Obama the Liar in Chief: September UN announces Afghanistan falling to ISIS:


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Okey dokey. I've been digging out more dates. We have the UN Security Council giving warnings last March about what is happening in Afghanistan.

In September we have the UN announcing that Afghanistan has fallen to ISIS 25 out of 34 states.

Now check this out.

Putin meets with Obama after UN in September. Obama does jack shit. Putin starts bombing the hell out of ISIS.

I warned you that Putin had skin in this game because of the Chechen connection that was established. Obama has only put on a dog and pony show. Of this there is no doubt.

It's been a bullshit game for Obama all along. Not only should he be impeached, Obama,Cameron and Harper and others should all be wearing orange for crimes against humanity for allowing ISIS to become a terror nation.
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I wonder how many of the White House computer specialists are going to try to discredit you over this post.
-You suck, you Pootin ass smoochers...

Actually, it's quite serious. The Air Force chief of staff, General Mark Welsh, said in a statement that we've dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles on ISIS since the war began 15 months ago and the supplies are not being replenished at a fast enough rate.

Air Force: We're Running Out of Bombs to Drop on ISIS
-You suck, you Pootin ass smoochers...

Actually, it's quite serious. The Air Force chief of staff, General Mark Welsh, said in a statement that we've dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles on ISIS since the war began 15 months ago and the supplies are not being replenished at a fast enough rate.

Air Force: We're Running Out of Bombs to Drop on ISIS

By their own admission only 25% dropped bombs. And they didn't hit ISIS infrastructure.

It's been a dog and pony show.

All a game for the liar in chief.

NOW get off calling me a Putin ass kisser and address the fact that Obama has allowed ISIS to take over three freaking nations.

Come on we all know how powerful the US military is. If your bastard that occupies 1600 would have unleashed them, he could have taken out ISIS in a heartbeat.
I wonder how many of the White House computer specialists are going to try to discredit you over this post.


I'd rather be gardening but with 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating I have far too much time on my hands. This was wild to link together and find the time line of his lies.
-You suck, you Pootin ass smoochers...

Actually, it's quite serious. The Air Force chief of staff, General Mark Welsh, said in a statement that we've dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles on ISIS since the war began 15 months ago and the supplies are not being replenished at a fast enough rate.

Air Force: We're Running Out of Bombs to Drop on ISIS

By their own admission only 25% dropped bombs. And they didn't hit ISIS infrastructure.

It's been a dog and pony show.

All a game for the liar in chief.

NOW get off calling me a Putin ass kisser and address the fact that Obama has allowed ISIS to take over three freaking nations.

Come on we all know how powerful the US military is. If your bastard that occupies 1600 would have unleashed them, he could have taken out ISIS in a heartbeat.
He has tried to get Congress to enlarge the operation and get involved..The GOP led Congress has done a great job of ignoring the threat..It takes an act of Congress to widen the scope of the war....
Okey dokey. I've been digging out more dates. We have the UN Security Council giving warnings last March about what is happening in Afghanistan.

In September we have the UN announcing that Afghanistan has fallen to ISIS 25 out of 34 states.

Now check this out.

Putin meets with Obama after UN in September. Obama does jack shit. Putin starts bombing the hell out of ISIS.

I warned you that Putin had skin in this game because of the Chechen connection was established. Obama has only put on a dog and pony show. Of this there is no doubt.

It's been a bullshit game for Obama all along. Not only should he be impeached, Obama,Cameron and Harper and others should all be wearing orange for crimes against humanity for allowing ISIS to become a terror nation.

I don't blame the president a goddamned bit.....not one iota! The way the bunch of rogue Republicans have stood in the way of everything he's tried to do and with a year left if it were me, I'd Say Phuck 'Em All....The Long, The Short And The Tall!!

Okey dokey. I've been digging out more dates. We have the UN Security Council giving warnings last March about what is happening in Afghanistan.

In September we have the UN announcing that Afghanistan has fallen to ISIS 25 out of 34 states.

Now check this out.

Putin meets with Obama after UN in September. Obama does jack shit. Putin starts bombing the hell out of ISIS.

I warned you that Putin had skin in this game because of the Chechen connection was established. Obama has only put on a dog and pony show. Of this there is no doubt.

It's been a bullshit game for Obama all along. Not only should he be impeached, Obama,Cameron and Harper and others should all be wearing orange for crimes against humanity for allowing ISIS to become a terror nation.
Don't forget Merkel. What she has done to Germany is a crime.
-You suck, you Pootin ass smoochers...

Actually, it's quite serious. The Air Force chief of staff, General Mark Welsh, said in a statement that we've dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles on ISIS since the war began 15 months ago and the supplies are not being replenished at a fast enough rate.

Air Force: We're Running Out of Bombs to Drop on ISIS

By their own admission only 25% dropped bombs. And they didn't hit ISIS infrastructure.

It's been a dog and pony show.

All a game for the liar in chief.

NOW get off calling me a Putin ass kisser and address the fact that Obama has allowed ISIS to take over three freaking nations.

Come on we all know how powerful the US military is. If your bastard that occupies 1600 would have unleashed them, he could have taken out ISIS in a heartbeat.
He has tried to get Congress to enlarge the operation and get involved..The GOP led Congress has done a great job of ignoring the threat..It takes an act of Congress to widen the scope of the war....

