Obama's HUGE blunder at NH Town Hall meeting.

Why is your screen name oreo.

It could be a racist reference or it could be more innocent. You have refused to answer in the past. That makes me suspicious it is a racist reference.

lol what a pthetic attempt to deflect and pulling the race card.

Can you comment on the op?
would appear that a USMessageBoard Political Forums scoreboard check is in order on this thread....................

drumroll please....................................


w0w:eek:............lefties really getting whacked on the health care stuff ftl.................

You sound surprised.

actually..........Im am!!! That that lefties actually put some points on the board:disbelief:

:lol: Now that you mention it, I'm also surprised.
Actually what happened to the Finanacial sector wasn't so much deregulation as it was a a regulatory tipping point at the state and local level was reached that was going to spell financial disaster for almost everyone associated with the building trades. Again ask yuor self a question, why in the hell in a nation in which the median income is around 40k are new homes averaging between 6 and 8 times that amount?

You are 100% incorrect. I am 30+ year electrical contractor in the State of Colorado. Yes we are regulated by the NEC (national electric codes) state department of regulatory agencies & local electrical/building codes--along with most building trades.

Building codes had absolutely nothing to do with the housing bubble. Demand--created by sub-prime loans in which people who could not afford the home were allowed to buy it anyway.

Through these type loans--people who were renting were able to purchase a new home at a lower monthly cost than rent--which created the housing demand--(in which demand for housing will always increase the price of the home.) Of course, all of which--our government co-signed our names to 50% of the mortgages in this country--through Freddie/Fannie--in their political policy of "everyone deserves homeownership."

This is exactly what created this economic crisis & is in fact ground zero for our current economic collapse--including all the banking bail-outs AIG & Bear Stearns. ALL ROADS lead right back to Fannie/Freddie.

Read the link below & educate yourself--to exactly what government agencies can do to this country. Pay special attention to the dire warning in paragraph 5 or 6.

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Actually what happened to the Finanacial sector wasn't so much deregulation as it was a a regulatory tipping point at the state and local level was reached that was going to spell financial disaster for almost everyone associated with the building trades. Again ask yuor self a question, why in the hell in a nation in which the median income is around 40k are new homes averaging between 6 and 8 times that amount?

You are incorrect. I am 30+ year electrical contractor in the State of Colorado. Yes we are regulated by the NEC (national electric codes) state department of regulatory agencies & local electrical/building codes--along with most building trades.

Building codes had absolutely nothing to do with the housing bubble. Demand--created by sub-prime loans in which people who could not afford the home were allowed to buy it anyway.

Through these type loans--people who were renting were able to purchase a new home at a lower monthly cost than rent--which created the housing demand & bubble. All of which--our government co-signed our names to 50% of the mortgages in this country--through Freddie/Fannie--in their political policy of "everyone deserves homeownership."

This is exactly what created this economic crisis & is in fact ground zero for our current economic collapse--including all the banking bail-outs AIG & Bear Stearns. ALL ROADS lead right back to Fannie/Freddie.

Read the link below & weap. Pay special attention to the dire warning in paragraph 5 or 6.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times

You are correct. Jimmy Carter started this shit and Bill Clinton enabled it further. Forcing banks to make loans to people that were obviously not able to pay the notes was the beginning of the demise of the housing market...which led to the recession we're currently surviving.
Actually what happened to the Finanacial sector wasn't so much deregulation as it was a a regulatory tipping point at the state and local level was reached that was going to spell financial disaster for almost everyone associated with the building trades. Again ask yuor self a question, why in the hell in a nation in which the median income is around 40k are new homes averaging between 6 and 8 times that amount?

You are incorrect. I am 30+ year electrical contractor in the State of Colorado. Yes we are regulated by the NEC (national electric codes) state department of regulatory agencies & local electrical/building codes--along with most building trades.

Building codes had absolutely nothing to do with the housing bubble. Demand--created by sub-prime loans in which people who could not afford the home were allowed to buy it anyway.

