Obamas four freedoms speech


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
In his last state of the Union speech president Obama looked to solidify his fundamental transformation of America by copying FDRs four freedoms speech. Here's is a synopsis.

Freedom from the truth: in today's world there is no one individual that can absorb all the information available. No way one person can distinguish fact from fiction. This is a burden too great for one individual. It is unfair and unjust to require such effort from each citizen. Therefore from today forward let it be known that the truth will be the duty of the state alone which said state shall be blind and transparent in said duty.

Freedom from responsibility: Each citizen cannot navigate the spiderweb world of corporations, regulations, and rules. So henceforth only business shall be responsible. Responsible for safety, accidents, injuries both real and perceived, and righting any perceived wrongs or slights. All business entities no matter what the size shall set aside monies for all responsibilities before any profit is taken. No longer shall the common man bear the injustice of capitalism.

Freedom from failure: No longer shall failure be a black mark against the individual. Failure will instead be a rite of passage to a sublime and much to be admired state of victim hood. Victim hood shall become a patriotic duty of each citizen. Victim hood will make everyone eligible for all govt programs, further strengthening the bond between govt and individual. By valuing each citizen for their very existence we can promote the efficiency of government and deliver a positive life experience to all citizens.

Freedom from history: No where has deception and falsehood had more free range than in the teaching of history. No where has more war and tragedy been fomented than in the teaching of history. Nothing has been more detrimental to the common man than than the propaganda that has been labeled as history. Our citizens deserve better. From now on our schools shall disregard the folklore that masquerades as history. Any teachings shall be reviewed by the dept,of,education for its,effect on the psyche of any citizens. No longer will history be used to extinguish the human spirit.

The media hailed,the president as the greatest visionary of the 21st century. The constitution was removed from prominent display and put in storage.

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