Obama the Communist


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
The Obammunists

Frank Marshall Davis - Marxist / communist who was mentor/integral part of Obama's youth
Valerie Jarrett - Marxist / communist / top Obama adviser/ daughter of confirmed communist
Bill Ayers - Marxist / communist / convicted domestic terrorist
Bernadine Dorn - communist / Marxist / convicted domestic terrorist
David Axlerod - communist / Marxist - was a writer for a communist newspaper /member of CPUSA
Rev. Jeremiah Wright - radical racist who Obama offered $150,000 to keep quiet in 2008
Derrick Bell - radical racist and one of Obama's top mentors from Harvard
Carl Davidson - communist / Marxist - former leader of the Chicago New Party and staunch Maoist
Anita Dunn - communist / Marxist / Maoist - commended Chairman Mao for his slaughter of the Chinese
Jodi Evans - communist / Marxist - avid supporter of the anti-American group Code Pink
Sam Felson - socialist / communist - ran Obama campaign blogs
Patrick Gaspard - communist / Marxist - tied to ACORN and very active with Obama and the CPUSA
Van Jones - communist Marxist - close friend - founder & leader of the Communist group STORM
Jeff Jones - communist / Marxist - close Obama friend and colleague, very close ties to Ayers & Jones
Marilyn Katz - communist / Marxist - close friend of Obama & Axlerod, head of SDS with Bill Ayers
Rashid Khalidi - communist / Marxist - close friend, head of the anti American/Israel PLO
Mike Klonski - communist / Marxist - gave nearly $2 Million to the Obama campaign in 08
Mike Kruglik - communist / socialist / Marxist - teaches Saul Alinski methods
John McKnight - communist socialist / Marxist - close friend, teaches Saul Alinski methods
Khalid Al-Mansour - close friend, racist, close supporter of the Blk Panthers
Alice Palmer - communist /Marxist - close friend - picked Obama to replace her in IL State Senate
Zach Pollet - communist / Marxist - close friend and political director for ACORN project vote
Tony Rezko - close friend and convicted felon who assisted Obama in the purchase of his house
Wade Rathke - close friend and adviser, founder of ACORN
Joel Rogers - close friend and adviser - founder of the New Socialist Party
Goerge Soros - communist / socialist / economy destroyer / one of Obama's puppet masters
Percy Sutten - top campaign fundraiser and mentor of the New Blk Panthers party
Madeline Talbot - communist / socialist - one of Obama's top mentors at ACORN
Quentin Young - communist Marxist - one of Obama's long-time close friends and personal physician
Dude, Obama is closer to being a Republican. And Hillary is even more right-wing than Obama is. He's done all sorts of Republican things like renewing the Patriot Act, conducting a failed and deadly drone campaign, he went overboard with NSA spying, never closed Guantanamo. The list goes on. And Hillary is totally right-wing. She wants a no-fly zone in Syria and she caters to Wall Street over the working class.

I really can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats these days. If your worried now about Obama being a communist, your're really going to worry when we get a true progressive in the White House.
Dude, Obama is closer to being a Republican. And Hillary is even more right-wing than Obama is. He's done all sorts of Republican things like renewing the Patriot Act, conducting a failed and deadly drone campaign, he went overboard with NSA spying, never closed Guantanamo. The list goes on. And Hillary is totally right-wing. She wants a no-fly zone in Syria and she caters to Wall Street over the working class.

I really can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats these days. If your worried now about Obama being a communist, your're really going to worry when we get a true progressive in the White House.
Get real and get out more.
Nothing progressive about any democrats. At least not in the literal sense. Dems are stuck in the 1960's with their Frankfurt School marxist ideology.
Dude, Obama is closer to being a Republican. And Hillary is even more right-wing than Obama is. He's done all sorts of Republican things like renewing the Patriot Act, conducting a failed and deadly drone campaign, he went overboard with NSA spying, never closed Guantanamo. The list goes on. And Hillary is totally right-wing. She wants a no-fly zone in Syria and she caters to Wall Street over the working class.

I really can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats these days. If your worried now about Obama being a communist, your're really going to worry when we get a true progressive in the White House.
Get real and get out more.
Nothing progressive about any democrats. At least not in the literal sense. Dems are stuck in the 1960's with their Frankfurt School marxist ideology.
No one said Democrats were necessarily progressive
Dude, Obama is closer to being a Republican. And Hillary is even more right-wing than Obama is. He's done all sorts of Republican things like renewing the Patriot Act, conducting a failed and deadly drone campaign, he went overboard with NSA spying, never closed Guantanamo. The list goes on. And Hillary is totally right-wing. She wants a no-fly zone in Syria and she caters to Wall Street over the working class.

I really can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats these days. If your worried now about Obama being a communist, your're really going to worry when we get a true progressive in the White House.
Get real and get out more.
Nothing progressive about any democrats. At least not in the literal sense. Dems are stuck in the 1960's with their Frankfurt School marxist ideology.
No one said Democrats were necessarily progressive
Only every left wing democrat.

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