*Obama Wants To Save The Homo HIV On Unlimted Tax Dollars*

Sorry bout that,

1. CWN still hates Obama.
2. Would of been better if he had proclaimed cancer to be his goal to cure.
3. Of course Obama making statements to cure something will make it so, Americans are so fucking stupid.
4. Hey stupid Obama isn't God, really I'm not kidding .

Well there are some people who adulate the President for no good reason but then of course, the opposite is true.

"The United States will give as much as $5 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria over the next two years, matching every $2 raised from other sources with $1 of government giving........"

There are more heterosexuals with AIDS now than homosexuals.

He's just another politician.
Sorry bout that,

1. You know he knows who is going to profit from these funds right?
2. He is paving his way to being elected thrice.
3. Oh sure like we need to save a bunch of sick homo's kind of like what JFK did in going to the moon!
4. No, lets don't and say we did.
link:Obama launches effort aimed at HIV cure - POLITICO.com


Homos, huh? Let me guess. If the recent "history lesson" topic is any guide, you must not be one of them minority-loving right wing Republicans we hear about.

As for Obama's bucks for AIDS, small potatoes. Bush's PEPFAR spent $15 billion on AIDS relief. Now THERE is a guy who loved homos and wanted a third term, amiright?

Speaking of deadly STDs and the filthy, dirty, godless heathens infected with them, how quickly we forget that syphilis and gonorrhea was slaying gazillions of heteros for CENTURIES.


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1. By saying "homos" you include Lesbians, who actually have the lowest prevalence of HIV of any sexual orientation group, including straight men and straight women.

2. The primary motive of this is political donations from gay rights groups, who in 2012 contributed 20% of Obama's campaign fund, which was huge

3. HIV is by no means exclusive to gay men, although they are the most affected, it's actually a widespread epidemic.

4. This has no relation to be elected three times as president, that's delusional

5. I think it's a great thing Obama is doing with fighting HIV

Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

By Jeannie DeAngeli
December 4, 2013

Blustering Obama was out there again, taking credit for things he didn't do and vowing to "fundamentally transform" yet another crisis. One would think that with the mess he's made of the U.S. health care system and the damage he's done to millions of innocent Americans, he'd shun making health-related promises, but no.

In honor of World AIDS Day, in addition to hanging a humongous red ribbon on the White House, Obama vowed that the U.S. would "be at the forefront of the discoveries how to put HIV in long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies. Or, better yet, eliminate it completely."


Right about now, Barack Obama can assume credit for many things, but if he desires to avoid humiliation, global leadership is a topic he should probably steer clear of.

Nonetheless, humiliation be damned, because Barack Obama certainly isn't the type of guy to sit by and allow G.W. Bush to get all the credit for the progress made saving millions of lives with the former president's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR. So Obama upped the ante and announced a three-year $100-million HIV Cure Initiative.

What Barack Obama fails to comprehend is that the reason PEPFAR has saved millions of lives in Africa is because George W. Bush's mindset was radically different from how liberals think about poor, uneducated people. Closet racists like Barack Obama typically believe that underprivileged black people are unable to assume responsibility for themselves.

Bush begged to differ with that premise, and with full faith and confidence believed the African people were more than capable of assuming responsibility to take their antiretroviral drugs. Despite the naysayers, the former president moved forward with the initiative and was proven right.

To this day, the program Bush started continues to treat millions with antiretroviral drugs that extend lives and prevent HIV from spreading.


Read more: Articles: Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

By Jeannie DeAngeli
December 4, 2013

Blustering Obama was out there again, taking credit for things he didn't do and vowing to "fundamentally transform" yet another crisis. One would think that with the mess he's made of the U.S. health care system and the damage he's done to millions of innocent Americans, he'd shun making health-related promises, but no.

In honor of World AIDS Day, in addition to hanging a humongous red ribbon on the White House, Obama vowed that the U.S. would "be at the forefront of the discoveries how to put HIV in long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies. Or, better yet, eliminate it completely."


Right about now, Barack Obama can assume credit for many things, but if he desires to avoid humiliation, global leadership is a topic he should probably steer clear of.

Nonetheless, humiliation be damned, because Barack Obama certainly isn't the type of guy to sit by and allow G.W. Bush to get all the credit for the progress made saving millions of lives with the former president's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR. So Obama upped the ante and announced a three-year $100-million HIV Cure Initiative.