Through these type loans--people who were renting were able to purchase a new home at a lower monthly cost than rent--which created the housing demand & bubble. All of which--our government co-signed our names to 50% of the mortgages in this country--through Freddie/Fannie--in their political policy of "everyone deserves homeownership."

This is exactly what created this economic crisis & is in fact ground zero for our current economic collapse--including all the banking bail-outs AIG & Bear Stearns. ALL ROADS lead right back to Fannie/Freddie.

Read the link below & weap. Pay special attention to the dire warning in paragraph 5 or 6.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times

You are correct. Jimmy Carter started this shit and Bill Clinton enabled it further. Forcing banks to make loans to people that were obviously not able to pay the notes was the beginning of the demise of the housing market...which led to the recession we're currently surviving.

DITTO--& I am getting so tired of having to EDUCATE liberals on what happened & what created this economic collapse. They make up their own crap--believing that government is the solution to all their problems when we just experienced what our government did with Fannie/Freddie. I think these liberals live in a BUBBLE of MAKE BELIEVE! :lol:

This information regarding Fannie/Freddie has been out there for over 1 year now???????? The article I linked is from way back on Sept. 30, 1999 --& they don't know it yet.
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You are incorrect. I am 30+ year electrical contractor in the State of Colorado. Yes we are regulated by the NEC (national electric codes) state department of regulatory agencies & local electrical/building codes--along with most building trades.

Building codes had absolutely nothing to do with the housing bubble. Demand--created by sub-prime loans in which people who could not afford the home were allowed to buy it anyway.

Through these type loans--people who were renting were able to purchase a new home at a lower monthly cost than rent--which created the housing demand & bubble. All of which--our government co-signed our names to 50% of the mortgages in this country--through Freddie/Fannie--in their political policy of "everyone deserves homeownership."

This is exactly what created this economic crisis & is in fact ground zero for our current economic collapse--including all the banking bail-outs AIG & Bear Stearns. ALL ROADS lead right back to Fannie/Freddie.

Read the link below & weap. Pay special attention to the dire warning in paragraph 5 or 6.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times

You are correct. Jimmy Carter started this shit and Bill Clinton enabled it further. Forcing banks to make loans to people that were obviously not able to pay the notes was the beginning of the demise of the housing market...which led to the recession we're currently surviving.

DITTO--& I am getting so tired of having to EDUCATE liberals on what happened & what created this economic collapse. They make up their own crap--believing that government is the solution to all their problems when we just experienced what our government did with Fannie/Freddie. I think these liberals live in a BUBBLE of MAKE BELIEVE! :lol:

This information regarding Fannie/Freddie has been out there for about 1 year now???????? The article I linked is from way back on Sept. 30, 1999--& they don't know it yet.

What a load of bull. No one was forced to do anything.

RISK is what people need to be educated on. When you loan money, you hold the risk. No one forced banks or investors to risk anything. Banks and investors take risk out of greed. Beats working for living, I guess. Despite all the added risk and lowering of standards and down payments, the people WITH THE MONEY still were greedy enough to TAKE THE RISK. The people that were allowed to take these loans HAD NOTHING TO LOSE. THat is where all these crapola arguments fall on their face and the cold hard truth about loaning and money and risk comes crashing home. You can paint it any way you want but you will never, ever change the nature of risk. It is impossible to blame a man for losing something he never had. It's that simple.

This tired ass crap about the Post Office is crapola too. They deliver your mail and packages with unmatched accuracy and dependability. They OFTEN turn a profit. After turning profits for 5 straight years in 1999, the same lot of perpetual complainers were going after the USPS for MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. In any case, the USPS is an example of incredible efficiency and accuracy. If you can find someone else to deliver your mail across the country for less than 50 cents, please tell us who it is.
DOH!! Someone get that man a telepromptor. Pretty hilarious stuff. Thank you Mr. President you just proved our point for us. lol! :)
Why is your screen name oreo.

