Obama Slides Taliban Lawyer Into Top Spot At Justice Department


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
A lawyer who came to prominence for his full-throated defense of a subsequently convicted terrorist was quietly promoted to the No. 3 slot at the Department of Justice last month, a post that puts him in charge of the administration’s policy regarding Guantanamo Bay detainees.

Read more: Obama Slides Taliban Lawyer Into Top Spot At Justice Department - Department Of Justice - Fox Nation

WTF????? I just heard this on Fox..

Obama: Snubs Bibi
Votes our Israel and God in plank
Refuses to set a date certain with Iran and their nuke jihad
Apologizes to our enemies for the deaths of Americans they slaughtered
Invites the Muslim Brotherhood to WH
Gives Brotherhood BILLIONS of dollars

Fox discussing it now.......

Eric Holder strikes again.. who represented himself, 18 enemy combatants in private practice before becoming the AG.. and LIED about it in confirmation hearings.

Justice Department officials have admitted that when members of the U.S. Senate -- including Judiciary Committee members -- were considering the nomination of Eric Holder as President Obama's attorney general last year, he failed to disclose all of the legal briefs he had written or signed from his time in private practice especially those briefs that are pertinent to his current positions and views during the so-called war on terrorism.

"Holder has now decided to be open and transparent with the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his memory lapse to turn over copies of his legal filings, including Amicus briefs on behalf of detained terrorists and enemy combatants," Michael Baker told the Law Enforcement Examiner.

"Holder also used the oldest trick in the book: he made his official statement on a Friday afternoon during the usual lull in the news cycle," Baker said.

"As part of Holder's confirmation process, a list of legal briefs to the committee was turned over to senate staffers," he said. And the list turned over to the Senate Judiciary Committee did not include filings in about seven cases.

The issue of Holder's past legal papers came up after some Republicans asked why lawyers who had previously done legal work for terror detainees now had jobs in the Justice Department, something President Barack Obama successfully avoided discussing, and something conveniently overlooked by a Justice Department now saturated with Holder colleagues whose work records show they defended terrorism suspects and 'Gitmo' detainees, according to former intelligence officer Michael Snopes.

"Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t tell the Senate Judiciary Committee about at least six Supreme Court amicus briefs he prepared or supported, his office acknowledged in a letter Friday, including two urging the Court to reject the Bush administration’s attempt to try Jose Padilla as an enemy combatant," Snopes stated.

Attorney General Holder may cost Obama re-election, say critics - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com

The depth of corruption in this Justice Dept is mind blowing.

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