What Barack Obama fails to comprehend is that the reason PEPFAR has saved millions of lives in Africa is because George W. Bush's mindset was radically different from how liberals think about poor, uneducated people. Closet racists like Barack Obama typically believe that underprivileged black people are unable to assume responsibility for themselves.

Bush begged to differ with that premise, and with full faith and confidence believed the African people were more than capable of assuming responsibility to take their antiretroviral drugs. Despite the naysayers, the former president moved forward with the initiative and was proven right.

To this day, the program Bush started continues to treat millions with antiretroviral drugs that extend lives and prevent HIV from spreading.


Read more: Articles: Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

What kind of horse-shit blog did you pull this from?

Big deal....

Obama allocates some money to HIV research.... cons jump up and down screaming .....

Fact Sheet: Shared Responsibility to Strengthen Results for an AIDS-Free Generation | The White House

PEPFAR has exceeded the President’s 2011 World AIDS Day target to put 6 million people on lifesaving treatment. As of September 30, 2013, PEPFAR is supporting treatment for 6.7 million people. This signifies an almost four-fold increase (from 1.7 million in 2008 to 6.7 million in 2013) since the start of the Obama Administration.

Increasing healthcare coverage: The Affordable Care Act will expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans, including thousands living with HIV. Under the law, starting in 2014 new health insurance plans will be required to cover HIV testing without additional out-of-pocket costs. Starting in 2014, insurance companies cannot deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV.

And spare us all the sanctimonious blather about how Bush was more responsible than Obama in funding HIV research. Any President would have established PEPFAR given the severity of the epidemic, even a conservative fucktard like Bush. If conservatives want to scoff at the measly $100 million Obama allocated, then petition the Republican House to up the ante and vote in a nice big increase.
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Tell me you guys don't buy into this shit.. Chesswars is like a moving Onion piece from board to board...He's awesome. Or she's awesome. ..................you guys don't buy it right?
Sorry bout that,

1. You know he knows who is going to profit from these funds right?
2. He is paving his way to being elected thrice.
3. Oh sure like we need to save a bunch of sick homo's kind of like what JFK did in going to the moon!
4. No, lets don't and say we did.
link:Obama launches effort aimed at HIV cure - POLITICO.com


Obama wants you to become gay. Seriously. That is why he wants to spend money so a cure for Aids may be found, just so you can become gay.
Sorry bout that,

2. He is paving his way to being elected thrice.

I was going to cite the 22nd Amendment, and how it limits a President to two term.

But then I realized,

The Liberals have yet to understand the 2nd Amendment, never mind the 22nd.

But then I realized again, that the 22nd Amendment was ratified by the Several States in order to prevent another Marxist from holding more than two terms, like Obama.

The 2nd and 22nd Amendment are the only remaining barriers to the Communism.
Sorry bout that,

2. He is paving his way to being elected thrice.

I was going to cite the 22nd Amendment, and how it limits a President to two term.

But then I realized,

The Liberals have yet to understand the 2nd Amendment, never mind the 22nd.

But then I realized again, that the 22nd Amendment was ratified by the Several States in order to prevent another Marxist from holding more than two terms, like Obama.

The 2nd and 22nd Amendment are the only remaining barriers to the Communism.

I remember when the dipshits on the far left told us how GW was going to anoint himself King and find a way to declare martial law so he did not have to step down at the end of his second term. Now I have to listen to dipshits on the far right say the same stupid shit about Obama. Too many quacks out there.

Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

By Jeannie DeAngeli
December 4, 2013

Blustering Obama was out there again, taking credit for things he didn't do and vowing to "fundamentally transform" yet another crisis. One would think that with the mess he's made of the U.S. health care system and the damage he's done to millions of innocent Americans, he'd shun making health-related promises, but no.

In honor of World AIDS Day, in addition to hanging a humongous red ribbon on the White House, Obama vowed that the U.S. would "be at the forefront of the discoveries how to put HIV in long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies. Or, better yet, eliminate it completely."


Right about now, Barack Obama can assume credit for many things, but if he desires to avoid humiliation, global leadership is a topic he should probably steer clear of.

Nonetheless, humiliation be damned, because Barack Obama certainly isn't the type of guy to sit by and allow G.W. Bush to get all the credit for the progress made saving millions of lives with the former president's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR. So Obama upped the ante and announced a three-year $100-million HIV Cure Initiative.

