Obama recieved over 6 millon fewer votes Why didn't Romney Get Them?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Was it because of his religion? Or did Obama's demonization of a heartless Mitt Romney work? I still think he should have picked Rubio as VP, I love Ryan but he didn't really help him carry any state
Picking Marco Rubio would not have made a difference. People vote for the top of the ticket. I have no idea why the election turned out how it did. Romney seemed to clear cut better choice to me, but it is what it is. Time to move on.

But I'm glad Marco Rubio was not in the mix. I think it makes it better for him to make a run at the Presidency in 2016. If he can guarantee Florida and more than hald of the Latino vote the GOP will have it's best shot since 2008.
Was it because of his religion? Or did Obama's demonization of a heartless Mitt Romney work? I still think he should have picked Rubio as VP, I love Ryan but he didn't really help him carry any state

Romney got 2 million less votes than McCain got. Some of those went to Obama (I know mine did), but most probably didn't show up because they weren't living in a swing state and they figured, "Meh, Romney isn't worth getting out of bed for."

And I'm sure that this was the case with most of these 6 million who didn't vote for Obama. Not that they would have ever picked Romney, but they probably lived in California or Texas and figured their vote wouldn't have made the difference, anyhow.
Was it because of his religion? Or did Obama's demonization of a heartless Mitt Romney work? I still think he should have picked Rubio as VP, I love Ryan but he didn't really help him carry any state

Romney got 2 million less votes than McCain got. Some of those went to Obama (I know mine did), but most probably didn't show up because they weren't living in a swing state and they figured, "Meh, Romney isn't worth getting out of bed for."

And I'm sure that this was the case with most of these 6 million who didn't vote for Obama. Not that they would have ever picked Romney, but they probably lived in California or Texas and figured their vote wouldn't have made the difference, anyhow.

Wrong... Look again, Romney got less than 500,000 fewer than McCain

President - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Election Results 2012: CBSNews.com
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Fellows, you demonized women. You demonized hispanics. You demonized people with a differant sexuality than yourselves. And now you are demonizing Christie and people under 30. Perhaps you should drop this demonization thing. And maybe you should find a few things to be for, rather than against everything.

This is a democratic republic. You offend enough voters, and you will continue to lose elections. Your choice as to whether you wish to be a viable party in the future, or joing the Whigs.
Fellows, you demonized women. You demonized hispanics. You demonized people with a differant sexuality than yourselves. And now you are demonizing Christie and people under 30. Perhaps you should drop this demonization thing. And maybe you should find a few things to be for, rather than against everything.

This is a democratic republic. You offend enough voters, and you will continue to lose elections. Your choice as to whether you wish to be a viable party in the future, or joing the Whigs.

Obama demonized people making over $250,000 thats why he lost 6 million votes
Was it because of his religion? Or did Obama's demonization of a heartless Mitt Romney work? I still think he should have picked Rubio as VP, I love Ryan but he didn't really help him carry any state

Romney got 2 million less votes than McCain got. Some of those went to Obama (I know mine did), but most probably didn't show up because they weren't living in a swing state and they figured, "Meh, Romney isn't worth getting out of bed for."

And I'm sure that this was the case with most of these 6 million who didn't vote for Obama. Not that they would have ever picked Romney, but they probably lived in California or Texas and figured their vote wouldn't have made the difference, anyhow.

Wrong... Look again, Romney got less than 500,000 fewer than McCain

President - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Election Results 2012: CBSNews.com

And over 2 million less than the President. Hardly matters whether he recieved less or more than McCain.
Romney got 2 million less votes than McCain got. Some of those went to Obama (I know mine did), but most probably didn't show up because they weren't living in a swing state and they figured, "Meh, Romney isn't worth getting out of bed for."

And I'm sure that this was the case with most of these 6 million who didn't vote for Obama. Not that they would have ever picked Romney, but they probably lived in California or Texas and figured their vote wouldn't have made the difference, anyhow.

Wrong... Look again, Romney got less than 500,000 fewer than McCain

President - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Election Results 2012: CBSNews.com

And over 2 million less than the President. Hardly matters whether he recieved less or more than McCain.

To you it doesn't matter that's not the question is it?
Fellows, you demonized women. You demonized hispanics. You demonized people with a differant sexuality than yourselves. And now you are demonizing Christie and people under 30. Perhaps you should drop this demonization thing. And maybe you should find a few things to be for, rather than against everything.