Bullshit. Don't hand me garbage. He's had his coalition after all.

It's been a dog and pony show for him. Address Obama saying that he has ISIS contained AFTER they invaded and took over most of Afghanistan.
My dad in law just took his last trip to Germany. He says everyone is in shock at what she has done. Germany is done like dinner.
Okey dokey. I've been digging out more dates. We have the UN Security Council giving warnings last March about what is happening in Afghanistan.

In September we have the UN announcing that Afghanistan has fallen to ISIS 25 out of 34 states.

Now check this out.

Putin meets with Obama after UN in September. Obama does jack shit. Putin starts bombing the hell out of ISIS.

I warned you that Putin had skin in this game because of the Chechen connection was established. Obama has only put on a dog and pony show. Of this there is no doubt.

It's been a bullshit game for Obama all along. Not only should he be impeached, Obama,Cameron and Harper and others should all be wearing orange for crimes against humanity for allowing ISIS to become a terror nation.

Don't forget Merkel. What she has done to Germany is a crime.

You want to know what was a crime?? That goddamned draft dodging George W. Bush invading a sovereign nation which had not harmed the U S and getting 4500 young Americans killed and another 35,000 seriously wounded. I might also mention that he wasted six trillion borrowed dollars after giving his rich oil buds two tax cuts, 2001 and 2003. The interest alone on that debt has cost us nearly $2 trillion in the last 10 years. Oh well......everybody knows the elite should always be able to afford another jet and a bigger ocean going yacht.

(notice the 1% line at the end of Bill Clinton's two terms)

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-You suck, you Pootin ass smoochers...

Actually, it's quite serious. The Air Force chief of staff, General Mark Welsh, said in a statement that we've dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles on ISIS since the war began 15 months ago and the supplies are not being replenished at a fast enough rate.

Air Force: We're Running Out of Bombs to Drop on ISIS

This is from the same administration that dropped warning flyers to ISIS truckers
The original sin in the Middle East was that Obama switched sides in the wot, drew down the most effective force for good, the one that quelled the violence and defeated the insurgents, and turned Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan over to the Jihadists
My rants are bipartisan. Against two Conservative leaders Cameron and Harper and against Obama. Bloody fools.

CREEPING EVIL: ISIS jihadis invade AFGHANISTAN just months after British troops left
EVIL Islamic State fighters are spreading into Afghanistan just months after British troops left the country.
By Vincent Wood
PUBLISHED: 05:01, Sat, Dec 5, 2015 | UPDATED: 10:19, Sat, Dec 5, 2015

It's all coming out now. There will be hell to pay for their bullshit over ISIS. My conservative has been booted out of office but Cameron and Obama need to be investigated and arrested and convicted for their part in this charade known as the Arab Spring that has given ISIS so much power.

ETA: and Clinton for Libya.
Okey dokey. I've been digging out more dates. We have the UN Security Council giving warnings last March about what is happening in Afghanistan.

In September we have the UN announcing that Afghanistan has fallen to ISIS 25 out of 34 states.

Now check this out.

Putin meets with Obama after UN in September. Obama does jack shit. Putin starts bombing the hell out of ISIS.

I warned you that Putin had skin in this game because of the Chechen connection that was established. Obama has only put on a dog and pony show. Of this there is no doubt.

It's been a bullshit game for Obama all along. Not only should he be impeached, Obama,Cameron and Harper and others should all be wearing orange for crimes against humanity for allowing ISIS to become a terror nation.
Friedman was on CNBC this morning and made a point about Obama's coalition. And that was that all Muslim partners in the coalition have a secondary objective of eliminating Isis. Their primary objective is to settle age old scores with their Muslim relatives. I agree...a fact NEVER addressed by Obama.

The interview went well until Joe Kernan got in and caused Friedman to melt down. Catch it if you can...
I wonder how many of the White House computer specialists are going to try to discredit you over this post.


I'd rather be gardening but with 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating I have far too much time on my hands. This was wild to link together and find the time line of his lies.
You need to move to Texas. Gardening is a bitch....but you can bitch all year long.
I wonder how many of the White House computer specialists are going to try to discredit you over this post.


I'd rather be gardening but with 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating I have far too much time on my hands. This was wild to link together and find the time line of his lies.
You need to move to Texas. Gardening is a bitch....but you can bitch all year long.

Used to live in Tennessee and I couldn't believe the growing season. It was awesome! I use a lot of Miracle Grow where I am now to pull off a garden in Zone 2b. I should be buying stock in the company.

I wonder how many of the White House computer specialists are going to try to discredit you over this post.


I'd rather be gardening but with 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating I have far too much time on my hands. This was wild to link together and find the time line of his lies.
You need to move to Texas. Gardening is a bitch....but you can bitch all year long.

Used to live in Tennessee and I couldn't believe the growing season. It was awesome! I use a lot of Miracle Grow where I am now to pull off a garden in Zone 2b. I should be buying stock in the company.

TN is too humid.

I prefer MT.

Plant Memorial Day.....harvest 4 months later or it's compost.
I had a super crop of tomatoes in 2014...and a total failure in 2015...any ideas what happened?

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