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Obama: The cornerstone and symbol of national apathy


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Mitt Romney has been successful at everything he's done and in the process he's honorably accumulated wealth. He's now a patriot and he wants to lead America back to success. Somehow, the media loons and citizen lemmings want to condemn him for that.

What kind of message does that send? Don't be too successful if you want to be president. Do we want a commander and chief or a moron and chief. Seriously, it reminds me of a scene from blazing saddles in which the town's people have a hard time accepting Sheriff Bart b/c he's not like them (even though he's ready to lead).


I don't care that Romney put an elevator in one of his houses. Good for him on living the American dream. Good for him for putting laborers to work. Good for him for believing in efficiency. And screw all you envious morons that want to condemn him for it.

Frankly, the only difference between Romney and Obama is Romney's living the high life on his own money and ya'll suckers are paying for Obama to live the high life and screw you in the process.

Obama is the food stamp president. He's the guy that gets in the way while we all sit on our asses and bitch about people with more stuff than us. He says it's okay to be jealous of the guy with more than you and in fact to be be bitter about it. He doesn't worry about telling some hard advice designed to look at yourself in the mirror and say what can I do.

The only time Obama is telling you to ask what can I do is when it's time to vote for him; like this is all just some sort of an f'ing video game. Oh, I voted for Obama; oh wait. I'm still an uneducated moron with no skills and a shizzy attitude. I'm still some d-bag gen y'er that thinks the world owes me.

"If people think there's something wrong with being successful in America, then they'd better vote for the other guy, because I've been extraordinarily successful, and I want to use that success and that know-how to help the American people."

-- Mitt Romney
Its almost like you are an NFL team, and you're looking to hire a new coach, and people are criticizing one coaching candidate for winning too much everywhere else he's been, and praising the other coaching candidate for saying he thinks the team should share it's plays and best players with opponents.

Hmmm. Guess that makes sense right?
My ongoing concern is that the RNC is not pushing the visible pain we need to experience in order to get this country back on track.

We need a congress that will act more like the Tea Party and start the real process of weaning people off the public dole. Not going to be easy.

Romney can't do it by himself. If we fall into that trap, we do the same thing Obama supporters did when he scammed them with Hope and Change which turned into Whine and Blame.
My ongoing concern is that the RNC is not pushing the visible pain we need to experience in order to get this country back on track.

We need a congress that will act more like the Tea Party and start the real process of weaning people off the public dole. Not going to be easy.

Romney can't do it by himself. If we fall into that trap, we do the same thing Obama supporters did when he scammed them with Hope and Change which turned into Whine and Blame.

The Ryan Budget was a big first step toward honest dialogue. Let's hope it continues.

America is at a crossroads and must choose between a rebirth of freedom based on sovereignty of the individual - or a collapse into the West European socialist malaise.

It could go either way, and right now freedom is on the ropes.
Unfortunately, presidential candidates on the right and the left have to deal in platitudes to a great degree. I would honestly hope that Romney doesn't try to get too cute and throw out a bunch of nuggets for the opposition to go scorched earth on him. Romney has to focus on generic concepts like Obama being a failure and his own ability to lead an economy.

Granted, a lot happens in a presidential race and it never all goes according to script so don't think there won't be some fireworks at some point.

As for the tea party; well about half of the candidates they elected are weenies and the other half have backbones (if that). That's way above average, but it really has to be a much stronger percentage or the movement is destined to get nowhere.

The narrative does need to stay on fiscal sanity especially. It can't be about right vs. left. It needs to be let's take care of our budget for starters. I know that it's simpler said than done b/c it's uphill against an overwhelming majority of idiot but I don't know what to tell you. I guess you can take comfort for now that at a minimum Romney will be damage control. Can you imagine Obama getting a second term and appointing two or three more Supreme Court ideologues. That scares me to death dude.
Unfortunately, presidential candidates on the right and the left have to deal in platitudes to a great degree. I would honestly hope that Romney doesn't try to get too cute and throw out a bunch of nuggets for the opposition to go scorched earth on him. Romney has to focus on generic concepts like Obama being a failure and his own ability to lead an economy.

Granted, a lot happens in a presidential race and it never all goes according to script so don't think there won't be some fireworks at some point.

As for the tea party; well about half of the candidates they elected are weenies and the other half have backbones (if that). That's way above average, but it really has to be a much stronger percentage or the movement is destined to get nowhere.

The narrative does need to stay on fiscal sanity especially. It can't be about right vs. left. It needs to be let's take care of our budget for starters. I know that it's simpler said than done b/c it's uphill against an overwhelming majority of idiot but I don't know what to tell you. I guess you can take comfort for now that at a minimum Romney will be damage control. Can you imagine Obama getting a second term and appointing two or three more Supreme Court ideologues. That scares me to death dude.

