Bush and Cheney knew something would happen to Trump on 7/13/24

they let Reagan off with a warning shot,had they really wanted him dead they would have made sure of it same as they did with JFK.

I hope you posted that for HIS benefit and not mine because all that is old news to me i have known about for DECADES.I know a kennedy professor who has read 1640 books on the event.

This is not the first assassination attempt on Trump,its just the first one the MSM media has covered,there had been over 45 attempts on his life prior to this.

The cabal was pissed at Reagan in the beginning because he was doing his own thing so they sent a message to him with a warning shot YOU PLAY BALL WITH US AND START DOING WHAT WE TELL YOU OR NEXT TIME YOU WILL END UP LIKE JFK.

Reagan got the message because his policys after that drastically changed for the worse and he started serving the deep state with Iran contra,,getting us into debt worse than all presidents COMBINED,the trickle down effect where his policys benefitted only the rich but were hard on the middle class,ect ect.

Ive known that for decades about Poppy Bushs connections with the other George,old news.

They let Reagan off with a warning shot because he had been loyal to the deep state even before becoming potus while governor of california blocking jim garrisons subpeona or however thats spelled to subpeona Allen Dulles of the CIA. That was his reward for doing so,POTUS.they were going to make sure he did not leave dealy plaza alive that day.

again The deep state let off Reagan with a warning shot,they didnt really want him dead or they would have made sure of it as they did with JFK,they just got careless and fired much closer to the heart than what they meant to.

Nobody will watch this video here but this former CIA agent who got out of the CIA once he saw how evil they were,he gives a good explanation on WHY trump wasnt killed.

I am not going to post what he says here because it will rufel some feathers but he gives the truth on WHY Trump survived,its not because he turned his neck at the precise right angle as everybody is saying or any of that nonsense and its not because he is part of the deep state or anything. you just need to watch the video and find out.

i am angering concered citizen with the truth,he is doing this in anger over the facts of his hero mass murderer and traiter Reagan, Him and langley agent soupnazi do this when they hear the truth exposed.Nazi on Kennedy and citizen when his hero reagan is exposed for the triater to Americans he was.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

good pic of concerned citizen here.:auiqs.jpg:or is it langley agent soupnazi in one of his meltdowns?:abgg2q.jpg:

Don't flatter yourself because I call out the fake news in your unhinged rant.
yet you have FAILED to disprove and refute ANYTHING i have posted on your hero Reagans corruption, :auiqs.jpg: just a bunch of hit and runs.THIS all the time:scared1:

same as langley agent nazi does when he trys to brainwash everybody that the warren commission was correct that oswald killed kennedy,.

cat always gets your tongue. :abgg2q.jpg:
yet you have FAILED to disprove ANYTHING i have posted on reagans corruption, :auiqs.jpg: just a bunch of hit and runs.THIS all the time:scared1:

same as langley agent nazi does when he trya to brainwash everybody that the warren commission was correct that oswald killed kennedy,.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Triggered. No sense talking to the unhinged.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Triggered. No sense talking to the unhinged.
triggered? you need to look in the mirror when saying dont flatter yourself. laughing as i do with you all the time is not being triggered,posting an anger sign is being triggred. LOL unhinged? seriously? again the only one trying to flatter themselves here is you. because the facts do go along with your brainwashed beliefs? whatever. :uhoh3:
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Triggered. No sense talking to the unhinged.


Thanks for playing.
yet you have FAILED to disprove and refute ANYTHING i have posted on your hero Reagans corruption, :auiqs.jpg: just a bunch of hit and runs.THIS all the time:scared1:

same as langley agent nazi does when he trys to brainwash everybody that the warren commission was correct that oswald killed kennedy,.

cat always gets your tongue. :abgg2q.jpg:
Langley? Yup, unhinged. Run along.
We haven't had a news conference from the Secret Service or the president or the FBI leadership but we get leaks about obscure corporate entities that are allegedly "scrutinized". The Gigantic government bureaucratic establishment is engaged in CYA mode.
Langley? Yup, unhinged. Run along.

not only do you hit and run but you ALSO prove you have reading comprehension problems,i did not say you were from langley i said soupnazi is,EVERYBODY knows that. :auiqs.jpg: he is obsessed over JFK,everybody knows that.he talks to himself addressing people that have had him on ignore for years cause he is desperate for attention

well your hit and runs are old and you just post one liners instead f even trying to refute facts. tiresome im donw with you

i dont debate with hit and run people who only post one liners when they cant counter facts.
No facts to refute, LOL, you live in Langley. LMAO

No stupid fuck,SOUPNAZI does.

you say this is NOT a fact this quote below?, you sure are good for laughs as always. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.

i guess its not fact that Reagan fired carters CIA director Turner and did not appoint casey according to you.you crack me up.NOT FACTS comedy gold. :auiqs.jpg:

your hit and runs are noted.:itsok:

proof here NOBODY should try and and debate with concerned citizen. he is a coward who runs off and cant debate facts. i wont waste time with him anymore in the future.
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Total crap unless shown in detail and publicly .

Why would you suddenly believe people who have been lying throughout a Fake Pandemic and when the whole world knows that Piss Pot is suffering early Dementia and/or Alzheimers?
More wishful thinking from the Gullibles
not only do you hit and run but you ALSO prove you have reading comprehension problems,i did not say you were from langley i said soupnazi is,EVERYBODY knows that. :auiqs.jpg: he is obsessed over JFK,everybody knows that.he talks to himself addressing people that have had him on ignore for years cause he is desperate for attention

well your hit and runs are old and you just post one liners instead f even trying to refute facts. tiresome im donw with you

i dont debate with hit and run people who only post one liners when they cant counter facts.
Anyone who has ever read one of your threads knows they ALWAYS go back to the "shills of Langley" You're as bad as Franco with his "useful brainwashed idiot" diatribe.
Anyone who has ever read one of your threads knows they ALWAYS go back to the "shills of Langley" You're as bad as Franco with his "useful brainwashed idiot" diatribe.
evade and hit and run as always on reagan corruptions. :thup: Nazi agent here has done welll teaching you how to evade facts you cant counter mr hit and run.well done Nazi.:thup: concerned citizen is a useful idiot who you can brainwash in the future.

your hit and run evade posts on Reagan are tiresome,its a waste of brath on you,,im done with you on this thread.
duly noted on your evade tactics on Reagans corruption Mr hit and run.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Nazi would be proud of you i forgot to mention.:thup:

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