Obama's Budget: 'Interest Payments Will Exceed Defense Budget' in 2019


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
The latest chart from the Senate Republican Budget Committee, pointing out that under President Obama's budget, the U.S. government will be spending more in 2019 to pay down the interest on the national debt than it will be to defend America:


Obama is dead-set on destroying America.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps.
Perhaps spending should be reduced greatly, and so should the defense budget. Trim it where it needs to be trimmed.
Defense spending is obviously not the problem.

Defense spending was the majority of the Federal budget in the 40's.

Defense spending was about 70% of our Federal budget in the 50's.

Defense spending ranged between 50-60% of our Federal budget in the 60-70's.

Defense spending was about 30-40% of our Federal budget in the 80-90's.

Defense spending, today, is about 20% of our Federal budget.


Defense spending of our Federal budget - required in the Constitution -is not the new spending which is bankrupting us.

We spend proportionally less of our wealth now on military than anytime in our past.

Take a wild guess what the new, out of control spending is which is in fact bankrupting us?

Federal social spending is that which is destroying our country. Federal social spending is the runaway, untamed budget destroying monster.

Our Federal government was not set up to provide as a nanny for everyone's needs.
Well thats fine but I've paid into my SS and medicare so I have two words for those...HANDS OFF. Change the rules for the younger, dumber generations that are now entering the workforce. Make it so they get it taken to em and they cant retire. Me? I've earned it.
Ryan Budget: Turn Medicare into a voucher system (throwing the elderly at the mercy of the private insurance market) and give enough tax cuts to the rich to add 4 trillion to the deficit over ten years :thup:
The latest chart from the Senate Republican Budget Committee, pointing out that under President Obama's budget, the U.S. government will be spending more in 2019 to pay down the interest on the national debt than it will be to defend America:


Obama is dead-set on destroying America.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps.

Just when is spending and waste going to get under control? There is a problem with spending in ALL areas a procurement on the tax payers dime.

Nothing has changed with this administration and his flunkies as promised. And certainly not with the Democrats in Congress. We need HOUSE Cleaning! White House in in both houses of Congress.
Defense spending is obviously not the problem.

Defense spending was the majority of the Federal budget in the 40's.

Defense spending was about 70% of our Federal budget in the 50's.

Defense spending ranged between 50-60% of our Federal budget in the 60-70's.

Defense spending was about 30-40% of our Federal budget in the 80-90's.

Defense spending, today, is about 20% of our Federal budget.


Defense spending of our Federal budget - required in the Constitution -is not the new spending which is bankrupting us.

We spend proportionally less of our wealth now on military than anytime in our past.

Take a wild guess what the new, out of control spending is which is in fact bankrupting us?

Federal social spending is that which is destroying our country. Federal social spending is the runaway, untamed budget destroying monster.

Our Federal government was not set up to provide as a nanny for everyone's needs.

Yes but did we run a deficit of 1.5x that of what we brought in through taxes? It is part of the problem. Now entitlement spending is a MUCH bigger problem and can't be backed up by the constitution as defense spending can, but that does not mean we can't trim massive waste off defense spending.
Defense spending is obviously not the problem.

Defense spending was the majority of the Federal budget in the 40's.

Defense spending was about 70% of our Federal budget in the 50's.

Defense spending ranged between 50-60% of our Federal budget in the 60-70's.

Defense spending was about 30-40% of our Federal budget in the 80-90's.

Defense spending, today, is about 20% of our Federal budget.

The % of Defense spending is going down because the rest of government is growing so much. That's no defense of Defense spending. The US spends more on the military than nearly all of the rest of the world combined. And, with a couple of exceptions, the other big spenders are close allies.

Defense spending should be cut. Only a fag or a zionist would disagree.
The latest chart from the Senate Republican Budget Committee, pointing out that under President Obama's budget, the U.S. government will be spending more in 2019 to pay down the interest on the national debt than it will be to defend America:


Obama is dead-set on destroying America.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps.

PROBLEM....with the chart

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
This country is in deep shit ,Obama is spending us down the toilet.:9:
The latest chart from the Senate Republican Budget Committee, pointing out that under President Obama's budget, the U.S. government will be spending more in 2019 to pay down the interest on the national debt than it will be to defend America:


Obama is dead-set on destroying America.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps.

The interest we pay is on the accumulated debt. Much of it is the money that was borrowed to

escalate the Cold War - Reagan

invade Iraq 1991 - Bush Sr.

invade Afghanistan - GW Bush

invade Iraq 2003 - GW Bush

None of those wars were paid for.

When you start making pronouncements on how much we're spending on defense, you need to calculate how much of the interest we pay is on defense debt accumulated over the years.

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