This is a democratic republic. You offend enough voters, and you will continue to lose elections. Your choice as to whether you wish to be a viable party in the future, or joing the Whigs.

Obama demonized people making over $250,000 thats why he lost 6 million votes

No, he just scared the shit out of a bunch that realize they may end up paying the same percentage of their income in taxes as I do.
Fellows, you demonized women. You demonized hispanics. You demonized people with a differant sexuality than yourselves. And now you are demonizing Christie and people under 30. Perhaps you should drop this demonization thing. And maybe you should find a few things to be for, rather than against everything.

This is a democratic republic. You offend enough voters, and you will continue to lose elections. Your choice as to whether you wish to be a viable party in the future, or joing the Whigs.

Its actually mostly politcal hacks saying we demonize those groups. They fell for the spin the democrats were pushing out, plain and simple.
Was it because of his religion? Or did Obama's demonization of a heartless Mitt Romney work? I still think he should have picked Rubio as VP, I love Ryan but he didn't really help him carry any state

Romney got 2 million less votes than McCain got. Some of those went to Obama (I know mine did), but most probably didn't show up because they weren't living in a swing state and they figured, "Meh, Romney isn't worth getting out of bed for."

And I'm sure that this was the case with most of these 6 million who didn't vote for Obama. Not that they would have ever picked Romney, but they probably lived in California or Texas and figured their vote wouldn't have made the difference, anyhow.

Wrong look again

President - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Election Results 2012: CBSNews.com

Why am I not surprised you don't do complete research. CNN stopped updating that count after a certain point.

Here is the official tally for 2008.

President Elect - 2008

Obama - 69,297,997
McCain - 59,597,520

and here's the tally - SO FAR - for 2012.

Obama - 60,311,242
Romney- 57,538,259

I'm sure that this isn't complete yet.. and Romney might actually get to a point where he equals McCain, but he won't suprass him.

To answer your original questions, though.

Yes, lots of folks didn't vote for Romney because of his religion. And screaming bigot at us didn't make us vote for him.

Mitt Romney was "demonized" by his own words like "I don't care about the 47%" and "I like to be able to fire people". All Obama did was point out that it was usually more than just words.

Rubio wouldn't have made a difference. He might have even been worse.
Fellows, you demonized women. You demonized hispanics. You demonized people with a differant sexuality than yourselves. And now you are demonizing Christie and people under 30. Perhaps you should drop this demonization thing. And maybe you should find a few things to be for, rather than against everything.

This is a democratic republic. You offend enough voters, and you will continue to lose elections. Your choice as to whether you wish to be a viable party in the future, or joing the Whigs.

How did they demonize women? They didnt demonize hispanics. Its illegals they demonized! They think marriage should be for man and woman. I personally dont care, but they do.. And what about people under 30? Trying to ACTUALLY get them jobs was demonizing them?
How do you know it's 6 million? They're still counting Florida

The official tally is 60 million for Obama right now, with 98% counted nationally. That's 9 million less than he got in 2008. I think they will find a few million more votes when California is tallied up completely.
Was it because of his religion? Or did Obama's demonization of a heartless Mitt Romney work? I still think he should have picked Rubio as VP, I love Ryan but he didn't really help him carry any state

Romney got 2 million less votes than McCain got. Some of those went to Obama (I know mine did), but most probably didn't show up because they weren't living in a swing state and they figured, "Meh, Romney isn't worth getting out of bed for."

And I'm sure that this was the case with most of these 6 million who didn't vote for Obama. Not that they would have ever picked Romney, but they probably lived in California or Texas and figured their vote wouldn't have made the difference, anyhow.

Yup...Listen to local talk radio on Election Day and that's all you hear about...how our votes in CA don't "count". Of course, these short sighted individuals don't realize that all politics are local, but I understand their frustration in Presidential Elections. The President is elected in just a handful. That's disheartening to those of us in the other 40 states.
Obama demonized people making over $250,000 thats why he lost 6 million votes

Or that there just wasn't as much enthusiasm overall in 2012 that there was in 2008.

People thought in 2008 they could actually change things.

2012 was an argument over who could manage more of the same best. No one getting out of bed early for that.

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