Obama's Approval Rating Falls 15 Points

Oh, c'mon, you can't be serious about Gore and Kerry. They were both far more intelligent than Bush. Easily so. Bush didn't show the slightest bit of curiousity about anything. He was like a rabbit stuck in headlights most of his term.

you gotta be kidding?.....

the lunatic Gore?....... and a guy who has someone lay out his underwear for him?.....these 2 guys?......
Oh, c'mon, you can't be serious about Gore and Kerry. They were both far more intelligent than Bush. Easily so. Bush didn't show the slightest bit of curiousity about anything. He was like a rabbit stuck in headlights most of his term.

you gotta be kidding?.....

the lunatic Gore?....... and a guy who has someone lay out his underwear for him?.....these 2 guys?......
and dont forget the guy has has just to make him a PB&J sandwich
but because I believe Obama could be the second coming

right here your credibility went right out the window Grumpo.....if you actually believe this type of crap hype then you are indeed a fool,but dont feel bad apparently you are not alone.....
Well, the honeymoon is over! An 831 so-called stimulus bill that really isn't a stimulus bill didn't help matters. Along with 2 executive orders--closing GITMO & overseas foreign abortions--gratitude of the American taxpayer really didn't help either. Let alone picking 3 nominees that owed back taxes.

No one, not even Barack Obama could survive that one.
One thing to remember is that this isn't a stimulus bill at all. If a person crunches the numbers, and dissect the catagories...it's clearly a bill for socialism. This is why Obama is taking the heat now. The word is out, and more, and more people are starting to see that Obama's "Hope and Change" is just politics as usual. Maybe his "chickens have come home to roost."
Well, the honeymoon is over! An 831 so-called stimulus bill that really isn't a stimulus bill didn't help matters. Along with 2 executive orders--closing GITMO & overseas foreign abortions--gratitude of the American taxpayer really didn't help either. Let alone picking 3 nominees that owed back taxes.

No one, not even Barack Obama could survive that one.
actually, these numbers were BEFORE all that deification hit the rotary oscillator
but because I believe Obama could be the second coming

right here your credibility went right out the window Grumpo.....if you actually believe this type of crap hype then you are indeed a fool,but dont feel bad apparently you are not alone.....

He's definitely not alone. Bascially the left wing media along with millions of Americans became love struck by someone who could deliver an excellent--inspiring speech. They voted for him based on that.

When one listens to Obama when he is in front of news reporters being asked random questions, he is confused at many of the questions & shows it. He is totally unprepared for the questions, & has not had time to rehearse the answers.

Apparently, Obama went down in the White House to introduce himself to the White house reporting staff. Of course, they immediately launched random questions at him. He became angry & is on tape recording stating to them--that if they continue to launch questions at him whenever they see him, he will stop coming around them.

This probably has something to do with his recent fall in popularity also.
You said "insulting without being vulgar", it's an art form to insult people without using profanity, and a fun style to.

If something is too stupid for words then how could it be put into a forum?
i guess you havent read many of Chris' posts :lol:

No, but she's read your posts.:lol::lol:

Please quit trying to act like you are not an embarassment to the leftist movement. Chris"Thrill up my Leg" Matthews has more credibility than you. And that ain't saying much.
Oh, c'mon, you can't be serious about Gore and Kerry. They were both far more intelligent than Bush. Easily so. Bush didn't show the slightest bit of curiousity about anything. He was like a rabbit stuck in headlights most of his term.

you gotta be kidding?.....

the lunatic Gore?....... and a guy who has someone lay out his underwear for him?.....these 2 guys?......

He said intelligent, not sane.
Oh, c'mon, you can't be serious about Gore and Kerry. They were both far more intelligent than Bush. Easily so. Bush didn't show the slightest bit of curiousity about anything. He was like a rabbit stuck in headlights most of his term.

you gotta be kidding?.....

the lunatic Gore?....... and a guy who has someone lay out his underwear for him?.....these 2 guys?......

He said intelligent, not sane.

Gore is a moron not qualified to state anything about climatology. Let's be real kiten. You live in my state, did you vote for dumb ass gregoire? If you did, you have no credibility with me. Rossi was a hell of alot smarter than Dumb Ass Gregwhore. Democrats ran this state into the ground economically. So, I hope you will tell the truth. Did you vote for gregwhore? If you did you should be spit on, on site, by general concensus. 90% of people I meet in this state voted Rossi. This state is rigged. Fuck Seattle, even if I grew up there. You filthy lib scoundrels have destroyed our state. I'm on my way out and can't wait to see you writhe in pain behind the tax burdens you voted us into. GOD BLESS AMERICA. I am glad I don't have to be here living with morons who vote themselves into slavery.

