The Dynasty begins to Take Shape: Trump's Granddaughter Speaks at RNC

It appears that once again I was spot on. They were tossing out trial balloons back in mid June.

I’ve been right so much about so many things, it must irk the living fuck out of our thin skinned libturds.

Democrats, you will have Trumps to deal with for decades to come. Your children or grandchildren will themselves be Trump Supporter, of whatever Trump is running for president at the time.

We've only had two second generation presidents, as far as I know, The Adamses and the Bushes. There was once a movie made in the seventies in which a talking dog was asked to recite the U.S. presidents since Kennedy. The dog said "Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy." That may happen for real with the Trump family.

To give equal time, here is Biden's granddaughter:

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Wrong. She will be living in a country that is no longer majority white, and that population won’t be voting for anyone name Trump.

His granddaughters will be married to a person of color.

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