It could be a racist reference or it could be more innocent. You have refused to answer in the past. That makes me suspicious it is a racist reference.

Are you nuts? First of all it's absolutely none of YOUR BUSINESS why I picked a certain screen name.

Now--if you want to infer it has something to do with me being a "racist" I suggest you find one single post on anything I have ever actually STATED that would indicate to you that I am a racist.

Just simply disagreeing with Obama's polices does not indicate racism. :clap2:
You are correct. Jimmy Carter started this shit and Bill Clinton enabled it further. Forcing banks to make loans to people that were obviously not able to pay the notes was the beginning of the demise of the housing market...which led to the recession we're currently surviving.

DITTO--& I am getting so tired of having to EDUCATE liberals on what happened & what created this economic collapse. They make up their own crap--believing that government is the solution to all their problems when we just experienced what our government did with Fannie/Freddie. I think these liberals live in a BUBBLE of MAKE BELIEVE! :lol:

This information regarding Fannie/Freddie has been out there for about 1 year now???????? The article I linked is from way back on Sept. 30, 1999--& they don't know it yet.

What a load of bull. No one was forced to do anything.

RISK is what people need to be educated on. When you loan money, you hold the risk. No one forced banks or investors to risk anything. Banks and investors take risk out of greed. Beats working for living, I guess. Despite all the added risk and lowering of standards and down payments, the people WITH THE MONEY still were greedy enough to TAKE THE RISK. The people that were allowed to take these loans HAD NOTHING TO LOSE. THat is where all these crapola arguments fall on their face and the cold hard truth about loaning and money and risk comes crashing home. You can paint it any way you want but you will never, ever change the nature of risk. It is impossible to blame a man for losing something he never had. It's that simple.

This tired ass crap about the Post Office is crapola too. They deliver your mail and packages with unmatched accuracy and dependability. They OFTEN turn a profit. After turning profits for 5 straight years in 1999, the same lot of perpetual complainers were going after the USPS for MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. In any case, the USPS is an example of incredible efficiency and accuracy. If you can find someone else to deliver your mail across the country for less than 50 cents, please tell us who it is.

7 million in the red last year, 7 million in the red this year. How is that making a profit?
You are correct. Jimmy Carter started this shit and Bill Clinton enabled it further. Forcing banks to make loans to people that were obviously not able to pay the notes was the beginning of the demise of the housing market...which led to the recession we're currently surviving.

DITTO--& I am getting so tired of having to EDUCATE liberals on what happened & what created this economic collapse. They make up their own crap--believing that government is the solution to all their problems when we just experienced what our government did with Fannie/Freddie. I think these liberals live in a BUBBLE of MAKE BELIEVE! :lol:

This information regarding Fannie/Freddie has been out there for about 1 year now???????? The article I linked is from way back on Sept. 30, 1999--& they don't know it yet.

What a load of bull. No one was forced to do anything.

RISK is what people need to be educated on. When you loan money, you hold the risk. No one forced banks or investors to risk anything. Banks and investors take risk out of greed. Beats working for living, I guess. Despite all the added risk and lowering of standards and down payments, the people WITH THE MONEY still were greedy enough to TAKE THE RISK. The people that were allowed to take these loans HAD NOTHING TO LOSE. THat is where all these crapola arguments fall on their face and the cold hard truth about loaning and money and risk comes crashing home. You can paint it any way you want but you will never, ever change the nature of risk. It is impossible to blame a man for losing something he never had. It's that simple.

This tired ass crap about the Post Office is crapola too. They deliver your mail and packages with unmatched accuracy and dependability. They OFTEN turn a profit. After turning profits for 5 straight years in 1999, the same lot of perpetual complainers were going after the USPS for MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. In any case, the USPS is an example of incredible efficiency and accuracy. If you can find someone else to deliver your mail across the country for less than 50 cents, please tell us who it is.

