Obama’s Coalition of the Unwilling


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
The world is saying wtf happened to the dear leader, he keeps it up and he'll never be president of the U.N., that's a shame...

Obama’s Coalition of the Unwilling

September 3, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


In 2004 and 2008, John Kerry and Barack Obama ran for office on a platform of repairing our diplomatic relations with Europe that they claimed George W. Bush had shattered with his unilateral cowboy antics.

Fast forward nine and five years respectively and the diplomatic dream team of Kerry and Obama, one of whom even speaks French, has assembled a Coalition of the Unwilling that mostly consists of France.

Obama and Kerry may have gained France, whose loss under Bush occasioned much agonizing from the Democrats, but they lost the United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland the Ukraine and the Czech Republic; all members of Bush’s Coalition of the Willing in Iraq.

Prime Minister Cameron lost a vote in the House of Commons over Syria; a defeat that the British paper The Telegraph blamed directly on Obama’s failures of international leadership.

George W. Bush, that rogue cowboy, had gone to the United Nations and reached out to his European allies to encourage them to stand with the United States.

Obama?s Coalition of the Unwilling | FrontPage Magazine

John Kerry: Face of Defeat

September 4, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert

A picture of John Kerry has recently resurfaced that embodies the quality of his judgement and the reality of his long relationship with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. The same man Kerry compares to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein today was Kerry’s dining partner in 2009. The picture was taken at time when Kerry and a number of other naive Democrats believed Assad could be a potential partner in bringing peace to the Middle East. If such a colossal mistake represented an anomaly in Kerry’s career, it might be understandable. It does not. Kerry has a long and despicable track record of supporting totalitarians and killers that makes him an embarrassment on the world stage.

After serving in Vietnam as a swift boat captain, Kerry immediately embraced the anti-war movement diametrically opposed to that service. In 1970, Kerry met with the North Vietnamese and Vietcong delegations in Paris, to discuss their peace proposals. He was unconcerned his effort bordered on violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which holds accountable any person who “without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly.” Kerry was especially enchanted with eight points offered by Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, winner of the Lenin Peace Prize, urging the U.S. Senate to adopt them. Kerry also became a spokesman and organizer for Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), a group that signed a “People’s Peace Treaty” aligning itself with the Viet Cong’s conditions for ending the war. Kerry approved of that treaty as well.

Yet the most despicable part of Kerry’s anti-war efforts occurred in 1971.


Yesterday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey summed up Kerry’s current logic. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) asked the General what the administration “was seeking” in Syria. “I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking,” Dempsey replied. Neither can our clueless Secretary of State, even as he personifies the Obama administration’s weakness, incompetence and untrustworthiness.

John Kerry: Face of Defeat | FrontPage Magazine
Isil enjoying fruits of Russia's Syrian bombing campaign
Albert Aji
Published 11/10/2015


AIR POWER: Russia’s SU-34 fighter/bomber is flying in Syria

The Russian military pressed on with its air campaign in Syria yesterday, bombing more than rebel 60 targets as US officials admitted it could do nothing to protect its proxies on the ground.

Syria's army, emboldened by Russian air power, said it had advanced on villages in northern Hama and Idlib provinces, strongholds of rebel groups opposed to President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Russia said its latest wave of raids targeted fighters associated with Islamic State in Idlib and Aleppo provinces - although the group has little presence in those areas.

Russia's defence ministry had claimed on Friday to have killed 100 fighters, including two Isil field commanders, in a strike on an ammunition depot near Aleppo. Meanwhile, US officials said that CIA-backed rebels in the area were under Russian bombardment with little prospect of rescue by their American sponsors.

The Russians "know their targets, and they have a sophisticated capacity to understand the battlefield situation", said Republican congressman Mike Pompeo, who is on the House of Representatives intelligence committee. They are "bombing in locations that are not connected" to Isil, he said.


Isil enjoying fruits of Russia's Syrian bombing campaign - Independent.ie

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