What Barack Obama fails to comprehend is that the reason PEPFAR has saved millions of lives in Africa is because George W. Bush's mindset was radically different from how liberals think about poor, uneducated people. Closet racists like Barack Obama typically believe that underprivileged black people are unable to assume responsibility for themselves.

Bush begged to differ with that premise, and with full faith and confidence believed the African people were more than capable of assuming responsibility to take their antiretroviral drugs. Despite the naysayers, the former president moved forward with the initiative and was proven right.

To this day, the program Bush started continues to treat millions with antiretroviral drugs that extend lives and prevent HIV from spreading.


Read more: Articles: Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

What kind of horse-shit blog did you pull this from?

Big deal....

Obama allocates some money to HIV research.... cons jump up and down screaming .....

Fact Sheet: Shared Responsibility to Strengthen Results for an AIDS-Free Generation | The White House

PEPFAR has exceeded the President’s 2011 World AIDS Day target to put 6 million people on lifesaving treatment. As of September 30, 2013, PEPFAR is supporting treatment for 6.7 million people. This signifies an almost four-fold increase (from 1.7 million in 2008 to 6.7 million in 2013) since the start of the Obama Administration.

Increasing healthcare coverage: The Affordable Care Act will expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans, including thousands living with HIV. Under the law, starting in 2014 new health insurance plans will be required to cover HIV testing without additional out-of-pocket costs. Starting in 2014, insurance companies cannot deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV.

And spare us all the sanctimonious blather about how Bush was more responsible than Obama in funding HIV research. Any President would have established PEPFAR given the severity of the epidemic, even a conservative fucktard like Bush. If conservatives want to scoff at the measly $100 million Obama allocated, then petition the Republican House to up the ante and vote in a nice big increase.

Hey %$^/sucker from california, you forgot the pic...:lol:

As early as 1986, those of us paying attention knew that HIV wasn't unique to gays; and I was 11 years old. "The Homo HIV"...sorry guys. I just have to say that if this quote is an indication of average intelligence....well....we know it isn't.
Sorry bout that,

2. He is paving his way to being elected thrice.

I was going to cite the 22nd Amendment, and how it limits a President to two term.

But then I realized,

The Liberals have yet to understand the 2nd Amendment, never mind the 22nd.

But then I realized again, that the 22nd Amendment was ratified by the Several States in order to prevent another Marxist from holding more than two terms, like Obama.

The 2nd and 22nd Amendment are the only remaining barriers to the Communism.

I remember when the dipshits on the far left told us how GW was going to anoint himself King and find a way to declare martial law so he did not have to step down at the end of his second term. Now I have to listen to dipshits on the far right say the same stupid shit about Obama. Too many quacks out there.

I never said Obama was going for a third term. That would be too obvious and would start 1776 all over again. The puppeteers have plenty of more pets to replace him with, so why would they bother?

Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

By Jeannie DeAngeli
December 4, 2013

Blustering Obama was out there again, taking credit for things he didn't do and vowing to "fundamentally transform" yet another crisis. One would think that with the mess he's made of the U.S. health care system and the damage he's done to millions of innocent Americans, he'd shun making health-related promises, but no.

In honor of World AIDS Day, in addition to hanging a humongous red ribbon on the White House, Obama vowed that the U.S. would "be at the forefront of the discoveries how to put HIV in long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies. Or, better yet, eliminate it completely."


Right about now, Barack Obama can assume credit for many things, but if he desires to avoid humiliation, global leadership is a topic he should probably steer clear of.

Nonetheless, humiliation be damned, because Barack Obama certainly isn't the type of guy to sit by and allow G.W. Bush to get all the credit for the progress made saving millions of lives with the former president's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR. So Obama upped the ante and announced a three-year $100-million HIV Cure Initiative.

What Barack Obama fails to comprehend is that the reason PEPFAR has saved millions of lives in Africa is because George W. Bush's mindset was radically different from how liberals think about poor, uneducated people. Closet racists like Barack Obama typically believe that underprivileged black people are unable to assume responsibility for themselves.

Bush begged to differ with that premise, and with full faith and confidence believed the African people were more than capable of assuming responsibility to take their antiretroviral drugs. Despite the naysayers, the former president moved forward with the initiative and was proven right.

To this day, the program Bush started continues to treat millions with antiretroviral drugs that extend lives and prevent HIV from spreading.


Read more: Articles: Obama Moves On to Curing AIDS

What kind of horse-shit blog did you pull this from?

Big deal....

Obama allocates some money to HIV research.... cons jump up and down screaming .....

