Obama to dems: I couldn't get Michelle to run, you're stuck with Biden


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

"The DNC Campaign To Oust Biden Has Failed​

Yesterday's assault by the Democratic National Committee on the Joe Biden campaign has failed...

The New York Times mobilized a slew of its opinion writers to convey the message:

But Joe Biden's wife, Dr. Jill Biden, resisted the move:

President Biden knew immediately after stepping off the stage in Atlanta on Thursday night that the debate had gone wrong. In those first stricken moments after a raspy, rambling and at times incoherent performance, he turned to his wife, Jill Biden.
The first lady’s message to him was clear: They’d been counted out before, she was all in, and he — they — would stay in the race. Her thinking, according to people close to her, was that it was a bad night. And bad nights end.
So Dr. Biden spent the 24 hours after the debate putting her decades as a political spouse to the test, projecting confidence and normalcy while effusively praising her husband.
Pushed along by his wife Joe Biden did not step back. The DNC assault on his campaign had failed.

Late last night former President Barack Obama, likely the man behind the 'oust Biden' campaign, publicly threw the towel.

Barack Obama @BarackObama - 18:36 UTC · Jun 28, 2024
Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November. Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website
Gleen Greenwald commented on Obama's intervention:

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald - 19:17 UTC · Jun 28, 2024
Once the media starts to realize that they're not going to get Biden out of the race, they're all going to quickly retreat from the past 24 hours and get back on board.
Obama is directing them to do that and giving them the script to use:
The campaign to oust Biden has failed, but the damage is done.

Even pro-Biden voters will, from now on, watch diligently to find the flaws in the next Biden speech or debate.

It will be hard to rebury that issue."


Obama cannot trust anyone besides Joe to be his mindless puppet

It could have been Michelle or Val Jarett or Vicky Nuland

Obama ordered his media to support Biden

"The DNC Campaign To Oust Biden Has Failed​

Yesterday's assault by the Democratic National Committee on the Joe Biden campaign has failed...

The New York Times mobilized a slew of its opinion writers to convey the message:

But Joe Biden's wife, Dr. Jill Biden, resisted the move:

Pushed along by his wife Joe Biden did not step back. The DNC assault on his campaign had failed.

Late last night former President Barack Obama, likely the man behind the 'oust Biden' campaign, publicly threw the towel.

Gleen Greenwald commented on Obama's intervention:

The campaign to oust Biden has failed, but the damage is done.

Even pro-Biden voters will, from now on, watch diligently to find the flaws in the next Biden speech or debate.

It will be hard to rebury that issue."


Obama cannot trust anyone besides Joe to be his mindless puppet

It could have been Michelle or Val Jarett or Vicky Nuland

Obama ordered his media to support Biden
Michelle is a racist, not very smart and would lead us down the totalitarian road even faster than Bernie. The crooked media would have their hands full, trying to sell such a defective loser to the public. MAGA
If she ran, I’m betting she beats Don easily.
If she ran, I’m betting she beats Don easily.
And that proves we are 2nd or 3rd world nation in waiting. And impoverishing many people in our nation that are used to some comforts is something we are not used to since the end of WW2 and the growth years over the next couple of decades.
They overshot the runway (as usual) in their hysteria. Some 22-year old intern reminded the covey of child molesters that they lose 3 swing states immediately by default - too late to change the ticket. This includes WI and NV.

Ooops, (sound of brakes screeching before a fatal crash) Robert L Peters is our man! From "that drooling fucktard has imploded the party" to "he had a rough night, because he had a cold" in 4.3 seconds.

Yes, it's ok to laugh and point at these soulless animals... because you're rooting for America. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

What are Michelle Obamas qualifications to be president of the U.S?

I don't even think Barack would try to convince her to run, I just don't believe it. Would he really send his wife out there to try and be a figurehead for global democracy? It's absurd.

Does anyone here think the world leaders would welcome her? As much as European leaders disliked Trump reading them the riot act, they at least know that he had a very competent administration and when push came to shove, Trump wouldn't back down from any enemy.
If you had billions sitting over in Ukraine waiting for you would you run for president in America? :heehee:

Why would Obama and Michelle want Biden to do two terms (ending up with a better record than his) with people already saying Biden's presidency was "BETTER" than Obamas. They want Biden "Votted" out!
Michelle Obama had one initiative as the first lady. She was pushing for our children to eat healthy food. During that campaign, she personally ballooned up to around 300 lbs. What a leader. MAGA
It would be fun to break out the Big Mike dick jokes, but it wouldn't last long. He prefers to hate YT through his little bitch, Barry, in private. Like their stuttering shit clown, Big Mike would fail the debate test, or any other kind of public scrutiny, miserably.

big mike michelle hotdog.jpg

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