bed. He blasted me with his man juice with the hopes that I could bear his child because he is not like any other politician...he is Obama and I want to marry him

I agree with your post. More and more lately, he appears frustrated and agitated whenever a reporter asks a tough question. Did he think this job was going to be a walk in the park? As Bush used to say, "its hard work!"

You guys are haters. He was MONEY last night. He's not frustrated. He measures his words before he speaks. And he's not lying, like Bush did. But he doesn't want to say anything that might give the GOP reason to cry, so he's very calculated.

He was most careful when speaking about Iran.

But wasn't it refreshing to have an intelligent President speaking to us? It has been 8 years of Southern Retard leading the country, and finally we have a Statesman leading us.
More and more lately? What a joke. At least he's allowing reporters to ask tough questions. Bush only called on his buddies in the press to toss him softballs.

we do? who is he?
I couldn't believe that some of these reporters strayed off topic--asking ridiculous questions regarding some baseball player on sterioids, 2 or 3 Iraq/Afganistan questions, 1 Iran question, & then Patrick Leah wanting to investigage war crimes on President Bush.

Regarding the baseball question -- didn't Obama say something to the effect that it was a shame about A-rods steriod use; kids look up to him and he cheated, now kids would think cheating was how you do things (someting along those lines). Um, hellooooo O-man -- you REWARD cheaters by giving them top ranking positions in your cabinet!!!! Talk about a fucking hypocrite.


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You guys are haters. He was MONEY last night. He's not frustrated. He measures his words before he speaks. And he's not lying, like Bush did. But he doesn't want to say anything that might give the GOP reason to cry, so he's very calculated.

He was most careful when speaking about Iran.

But wasn't it refreshing to have an intelligent President speaking to us? It has been 8 years of Southern Retard leading the country, and finally we have a Statesman leading us.

More and more lately? What a joke. At least he's allowing reporters to ask tough questions. Bush only called on his buddies in the press to toss him softballs.

Speaking directions for Bobo:

Remove head from Obama's ASS, then open mouth.

He is fucking awesome, huh?

I got chills when it finally dawned on me that he is the president and Bush is really gone.

PS. You had your head up Bush's ass while he ruined your home value, 401K, job opportunities.

I have my head up Obama's ass while he tries to fix what you guys did to the American way.

I am truly appauled and ashamed at you idiots. For 8 years the GOP sent jobs overseas. You said it was necessary? Stupid cock suckers. It was totally unnecessary, unless you are an owner who's not happy making $5 million a year. So how do you go from making $5 to $10 million? Go overseas. I don't blame the business owner for doing it. I blame the GOP for allowing/encouraging it by giving him/her tax breaks to do so. Fuck that. The government should have tariff'ed that asshole, not given him tax breaks.

Anyways, you guys are silly. If you want to know what I think, just go listen to Obama's speech again. He said it all. :clap2:

At least you admit you're an Obama sheep and don't have the capacity to argue from an intellectual standpoint.

As to who is to blame for this, you need to check your history, you couldn't be more wrong about it if you wanted to be. Here's a quick recap.

In 1977 DEMOCRAT President Jimmy Carter signs The Community Reinvestment Act. Another one of your typical liberal sounds like a good idea with little actual thought behind it pieces of legislation. Designed to help minorities purchase homes it pressured lenders to make riskier loans to get minorities into homes. Lenders were essentially being accussed by the left of being racist because more loans were going to whites than minorities. That is true, but the reason wasn't racism. Minorities were simply higher credit risks.

The Clinton administration and congress reduced restricitons on how much capital Freddie and Fannie needed to keep on hand to 2.5%. Banks need to keep 10%.

Finally under the Bush adminsitration it was propossed that tighter regulation be put on Freddie and Fannie. This was oppossed by DEMOCRATS and namely Barney Frank who denied there was any problem. Oh how wrong Barney was.

