Obama Whines About Charges Being Dropped Against Flynn...After He Granted Clemency To FALN TERRORISTS?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The best defense is a good offense. That was my first thought on learning that former president Barack Obama has decided to make himself heard on the dismissal of the prosecution of Michael Flynn. As I’ve been noting for years, notwithstanding his pretensions about never interfering in FBI investigations, Mr. Obama was smack in the middle of his administration’s investigation of the Trump campaign. This week, in the exhibits appended to the Justice Department’s Flynn dismissal motion, it was revealed that Obama was neck-deep in the investigation of Flynn, concocted into a collusion caper by his intel advisers and the FBI. It is not a spotlight the former president covets, so he’s lashing out . . . and the usual wagons are circling.

While doing so, Barry pisses on the graves of Americans killed by the FALN terrorists he granted clemency to in one of the last official acts he took before leaving the WH at the end of his 2nd term.

'Obama granted clemency to Oscar Lopez Rivera, one of that Marxist terrorist organization’s front-men, an FALN terrorist who murdered innocent people.

Lopez recruited and trained a small army of terrorists to murder his fellow Americans. He built bomb factories. He taught the young and impressionable how to make devices that would kill and maim. . . . When he was put on trial, he admitted to doing all he had been accused of — he showed no remorse.

Lopez was a fugitive for five years at the time of his 1981 arrest, when police found six pounds of dynamite in his Chicago apartment. After he was originally sentenced to 55 years’ imprisonment, another 15 years were tacked on in 1988, when Lopez conspired to escape from a federal penitentiary. Lopez could have been sprung years earlier, when President Clinton granted clemency to other FALN terrorists (in order to help his wife, Hillary, who was planning a run for the Senate in New York and hoping to court the Puerto Rican vote). But Lopez declined Clinton’s offer, which included the condition that the imprisoned militants renounce terrorism as a method of seeking Puerto Rican independence.'

Lopez REFUSED to accept the pardon from Bill Clinton, remaining unrepentant and refusing to promise never to engage in terrorism again.

Barry did not give Lopez the option of accepting a pardon - Barry just ordered the unrepentant terrorist to simply be released:

'When Obama ordered Lopez released in January 2017, even as the scheme to ensnare Flynn was being hatched, Gonzalez further notes that Obama’s old friend, the unrepentant former terrorist Bill Ayers, gleefully tweeted, “Oscar Lopez freed!

So Barry can bitch and whine about the man he and his criminal syndicate railroaded and whose life they destroyed, but everyone should remember Barry's soft spot for terrorists, how he armed, supplied, financed, protected, defended, and to whom he even pimped out the US military...and they should remember Obama did his best to destroy the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

The unrepentant terrorist would not take Bill Clinton's or Barry's Pardon - Barry had to KICK HIM OUT OF JAIL.
Trump Shares Crazy Image of Obama, Clintons, Mueller, and Others ...
The best defense is a good offense. That was my first thought on learning that former president Barack Obama has decided to make himself heard on the dismissal of the prosecution of Michael Flynn. As I’ve been noting for years, notwithstanding his pretensions about never interfering in FBI investigations, Mr. Obama was smack in the middle of his administration’s investigation of the Trump campaign. This week, in the exhibits appended to the Justice Department’s Flynn dismissal motion, it was revealed that Obama was neck-deep in the investigation of Flynn, concocted into a collusion caper by his intel advisers and the FBI. It is not a spotlight the former president covets, so he’s lashing out . . . and the usual wagons are circling.

While doing so, Barry pisses on the graves of Americans killed by the FALN terrorists he granted clemency to in one of the last official acts he took before leaving the WH at the end of his 2nd term.

'Obama granted clemency to Oscar Lopez Rivera, one of that Marxist terrorist organization’s front-men, an FALN terrorist who murdered innocent people.

Lopez recruited and trained a small army of terrorists to murder his fellow Americans. He built bomb factories. He taught the young and impressionable how to make devices that would kill and maim. . . . When he was put on trial, he admitted to doing all he had been accused of — he showed no remorse.

Lopez was a fugitive for five years at the time of his 1981 arrest, when police found six pounds of dynamite in his Chicago apartment. After he was originally sentenced to 55 years’ imprisonment, another 15 years were tacked on in 1988, when Lopez conspired to escape from a federal penitentiary. Lopez could have been sprung years earlier, when President Clinton granted clemency to other FALN terrorists (in order to help his wife, Hillary, who was planning a run for the Senate in New York and hoping to court the Puerto Rican vote). But Lopez declined Clinton’s offer, which included the condition that the imprisoned militants renounce terrorism as a method of seeking Puerto Rican independence.'

Lopez REFUSED to accept the pardon from Bill Clinton, remaining unrepentant and refusing to promise never to engage in terrorism again.

Barry did not give Lopez the option of accepting a pardon - Barry just ordered the unrepentant terrorist to simply be released:

'When Obama ordered Lopez released in January 2017, even as the scheme to ensnare Flynn was being hatched, Gonzalez further notes that Obama’s old friend, the unrepentant former terrorist Bill Ayers, gleefully tweeted, “Oscar Lopez freed!

So Barry can bitch and whine about the man he and his criminal syndicate railroaded and whose life they destroyed, but everyone should remember Barry's soft spot for terrorists, how he armed, supplied, financed, protected, defended, and to whom he even pimped out the US military...and they should remember Obama did his best to destroy the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

I'm glad Trump is exposing the seditious nature of the Democratic Party, purging the bastards including traitor Obama seems like a worthy cause these days.
Barry killed Americans with Drones, allowed the 'Benghazi Mastermind' to walk, had to kick the FALN terrorist out of jail because he refused to accept a pardon, and he and his loyalist conspirators are STILL trying to screw Flynn.....amazing.

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