Obamacare still unpopular, ABC poll shows


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
tell us something we don't already know, ABC. I wonder when this will start to sink in with the Democrats. Maybe after the SCOTUS ditches either the mandate or the entire law?

As Health Care Law’s Trial Approaches, Two-Thirds Say Ditch Individual Mandate - ABC News

Two-thirds of Americans say the U.S. Supreme Court should throw out either the individual mandate in the federal health care law or the law in its entirety, signaling the depth of public disagreement with that element of the Affordable Care Act.

This ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that Americans oppose the law overall by 52-41 percent. And 67 percent believe the high court should either ditch the law or at least the portion that requires nearly all Americans to have coverage.

The high court opens hearings on the law’s constitutionality a week from today.

Forty-one percent strongly oppose the law, while only a quarter strongly support it.
tell us something we don't already know, ABC. I wonder when this will start to sink in with the Democrats. Maybe after the SCOTUS ditches either the mandate or the entire law?

As Health Care Law’s Trial Approaches, Two-Thirds Say Ditch Individual Mandate - ABC News

Two-thirds of Americans say the U.S. Supreme Court should throw out either the individual mandate in the federal health care law or the law in its entirety, signaling the depth of public disagreement with that element of the Affordable Care Act.

This ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that Americans oppose the law overall by 52-41 percent. And 67 percent believe the high court should either ditch the law or at least the portion that requires nearly all Americans to have coverage.

The high court opens hearings on the law’s constitutionality a week from today.

Forty-one percent strongly oppose the law, while only a quarter strongly support it.

Obamacare was based on a fallacy i.e. "50 million uninsured"!
With 18 million of the "uninsured' PEOPLE under 34 that refused employer or to buy insurance as a "WASTE" of money to them so they pay out of pocket..
10 million of "uninsured" are NOT citizens!
14 million declared "uninsured" are covered by Medicaid!
So the bogus phony number of "50 million" was used to pass Obamacare when
there were really ONLY 8 million that want and need insurance!
So it would have been so easy to tax the lawyers $100 billion at 10% generating a $10 billion a year insurance company for the "uninsured"!
The 10% would decline as the cost of the $600 BILLION a year in medical services performed OUT OF FEAR OF LAWSUITS...declined!

Simple solution WITHOUT destroying the system for the other 302 million Americans!
Of course no one who has insurance is happy with Obamacare. Our premiums have been going up ever since that clusterfuck bill came on the scene. If you buy your own inurance your fucked big time.

Who the hell wants to pay more for their HC so someone who can't afford it can be insured??
im sure the number will increase as we learn more about what's in the bill.
The problem with a democracy is that programs must be almost neutered to be able to pass Republican and Democratic muster. So we start with bad programs and then gradually expand and begin the smoothing process. Social Security is an example, it would probably have not been passed but for FDR and the Great Depression. It was fought then by Republicans they never stopped thier fight, but over the years it has been added to, modified and improved. But could today's program have even been passed in 1935?
America will have socialized medicine someday, and the program will not be a good program but it will be changed and smoothed out over many years and 100 years into the program will still be fought by Republicans.
In the 1890's Otto Von Bismarck, fearful of communism, installed socialized medicine in Germany, and I wonder if it is still be being fought there as socialism? Are we a backward people or is it the democracy part that impedes progress?

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