Well then try this one on for size: You go to your local banker & ask for a loan that you cannot possibly pay back. Your credit sinks--you have no verifiable income no down payment--no collateral--& see how long that banker takes to throw your butt right out of his office.

Now you go to this same banker with 130 MILLION co-signers & see how fast he approves your loan.

GOVERNMENT ENABLED--throught their very loose lending polices that they imposed on Fannie/Freddie for bankers & loser people to do this & don't you ever forget it.
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DITTO--& I am getting so tired of having to EDUCATE liberals on what happened & what created this economic collapse. They make up their own crap--believing that government is the solution to all their problems when we just experienced what our government did with Fannie/Freddie. I think these liberals live in a BUBBLE of MAKE BELIEVE! :lol:

This information regarding Fannie/Freddie has been out there for about 1 year now???????? The article I linked is from way back on Sept. 30, 1999--& they don't know it yet.

What a load of bull. No one was forced to do anything.

RISK is what people need to be educated on. When you loan money, you hold the risk. No one forced banks or investors to risk anything. Banks and investors take risk out of greed. Beats working for living, I guess. Despite all the added risk and lowering of standards and down payments, the people WITH THE MONEY still were greedy enough to TAKE THE RISK. The people that were allowed to take these loans HAD NOTHING TO LOSE. THat is where all these crapola arguments fall on their face and the cold hard truth about loaning and money and risk comes crashing home. You can paint it any way you want but you will never, ever change the nature of risk. It is impossible to blame a man for losing something he never had. It's that simple.

This tired ass crap about the Post Office is crapola too. They deliver your mail and packages with unmatched accuracy and dependability. They OFTEN turn a profit. After turning profits for 5 straight years in 1999, the same lot of perpetual complainers were going after the USPS for MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. In any case, the USPS is an example of incredible efficiency and accuracy. If you can find someone else to deliver your mail across the country for less than 50 cents, please tell us who it is.

7 million in the red last year, 7 million in the red this year. How is that making a profit?

That means they are not making a profit. I guess they are the only company on Earth that lost money last year.

Profits go up and down for all businesses. It isn't a great mystery why the USPS is subject to lose money. When they have made money, people cried and whined about it. The USPS is in the typical government position of trying to produce a perfect balance sheet. Make none, lose none. Regardless of that, the service of the USPS is near perfect. I never have understood how anyone can complain about a business that can deliver a piece of paper across the country for a few cents with 99.9999999999% accuracy. Fed EX and UPS can't touch them. They LOSE YOUR SHIT all the time.
DITTO--& I am getting so tired of having to EDUCATE liberals on what happened & what created this economic collapse. They make up their own crap--believing that government is the solution to all their problems when we just experienced what our government did with Fannie/Freddie. I think these liberals live in a BUBBLE of MAKE BELIEVE! :lol:

This information regarding Fannie/Freddie has been out there for about 1 year now???????? The article I linked is from way back on Sept. 30, 1999--& they don't know it yet.

What a load of bull. No one was forced to do anything.

RISK is what people need to be educated on. When you loan money, you hold the risk. No one forced banks or investors to risk anything. Banks and investors take risk out of greed. Beats working for living, I guess. Despite all the added risk and lowering of standards and down payments, the people WITH THE MONEY still were greedy enough to TAKE THE RISK. The people that were allowed to take these loans HAD NOTHING TO LOSE. THat is where all these crapola arguments fall on their face and the cold hard truth about loaning and money and risk comes crashing home. You can paint it any way you want but you will never, ever change the nature of risk. It is impossible to blame a man for losing something he never had. It's that simple.

This tired ass crap about the Post Office is crapola too. They deliver your mail and packages with unmatched accuracy and dependability. They OFTEN turn a profit. After turning profits for 5 straight years in 1999, the same lot of perpetual complainers were going after the USPS for MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. In any case, the USPS is an example of incredible efficiency and accuracy. If you can find someone else to deliver your mail across the country for less than 50 cents, please tell us who it is.

