That article is incorrect. That isn't a Supermax facility.This guy is in la la land...
Obama says US prisons tough enough for detainees
Now read this article...
Baltimore Crime Beat: Prison cell phones - Baltimore, Maryland crime news, blogs and video -
Obama is a joke... and his sheep are even worse...
Regardless. The Dems caved in to the pressure the GOP put on them. NIMBY. Not In My Back Yard. People don't want "terrorists" in their states? Why? Our prisons can't hold them?
I bet it has to do with Haloburton owning Guantanimo, or something like that. Prison is a multi billion dollar industry.
The law says we don't have to let them go in America if they are not citizens.
How dare us ask other countries to take some of them if we won't take some too.
And what is the GOP solution? Is it to keep Guantanimo open forever? Or until they all die?
What ever happened to the rule of law? Give these people their day in court.
It isn't that the evidence is sensitive, its that we don't have any evidence.
Being anti GOP doesn't mean being pro terrorism. Actually, the GOP are the terrorists.