Obamacare hijinks


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
A Facebook exchange I had with my very liberal middle school principal. In one response I managed to destroy his entire premise about Obamacare being a success. I'm not gloating, actually. I've been sitting here for almost an hour waiting on a response from him. None so far.

You folks call this law a success, but when the real stats come out, you really only insured roughly 928,000 people, straight up insured. Not the 7.1 million you're looking for is it?


(Initial Post) Over an hour ago Edited

Andrew: Someone get fact checkers on Obama... right now. I don't think I've ever heard so much nonsense spewed in one speech! 7.1 million enrollees?
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Ken: Actually, that's rather humble. The real number, counting all of the folks now eligible for insurance through the ACA is around 14 million people - which I suspect, Andrew, that you would call a dismal failure.
Over an hour ago · Like

Andrew: So stripping six million other people of their insurance is a stunning success?
Over an hour ago · Like

Andrew: Let's do some math here. 6,171,800 people lose their insurance because of Obamacare. Obama now claims 7,100,000 people have "enrolled" in Obamacare. Just how many people actually signed up for Obamacare? A theoretical net gain of 928,200 people. So actually, you wind up with roughly the same amount uninsured people (44 million) as you did before Obamacare took effect.

Now tell me, how many of these people were previously uninsured? How many of them have actually paid for their plans? Being the computer geek I am, and currently studying TCP/IP protocols, I can read server data somewhat. I can tell you that one person can log on to any server twice and be counted twice. Meaning, that the number being presented can be a quarter, or a half of what it actually is. Meaning, that this 7.1 million number is trumped up. Logging on and checking the box does not constitute "enrolling" in anything.
Over an hour ago · Like
Without all the numbers it's impossible to call this a huge success...
Again this administration gets away with peddling bullshit.

If the numbers show different then there is no arguement.
You do realize that in order to be enrolled, people had to pay the first month's policy, don't you?
Dear TK: You just had to have enough contact with the website to claim to 'be in the system' or attempted to go through it, in order to ask for the April 15 extension.

If I didn't know anything else but that to avoid a tax penalty, yes, I can see why so many people would at least log in or "say they tried" by the March 31 deadline,
to buy more time. Knowing it is going to drag out further. There is no way you can hold people accountable for fines under such an unreliable system.

The Democrat Party should really take over this ACA experiment and leave everyone else out who never agreed to this approach. We need to be developing other solutions we will need anyway beside enrolling low income people under a central exchange system.

Maybe the Democrats can use this exchange enrollment for immigrants to track them as well. Anyone who wants to micromanage the masses will need to perfect such a system.

A Facebook exchange I had with my very liberal middle school principal. In one response I managed to destroy his entire premise about Obamacare being a success. I'm not gloating, actually. I've been sitting here for almost an hour waiting on a response from him. None so far.

You folks call this law a success, but when the real stats come out, you really only insured roughly 928,000 people, straight up insured. Not the 7.1 million you're looking for is it?


(Initial Post) Over an hour ago Edited

Andrew: Someone get fact checkers on Obama... right now. I don't think I've ever heard so much nonsense spewed in one speech! 7.1 million enrollees?
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Ken: Actually, that's rather humble. The real number, counting all of the folks now eligible for insurance through the ACA is around 14 million people - which I suspect, Andrew, that you would call a dismal failure.
Over an hour ago · Like

Andrew: So stripping six million other people of their insurance is a stunning success?
Over an hour ago · Like

Andrew: Let's do some math here. 6,171,800 people lose their insurance because of Obamacare. Obama now claims 7,100,000 people have "enrolled" in Obamacare. Just how many people actually signed up for Obamacare? A theoretical net gain of 928,200 people. So actually, you wind up with roughly the same amount uninsured people (44 million) as you did before Obamacare took effect.

Now tell me, how many of these people were previously uninsured? How many of them have actually paid for their plans? Being the computer geek I am, and currently studying TCP/IP protocols, I can read server data somewhat. I can tell you that one person can log on to any server twice and be counted twice. Meaning, that the number being presented can be a quarter, or a half of what it actually is. Meaning, that this 7.1 million number is trumped up. Logging on and checking the box does not constitute "enrolling" in anything.
Over an hour ago · Like
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TK - someday maybe you'll be out on your own, no one taking care of you. Someday, you may not be able to sit at your computer, harassing people on FB. Until then, you're in no position to tell others how to live. Meanwhile, have you told your middle school principal that, even though you're in your mid-20s, you don't pay any of your own living expenses? Don't you think it would be fair to tell him that?
Do you think your middle school principal is stymied by your argument? Or...could his silence be due to an attempted suicide upon realizing that he had a hand in your development......but you never developed?
I agree with the hijinx. As much as I want to see the real numbers I think Obama and his cronnies will continue to obfuscate. What amazes me most is his smug look at that 7 million number when he probably knew in advance people would be cancelled.

Im sure some peoples cancelled policies were reinstated but they might have already signed up to replace it. What incentive is there for the insurance company who cancelled the bare bones policy when they can up sell to an Obamacare alternative by law. Thats like someone wanting a Honda civic being force to cough up the dough for the Benz!

I have a company policy $125 a month that is perfect for me. I have tons of options on hospitals and doctors. It would suck to have to go to Obamacare where I might have to drive 50 miles to a hosiptal that is in the network. I think premiums will jump for sure next year on the govt HC website. The dectibles will end up killing people the first time they use it.

Guess we will see.
I agree with the hijinx. As much as I want to see the real numbers I think Obama and his cronnies will continue to obfuscate. What amazes me most is his smug look at that 7 million number when he probably knew in advance people would be cancelled.

Im sure some peoples cancelled policies were reinstated but they might have already signed up to replace it. What incentive is there for the insurance company who cancelled the bare bones policy when they can up sell to an Obamacare alternative by law. Thats like someone wanting a Honda civic being force to cough up the dough for the Benz!

I have a company policy $125 a month that is perfect for me. I have tons of options on hospitals and doctors. It would suck to have to go to Obamacare where I might have to drive 50 miles to a hosiptal that is in the network. I think premiums will jump for sure next year on the govt HC website. The dectibles will end up killing people the first time they use it.

Guess we will see.

Wow! $125 per month! That is really reasonable! One wonders how the insurance company can afford to give you a good plan for such a low price!!

And...isn't it great that four years after the ACA passed, you still have such a great deal?!

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