Well then try this one on for size: You go to your local banker & ask for a loan that you cannot possibly pay back. Your credit sinks--you have no verifiable income no down payment--no collateral--& see how long that banker takes to throw your butt right out of his office.

Now you go to this same banker with 130 MILLION co-signers & see how fast he approves your loan.

GOVERNMENT ENABLED bankers & loser people to do this & don't you ever forget it.

Sure thing. I guess the government enabled the 100mph car crash too just by paving the highway.

It doesn't matter one bit how many people signed the loan. The RISK remains with the people who sent the money out. You're still making a smokescreen for a very basic understanding. You will never transfer risk to people who had nothing to lose.
this thread rocks....when i read those words yesterday, i couldn't believe it...

the video was awesome, i have to share it
What a load of bull. No one was forced to do anything.

RISK is what people need to be educated on. When you loan money, you hold the risk. No one forced banks or investors to risk anything. Banks and investors take risk out of greed. Beats working for living, I guess. Despite all the added risk and lowering of standards and down payments, the people WITH THE MONEY still were greedy enough to TAKE THE RISK. The people that were allowed to take these loans HAD NOTHING TO LOSE. THat is where all these crapola arguments fall on their face and the cold hard truth about loaning and money and risk comes crashing home. You can paint it any way you want but you will never, ever change the nature of risk. It is impossible to blame a man for losing something he never had. It's that simple.

This tired ass crap about the Post Office is crapola too. They deliver your mail and packages with unmatched accuracy and dependability. They OFTEN turn a profit. After turning profits for 5 straight years in 1999, the same lot of perpetual complainers were going after the USPS for MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. In any case, the USPS is an example of incredible efficiency and accuracy. If you can find someone else to deliver your mail across the country for less than 50 cents, please tell us who it is.

Well then try this one on for size: You go to your local banker & ask for a loan that you cannot possibly pay back. Your credit sinks--you have no verifiable income no down payment--no collateral--& see how long that banker takes to throw your butt right out of his office.

Now you go to this same banker with 130 MILLION co-signers & see how fast he approves your loan.

GOVERNMENT ENABLED bankers & loser people to do this & don't you ever forget it.

Sure thing. I guess the government enabled the 100mph car crash too just by paving the highway.

It doesn't matter one bit how many people signed the loan. The RISK remains with the people who sent the money out. You're still making a smokescreen for a very basic understanding. You will never transfer risk to people who had nothing to lose.

WHO WAS PUT AT RISK? How about the 138 MILLION taxpayers--because of our governments incompetence. We are the ones that owe the bill & have had to bail-out these institutions for billions.

You just stated the "People with the money" are responsible. PEOPLE with money-never qualified for a sub-prime mortgage--& have never needed 138 MILLION co-signers. DUH.

Anytime you put a "crack" in a government regulated system--you will ALWAYS have people waiting right there to expose it & to benefit financially from it--including mortgage brokers, bankers & American citizens who used this crack to buy a home that they could not afford.

The government created this economic collapse with their incompetence in managing Fannie/Freddie & their loosening of the standards for requirements on obtaining guaranteed taxpayer mortgages on Sept. 30, 1999--in their everyone deserves homeownership policy.

Since you seem to be extremely poor at reading comprehension here is the dire warning in the article sited--this warning over 10 YEARS AGO.

In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.

''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''
September 30, 1999.

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Well then try this one on for size: You go to your local banker & ask for a loan that you cannot possibly pay back. Your credit sinks--you have no verifiable income no down payment--no collateral--& see how long that banker takes to throw your butt right out of his office.

Now you go to this same banker with 130 MILLION co-signers & see how fast he approves your loan.

GOVERNMENT ENABLED bankers & loser people to do this & don't you ever forget it.