Again, I blame the RNC.

I expect the democrats to be stupid (and full of B.S. sound bytes) because they pander to the poor in an effor to stay in power.

The RNC is not leading the charge with the kind of backbone we need. The fact that we all need to get used to less government is a fact. Decompression or detox is not always fun. Reagan had to take us through some of that.

But a leader who knows how to lead can give people the backbone they need to get through with hopes for a brigher tomorrow.

We do have issues that need to be addressed. But thinking that one man is going to do it is a total fail. Reagan became less effective as the congress became more democratic.

Your final statement is the one that I think the libs have no idea about. Romney may not be everyones favorite, but Obama HAS GOT TO GO (back to Chicago).
Unfortunately, presidential candidates on the right and the left have to deal in platitudes to a great degree. I would honestly hope that Romney doesn't try to get too cute and throw out a bunch of nuggets for the opposition to go scorched earth on him. Romney has to focus on generic concepts like Obama being a failure and his own ability to lead an economy.

Granted, a lot happens in a presidential race and it never all goes according to script so don't think there won't be some fireworks at some point.

As for the tea party; well about half of the candidates they elected are weenies and the other half have backbones (if that). That's way above average, but it really has to be a much stronger percentage or the movement is destined to get nowhere.

The narrative does need to stay on fiscal sanity especially. It can't be about right vs. left. It needs to be let's take care of our budget for starters. I know that it's simpler said than done b/c it's uphill against an overwhelming majority of idiot but I don't know what to tell you. I guess you can take comfort for now that at a minimum Romney will be damage control. Can you imagine Obama getting a second term and appointing two or three more Supreme Court ideologues. That scares me to death dude.

Again, I blame the RNC.

I expect the democrats to be stupid (and full of B.S. sound bytes) because they pander to the poor in an effor to stay in power.

The RNC is not leading the charge with the kind of backbone we need. The fact that we all need to get used to less government is a fact. Decompression or detox is not always fun. Reagan had to take us through some of that.

But a leader who knows how to lead can give people the backbone they need to get through with hopes for a brigher tomorrow.

We do have issues that need to be addressed. But thinking that one man is going to do it is a total fail. Reagan became less effective as the congress became more democratic.

Your final statement is the one that I think the libs have no idea about. Romney may not be everyones favorite, but Obama HAS GOT TO GO (back to Chicago).

I'd prefer he went back to his home country, Kenya.

And yes, the RNC is weak. That'll probably be the tea party's main job sadly is to hold them accountable via elections. I was hoping that we'd have more solidarity but the RNC is bought and paid for.
My ongoing concern is that the RNC is not pushing the visible pain we need to experience in order to get this country back on track.

That got me thinking. What America really needs is the re-emergence of the Bluedog Democrat as a major factor in politics. This would of course require the stranglehold the radical Liberals have on the Democrat party to be broken.

While the Democrat will never rid themselves of their communists, the Nation would be better if the Democrats went down hard in '12, as it looks like they will, and they are forced to reconstitue themselves with moderate influences just like the Republicans have been forced to absorb the Tea Party influence.
My ongoing concern is that the RNC is not pushing the visible pain we need to experience in order to get this country back on track.

That got me thinking. What America really needs is the re-emergence of the Bluedog Democrat as a major factor in politics. This would of course require the stranglehold the radical Liberals have on the Democrat party to be broken.

While the Democrat will never rid themselves of their communists, the Nation would be better if the Democrats went down hard in '12, as it looks like they will, and they are forced to reconstitue themselves with moderate influences just like the Republicans have been forced to absorb the Tea Party influence.

What you say is true. Bluedog democrats were never an issue in my book (except that liberal morons tried to hide in the same tent). Keep in mind it was the bluedogs that kept Obama at bay (and really drew the wrath of people like Rachael Maddow and Katrina Vander Stupid) his first two years.

The biggest problem we have there is the radical and vocal idiocy of the RIGHT. They take the "my way or the highway" attitude to an extreme. I consider myself conservative but don't believe I am the only one in town who has an attitude that matters.

And once again, I will say that the GOP has failed. I tend to be a bit less conservative as things get closer to home. I would love to have a state discussion on health care (we'll never pass it, but the discussion is worth having). The GOP owns the statehouses and yet the do not clamor for 10th amendment considerations the way they should.

I have almost reached the conculsion that there is no such thing as a true conservative at the federal level.
And yes, the RNC is weak. That'll probably be the tea party's main job sadly is to hold them accountable via elections. I was hoping that we'd have more solidarity but the RNC is bought and paid for.

It is time we started kicking their asses.


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