Now I have said there are pleny of other variables at play here including an increasing amount of people who are just plain financially illiterate. But Dems have plenty of blame on this. Not none. At not just '5%'.
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You guys are haters. Obama's cock is 12 inches long...I give him hand jobs and reach around every night before he goes to bed. He blasted me with his man juice with the hopes that I could bear his child because he is not like any other politician...he is Obama and I want to marry him

I couldn't believe that some of these reporters strayed off topic--asking ridiculous questions regarding some baseball player on sterioids, 2 or 3 Iraq/Afganistan questions, 1 Iran question, & then Patrick Leah wanting to investigage war crimes on President Bush.

Regarding the baseball question -- didn't Obama say something to the effect that it was a shame about A-rods steriod use; kids look up to him and he cheated, now kids would think cheating was how you do things (someting along those lines). Um, hellooooo O-man -- you REWARD cheaters by giving them top ranking positions in your cabinet!!!! Talk about a fucking hypocrite.

Exactly :clap2::clap2:
You guys are haters. Obama's cock is 12 inches long...I give him hand jobs and reach around every night before he goes to bed. He blasted me with his man juice with the hopes that I could bear his child because he is not like any other politician...he is Obama and I want to marry him


I think Sealy has it on youtube from his private collection of fluffing sessios he performed on the POTUS
You guys are haters. Obama's cock is 12 inches long...I give him hand jobs and reach around every night before he goes to bed. He blasted me with his man juice with the hopes that I could bear his child because he is not like any other politician...he is Obama and I want to marry him


You guys are haters. Obama's cock is 12 inches long...I give him hand jobs and reach around every night before he goes to bed. He blasted me with his man juice with the hopes that I could bear his child because he is not like any other politician...he is Obama and I want to marry him


I think Sealy has it on youtube from his private collection of fluffing sessios he performed on the POTUS

:lol: :lol: He really should share with the other children.

Talk about a stimulus plan. . . .
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It amuses me to witness you who supported Bush now attempting to negate the outcome of the policies which you all supported.

You have contempt for the working classes, and now that their pain is yours you're STILL trying to blame anyone but yourselves for the mess we're in.

Her's a tip...America includes more than just the wealthy.

If the wealthy have all the money, all the breaks and all the power, the system inevitably stops working.

I know that doesn't jibe with your theories, but that should be a fairly decent clue that your theories are just plain old wrong.
what amases me is how people think the left is for the "middle class"...the dems appeal to the super rich and the super poor.
It amuses me to witness you who supported Bush now attempting to negate the outcome of the policies which you all supported.

Didn't read my post did ya. It was Bush who tried negate some of what we're seeing now by putting restrictions on Freddie and Fannie. Restrictions which were oppossed and ultimately not passed by DEMOCRATS. I'm not a fan of a lot of the things Bush did, but that was one thing he tried to do which was oppossed which could be considered a big reason we are seeing the problems we are now.

You have contempt for the working classes, and now that their pain is yours you're STILL trying to blame anyone but yourselves for the mess we're in.

I have no contempt for the working class. I AM the working class. I have been quite clear about this. I have contempt for people that believe the responsibility to imporive their standard of living falls predominantly on someone else.

I know that doesn't jibe with your theories, but that should be a fairly decent clue that your theories are just plain old wrong.

What theories would those be?
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You guys are haters. Obama's cock is 12 inches long...I give him hand jobs and reach around every night before he goes to bed. He blasted me with his man juice with the hopes that I could bear his child because he is not like any other politician...he is Obama and I want to marry him


Are you still distancing yourself from Bush or back to embracing his policies?

See, I told you liars you were doing this. Distancing yourselves from Bush but at the same time advocating his policies.

So tell me, what should Obama do?

More tax breaks or nothing?

Because no economists say either approach is right. Only you and the minority in Congress say stupid shit like that.

Or, are you "not a republican" :eusa_liar:
what amases me is how people think the left is for the "middle class"...the dems appeal to the super rich and the super poor.

You Republicans constantly suggest the American middle class make too much $.

So who's for the middle class if not the Dems?

And explain how the GOP are for the middle class.

Then explain what went wrong.

And how does sending manufacturing overseas help the middle class?

Is that what they call Compassionate Conservatism?
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