End rant.
you gotta be kidding?.....

the lunatic Gore?....... and a guy who has someone lay out his underwear for him?.....these 2 guys?......

He said intelligent, not sane.

Gore is a moron not qualified to state anything about climatology. Let's be real kiten. You live in my state, did you vote for dumb ass gregoire? If you did, you have no credibility with me. Rossi was a hell of alot smarter than Dumb Ass Gregwhore. Democrats ran this state into the ground economically. So, I hope you will tell the truth. Did you vote for gregwhore? If you did you should be spit on, on site, by general concensus. 90% of people I meet in this state voted Rossi. This state is rigged. Fuck Seattle, even if I grew up there. You filthy lib scoundrels have destroyed our state. I'm on my way out and can't wait to see you writhe in pain behind the tax burdens you voted us into. GOD BLESS AMERICA. I am glad I don't have to be here living with morons who vote themselves into slavery.

End rant.

Rossi is an asshole who doesn't care about taxpayers, Gregoire doesn't care about people who are not wealthy. Gore isn't stupid, he conned millions into following his environut policies and buy into them, even conned them into making laws that he made huge profits from. You accuse me of being a lib only because I said Bush is a moron ... LOL ... that's funny. You are the scum that moved here and started ruining OUR state. So go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and stop fucking us up, and take all your politicians like Gregoire AND Rossi with you.
He said intelligent, not sane.

Gore is a moron not qualified to state anything about climatology. Let's be real kiten. You live in my state, did you vote for dumb ass gregoire? If you did, you have no credibility with me. Rossi was a hell of alot smarter than Dumb Ass Gregwhore. Democrats ran this state into the ground economically. So, I hope you will tell the truth. Did you vote for gregwhore? If you did you should be spit on, on site, by general concensus. 90% of people I meet in this state voted Rossi. This state is rigged. Fuck Seattle, even if I grew up there. You filthy lib scoundrels have destroyed our state. I'm on my way out and can't wait to see you writhe in pain behind the tax burdens you voted us into. GOD BLESS AMERICA. I am glad I don't have to be here living with morons who vote themselves into slavery.

End rant.

Rossi is an asshole who doesn't care about taxpayers, Gregoire doesn't care about people who are not wealthy. Gore isn't stupid, he conned millions into following his environut policies and buy into them, even conned them into making laws that he made huge profits from. You accuse me of being a lib only because I said Bush is a moron ... LOL ... that's funny. You are the scum that moved here and started ruining OUR state. So go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and stop fucking us up, and take all your politicians like Gregoire AND Rossi with you.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.

its dropped another 7 points since this thread started

SS BOtanic is going down...

The President's rating will continue to fall as the overall state of affairs for average Americans continues to fall.

"It's the ECONOMY, stupid"
Remember that mantra when Clinton was running for office?

If the economy is humming along and most Americans are okay, then other issues are important.

But if the economy is on the rocks, then nothing else really matters so much as that when it comes to POTUS approval ratings.

I said this when people were noting Bush's low approval ratings and I'll say this in this case, too.

People sweating out losing their homes and their livlihoods don't give a damn about Israel, or gays, or abortions, or scandals, or any of the other political games that some of us think are so damned important.

If you game is off at HOME, your game is off everywhere.

I could EASILY see Obama approvals falling into the the low 30s by the end of 2009.

Because even if the stimulus package is perfect (and I think we all know it isn't) the economy for the average American is STILL going down THIS YEAR.

Obama's Approval Rating Falls 15 Points

US president Barack Obama's approval rating plunges 15 points from the original 83 percent in the first week of his tenure, a new poll finds.

The Gallup polling firm which tracks president's approval/disapproval rating every day, says Obama began his administration with a 68 percent 'approval' rating.

Despite a 15% drop, Obama still maintains good ratings falling only second behind John F. Kennedy, who had 72% approval rating on Feb. 15, 1961.

Eisenhower equaled Obama's approval at 68%. Since Kennedy, Carter started with 66%, Reagan 51%, George H.W. Bush 51%, Clinton 58%, and George W. Bush 57%.

Press TV - Obama's approval rating falls 15 points

Oh man... please don't pin your hopes to approval polls... The Media creates those polls and this guy is NEVER GOING to be anything less than stunningly popular.

Hell, Bubba polled in the 70s in some polls, even while he was IMPEACHED for ABUSE OF POWER, Perjury and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE to prevent a private citizen from having her day in COURT... THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE US... whose JOB it is to PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN FROM ABUSE OF FEDERAL POWER... is proven to have not only failed to prevent such, BUT CAUSED IT, INTENTIONALLY and he polled a 2/3rd majority approval.

President Hussein is and will remain a VERY POPULAR figure... one of the bennies of running with the polsters...:eek:

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