Really? You listened to the entire interview on your way into work this morning? That would be one hell of a trick as the article is dated 12/19/16 (look for yourself chief) and your ride in to work this morning was 12/20/16 (being after midnight now it is technically 12/21/16). Any other lies you want to try my friend?

That's funny. I am now responding to your comment you posted in the past and so by your logic I must be some sort of miracle worker.
It is funny. How could you have "listened to the entire interview on the radio on the way to work" (as you claimed) when the interview happened the day before your claim that you listened to it? You certainly couldn't have listened "live" and I'm pretty sure no radio network is playing interviews in their entirety a day after it happened. They would lose a lot of listeners as it is "old news" at that point. So again I ask, are there any other lies you'd like to tell?
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.
That's a good point TH. My hope is that Trump will make progressive lives so miserable that they will recognize the errors of their way and reverse course (at least to some degree) on consolidating all power to the federal government and then funneling all of that to the executive branch.

Keep dreaming. Libtards never learn anything
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.
That's a good point TH. My hope is that Trump will make progressive lives so miserable that they will recognize the errors of their way and reverse course (at least to some degree) on consolidating all power to the federal government and then funneling all of that to the executive branch.

Keep dreaming. Libtards never learn anything
A man can dream....can't he? :lol:
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.

That gives Obozo time to campaign against any changes. It's best for Trump to wipe it all out then make legislative changes.
Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real

There's no doubt liberalism is a disease. There's something seriously wrong with these people.
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.

How did he set the precedent for executive orders? :dunno:


Perhaps President Obama should have taken his on advice to heart a few years ago.
Perhaps President Obama should have taken his on advice to heart a few years ago.
Remember Rule #1 with progressives: what I say applies to you, it never applies to me

That's why Obama can preach like a marxist idiot about "being my brother's keeper" while he hoards tens of millions of dollars for himself.
Really? You listened to the entire interview on your way into work this morning? That would be one hell of a trick as the article is dated 12/19/16 (look for yourself chief) and your ride in to work this morning was 12/20/16 (being after midnight now it is technically 12/21/16). Any other lies you want to try my friend?

That's funny. I am now responding to your comment you posted in the past and so by your logic I must be some sort of miracle worker.
It is funny. How could you have "listened to the entire interview on the radio on the way to work" (as you claimed) when the interview happened the day before your claim that you listened to it? You certainly couldn't have listened "live" and I'm pretty sure no radio network is playing interviews in their entirety a day after it happened. They would lose a lot of listeners as it is "old news" at that point. So again I ask, are there any other lies you'd like to tell?

If you have half a brain you could figure out how to listen the interview right now if you'd like.
Really? You listened to the entire interview on your way into work this morning? That would be one hell of a trick as the article is dated 12/19/16 (look for yourself chief) and your ride in to work this morning was 12/20/16 (being after midnight now it is technically 12/21/16). Any other lies you want to try my friend?

That's funny. I am now responding to your comment you posted in the past and so by your logic I must be some sort of miracle worker.
It is funny. How could you have "listened to the entire interview on the radio on the way to work" (as you claimed) when the interview happened the day before your claim that you listened to it? You certainly couldn't have listened "live" and I'm pretty sure no radio network is playing interviews in their entirety a day after it happened. They would lose a lot of listeners as it is "old news" at that point. So again I ask, are there any other lies you'd like to tell?

If you have half a brain you could figure out how to listen the interview right now if you'd like.
Nice backpedaling there chief. You and I both know you weren't streaming a previous interview from NPR that morning. You got caught lying.
How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.

Simply put "because he did not try to work with congress, he vilified them, threatened them, used his ass lick press to attack them > and the Supreme Court too. DUUUHHH id de stoopid bus lef yet? We are not catching your bus! sorrryyyyy.
I hope Trumps first EO is to unseal Obamas records.....
I hope the first Executive Order he ever signs is a very broad Executive Order which says "this EO effectively eliminates any and all previous Presidential Memorandums signed by Barack Obama". :lol:
How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.

Simply put "because he did not try to work with congress, he vilified them, threatened them, used his ass lick press to attack them > and the Supreme Court too. DUUUHHH id de stoopid bus lef yet? We are not catching your bus! sorrryyyyy.

He claimed he did in the interview and gave holding off on immigration as example but whether he did or not, how is it hypocritical of him to give opinion that Trump can come in, reverse executives orders and create his own and so it would have been preferable to have done things through legislation?
Nice backpedaling there chief. You and I both know you weren't streaming a previous interview from NPR that morning. You got caught lying.

And it's obvious that you got caught and called out for swallowing and choking on a headline and thus have consistently avoided the heart of the issue, an approach I find very entertaining.
Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real
Riiiight... Obama's the problem... :rolleyes:


... do you ever make sense?

Last edited:
Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real
Riiiight... Obama's the problem... :rolleyes:


... do you ever make sense?

To an idiot like you? No.....
Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real
How can you prove that Obama's strong preference was executive orders?

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