Obama's backdoor plan to close Gitmo


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

In a series of secret nighttime flights in the last two months, the Obama administration made more progress toward the president’s goal of emptying the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, than it had since 2009. The accelerated pace came after an era of political infighting and long bureaucratic delays.
Now 127 prisoners remain at Guantánamo, down from 680 in 2003, and the Pentagon is ready to release two more groups of prisoners in the next two weeks; officials will not provide a specific number. President Obama’s goal in the last two years of his presidency is to deplete the Guantánamo prison to the point where it houses 60 to 80 people and keeping it open no longer makes economic sense.
Wrong title. Should be Obama's Backdoor Plan to Release Terrorists. But thanks anyway.
Republicans tried to block the closure of Gitmo by denying any funding to do so

Looks like Obama will just gradually move everyone out until there is no economic sense to keeping it open
Even though Obama tried to close Gitmo by Executive Order on his first day in office, it will probably be closed by his last day
Gitmo should be closed. Americans have no business in this kind of brutish behavior, and we shouldn't engage in such things out of some embellished fear of "terrorists."
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.


We're not any less exceptional because of GITMO. GITMO is merely an efficient tool in combating evil. Terrorists are a different breed of animal, and the right thing to do is to take every precaution necessary to protect our citizens from them.
It has been 13 years....time to put up or shut up with Gitmo prisoners

Either try them or set them free
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.


We're not any less exceptional because of GITMO. GITMO is merely an efficient tool in combating evil. Terrorists are a different breed of animal, and the right thing to do is to take every precaution necessary to protect our citizens from them.

That's just repeated rhetoric. Nazis used the same language.
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.


We're not any less exceptional because of GITMO. GITMO is merely an efficient tool in combating evil. Terrorists are a different breed of animal, and the right thing to do is to take every precaution necessary to protect our citizens from them.

That's just repeated rhetoric. Nazis used the same language.

You don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.


We're not any less exceptional because of GITMO. GITMO is merely an efficient tool in combating evil. Terrorists are a different breed of animal, and the right thing to do is to take every precaution necessary to protect our citizens from them.

That's just repeated rhetoric. Nazis used the same language.

You don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.

Actually, I do. I'm an expert in rhetoric and propaganda. German politicans had it down to a science in the 20's and 30's. They energized an entire nation.
Wrong title. Should be Obama's Backdoor Plan to Release Terrorists. But thanks anyway.
I would have much preferred the detainees be given criminal trials here in the US and the guilty sent to federal prison. This is the way things should have been done.

It just didn't occur to the Right wing that...you know...maybe we should PROVE these guys are guilty of something. Because there is pretty good evidence some of them are there because they were ratted out by rival tribe members in some kind of primitive power play shit. Their competitors had us do their dirty work for them. Kind of like, "She's a witch!" from the old Salem days. If you want your neighbor's stuff, or just don't like her, just tell the authorities she's a witch.

Same deal was going on here with many of the detainees. Somebody didn't like them for personal reasons and so manufactured bullshit about them to the idiot Americans.

So trials were the way to go.

But there were too many pants-shitters in the Republican Party who screamed like little girls at the thought of terrorists being on US soil, even if those terrorists were in leg irons inside a maximum security prison. Apparently these spineless shit-for-brains believe AQ terrorist posses paranormal powers.

So if we are closing Gitmo, and the GOP won't let us try 'em and imprison them, the only other option is to send them back home.
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Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.


We're not any less exceptional because of GITMO. GITMO is merely an efficient tool in combating evil. Terrorists are a different breed of animal, and the right thing to do is to take every precaution necessary to protect our citizens from them.

That's just repeated rhetoric. Nazis used the same language.

You don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.

Actually, I do. I'm an expert in rhetoric and propaganda. German politicans had it down to a science in the 20's and 30's. They energized an entire nation.

Yeah well, you're the one partaking in the propaganda, pal. Come back and talk to me when you have a more mature world view.
Wrong title. Should be Obama's Backdoor Plan to Release Terrorists. But thanks anyway.
I would have much preferred the detainees be given criminal trials here in the US and the guilty sent to federal prison. This is the way things should have been done.

It just didn't occur to the Right wing that...you know...maybe we should PROVE these guys are guilty of something. Because there is pretty good evidence some of them are there because they were ratted out by rival tribe members in some kind of primitive power play shit. Their competitors had us do their dirty work for them. Kind of like, "She's a witch!" from the old Salem days. If you want your neighbor's stuff, or just don't like her, just tell the authorities she's a witch.

Same deal was going on here with many of the detainees. Somebody didn't like them for personal reasons and so manufactured bullshit about them to the idiot Americans.

So trials were the way to go.

But there were too many pants-shitters in the Republican Party who screamed like little girls at the thought of terrorists being on US soil, even if those terrorists were in leg irons inside a maximum security prison. Apparently these spineless shit-for-brains believe AQ terrorist posses paranormal powers.

So if we are closing Gitmo, and the GOP won't let us try 'em and imprison them, the only other option is to send them back home.

Our values are based upon "Innocent until proven guilty"

After 13 years, if we can't prove them guilty, it is time to set them free
Obama and hardcore liberals really have their priorities fucked up. This idea that we should close Gitmo because it's a recruiting tool for terrorists is the most absurd thing imaginable, but it plays into the narrative that we are really the bad guys and if we just stopped being so evil our enemies wouldn't hate us. It's garbage. The prisoners in Gitmo are not lawful enemy combatants. We should keep them in prison forever. Gitmo is the cheap alternative to do that, and you want to be able to keep these prisoners isolated. Keep Gitmo opened!

We supposedly are an "exceptional" nation. When we believe things like Gitmo are okay, we become just another brutal empire.


We're not any less exceptional because of GITMO. GITMO is merely an efficient tool in combating evil. Terrorists are a different breed of animal, and the right thing to do is to take every precaution necessary to protect our citizens from them.

That's just repeated rhetoric. Nazis used the same language.

You don't have the slightest clue of what you're talking about.

Actually, I do. I'm an expert in rhetoric and propaganda.

You certainly combine them on this forum.

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