Fact Sheet: Shared Responsibility to Strengthen Results for an AIDS-Free Generation | The White House

PEPFAR has exceeded the President’s 2011 World AIDS Day target to put 6 million people on lifesaving treatment. As of September 30, 2013, PEPFAR is supporting treatment for 6.7 million people. This signifies an almost four-fold increase (from 1.7 million in 2008 to 6.7 million in 2013) since the start of the Obama Administration.

Increasing healthcare coverage: The Affordable Care Act will expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans, including thousands living with HIV. Under the law, starting in 2014 new health insurance plans will be required to cover HIV testing without additional out-of-pocket costs. Starting in 2014, insurance companies cannot deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV.

And spare us all the sanctimonious blather about how Bush was more responsible than Obama in funding HIV research. Any President would have established PEPFAR given the severity of the epidemic, even a conservative fucktard like Bush. If conservatives want to scoff at the measly $100 million Obama allocated, then petition the Republican House to up the ante and vote in a nice big increase.

Hey %$^/sucker from california, you forgot the pic...:lol:


As usual, you dangle something shiny and expect us all to be distracted by the fact that you add nothing to the debate.

All you do is cut and paste.
Sorry bout that,

1. The liberal media will start with *For The Good Of The Country* we need Obama again.
2. And as a watcher and diligent inquirer of the American mind set, I watch you fucking idiots, and I watch you fucking idiots *real good*.
3. America is proof positive stupid as a fucking rock, we know for a fact Obama is not God, and yet he makes a statement as if he can cure HIV and the media never question it, they print it.
4. The liberal media will indeed try to sway all those stupid people who voted for Obama to allow Obama a third term.
5. And you watch it will happen.
6. America is gone, dead and gone, no one has bothered to throw dirt on it yet though.
7. The liberal media killed America, the liberal school system contribute as well, soon the schools will make the children to pray to Obama instead of saying, The Pledge of Allegiance.
8. You know this is true, and as your reading it you are not even repelled, its on its way, and I am here to foretell its coming.

What kind of horse-shit blog did you pull this from?

Big deal....

Obama allocates some money to HIV research.... cons jump up and down screaming .....

Fact Sheet: Shared Responsibility to Strengthen Results for an AIDS-Free Generation | The White House

PEPFAR has exceeded the President’s 2011 World AIDS Day target to put 6 million people on lifesaving treatment. As of September 30, 2013, PEPFAR is supporting treatment for 6.7 million people. This signifies an almost four-fold increase (from 1.7 million in 2008 to 6.7 million in 2013) since the start of the Obama Administration.

Increasing healthcare coverage: The Affordable Care Act will expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans, including thousands living with HIV. Under the law, starting in 2014 new health insurance plans will be required to cover HIV testing without additional out-of-pocket costs. Starting in 2014, insurance companies cannot deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV.

And spare us all the sanctimonious blather about how Bush was more responsible than Obama in funding HIV research. Any President would have established PEPFAR given the severity of the epidemic, even a conservative fucktard like Bush. If conservatives want to scoff at the measly $100 million Obama allocated, then petition the Republican House to up the ante and vote in a nice big increase.

Hey %$^/sucker from california, you forgot the pic...:lol:


As usual, you dangle something shiny and expect us all to be distracted by the fact that you add nothing to the debate.

All you do is cut and paste.

And here you are getting wee weed up because you're distracted, lol, why don't you relax and go have a box of wine berkeley style...:lol:
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Hey %$^/sucker from california, you forgot the pic...:lol:


As usual, you dangle something shiny and expect us all to be distracted by the fact that you add nothing to the debate.

All you do is cut and paste.

And here you are getting wee weed up because you're distracted, lol, why don't you relax and go have a box of wine berkeley style...:lol:
What is it with some of you "straight" guys always refering to things getting stuck up asses? Why are you all so fixated on ass?

The ones who talk about it the most, want it the most.
As usual, you dangle something shiny and expect us all to be distracted by the fact that you add nothing to the debate.

All you do is cut and paste.

And here you are getting wee weed up because you're distracted, lol, why don't you relax and go have a box of wine berkeley style...:lol:
What is it with some of you "straight" guys always refering to things getting stuck up asses? Why are you all so fixated on ass?

The ones who talk about it the most, want it the most.

sfc_ker, Did you get that spin from the salunsky rules, EVERYBODY knows it's the left that's fixated on things up their ass...:eek:
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