Obamacare To Unveil "Price Shock" One Week Before The Elections

You can tell how awful the ACA is by how much time each GOP campaign spends talking about it. It has been reduced to a single talking point line among many in their stump speeches.

Now....when rates rise this year....like insurance rates have risen every year for he last 30 years by higher percentages.......the news will get a little play. But since just about everyone who has had a job with standard benefits since before "Obamacare" was passed has pretty much the same insurance as they always had.....it's not going to win the freaks any elections.

Not a winner for you. Sorry.

Where's the savings?
Meh I've been warning everyone about the price hike in 2016 when the bailout sunsets. I figure it's gonna double, if not more.
Meh I've been warning everyone about the price hike in 2016 when the bailout sunsets. I figure it's gonna double, if not more.
. It will all lead to government run healthcare insurance in the end, because there will be to many who can't afford the private healthcare idustry any longer..
a friend of mines' hubby got stuck with it where he works. $2500 a mon. she said fuck you darkie
Meh I've been warning everyone about the price hike in 2016 when the bailout sunsets. I figure it's gonna double, if not more.
. It will all lead to government run healthcare insurance in the end, because there will be to many who can't afford the private healthcare idustry any longer..

Yep and the insurance companies will /love/ it - anonymously ask how much a service is from the doctor telling them you don't have insurance, then compare that to how much they charged for it on insurance. The amount they charge for "insurance processing fees" is astounding.
Coats in general are out of control. A thousand dollars for a bone screw? Billed hourly inflated wage levels for nurses/techs time. Hell, a bed is a couple grand before anyone even sees you. There is no downward pressure anywhere in the system, and until somebody steps in and tells everyone to cut the bs, it will only get worse.
Supply and demand, there's just not enough smart people who care enough to learn the skills left in the US :p

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