Sure thing. I guess the government enabled the 100mph car crash too just by paving the highway.

It doesn't matter one bit how many people signed the loan. The RISK remains with the people who sent the money out. You're still making a smokescreen for a very basic understanding. You will never transfer risk to people who had nothing to lose.

WHO WAS PUT AT RISK? How about the 138 MILLION taxpayers--because of our governments incompetence. We are the ones that owe the bill & have had to bail-outs these institutions for billions.

You just stated the "People with the money" are responsible. PEOPLE with money-never qualified for sub-prime mortgages--DUH.

Anytime you put a "crack" in a government regulated system--you will ALWAYS have people waiting right there to expose it & to benefit financially from it--including mortgage brokers, bankers & American citizens who used this crack to own a home that they could not afford.

The government created this economic collapse with their incompetence in managing Fannie/Freddie & their loosening of the standards for requirements on obtaining guaranteed taxpayer mortgages on Sept. 30, 1999--in their everyone deserves homeownership policy.

It is impossible to risk what you do not have. You'll never change that.

But keep blowing smoke up anyone's ass that you want.
Well--you gotta love it when Obama is unscripted--& actually answers those off the cuff questions. This one--I'll bet he wishes he could take back. A question was asked of him today regarding his proposed health care bill at the NH town hall meeting 8/11/09: Question was--Will your public government plan drive out private insurance companies. Obama's response:

YouTube - post office

Obama just gave us a perfect example of why the Federal Government should not provide a public option or a planned take-over of the health care industry--because the U.S. post office is currently 14 BILLION dollars in the hole. :lol:

As stated by myself and others many times - when off script, Obama is a bumbler - consistently inconsistent, making claims that simply do not stand up to even the sightest scrutiny.

You are correct - here he gives a very legitimate answer as to why the government should NOT be involved to a greater degree in health care - it cannot compete efficiently, just like the Postal Service which runs billions in debt each year...

The US postal service is doing better than AIG, GM, Chrysler, Bank of America, Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway, Morgan Stanley, Citi Group, CIT, Enron, World Com, Health South etc

Government is doing a good job providing healthcare for our prima dona congress. Why don't we privatize the military if the government cannot run anything.

Government has more bureauracracy than the private sector but the private sector has more than their share of failings.

That is why a combined private/public program is the best option

Cause The Military is one thing that the Government does do right you brain dead leftist turd. Are you really this stupid, or are you just drunk when you post here? ~BH
Sure thing. I guess the government enabled the 100mph car crash too just by paving the highway.

It doesn't matter one bit how many people signed the loan. The RISK remains with the people who sent the money out. You're still making a smokescreen for a very basic understanding. You will never transfer risk to people who had nothing to lose.

WHO WAS PUT AT RISK? How about the 138 MILLION taxpayers--because of our governments incompetence. We are the ones that owe the bill & have had to bail-outs these institutions for billions.

You just stated the "People with the money" are responsible. PEOPLE with money-never qualified for sub-prime mortgages--DUH.

Anytime you put a "crack" in a government regulated system--you will ALWAYS have people waiting right there to expose it & to benefit financially from it--including mortgage brokers, bankers & American citizens who used this crack to own a home that they could not afford.

The government created this economic collapse with their incompetence in managing Fannie/Freddie & their loosening of the standards for requirements on obtaining guaranteed taxpayer mortgages on Sept. 30, 1999--in their everyone deserves homeownership policy.

It is impossible to risk what you do not have. You'll never change that.

But keep blowing smoke up anyone's ass that you want.

You know you are flat unbelievable. You are twisting & turning--anything & everything you can do to defend a liberal policy of a health care take-over that represents 17% of this economy.

In your comment "it is impossible to risk what you do not have." That is about the dumest comment I have ever gotten from a liberal when they were FACTUALLY cornered & did not have any idea of wtf they were talking about.

In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.

''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''
SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

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WHO WAS PUT AT RISK? How about the 138 MILLION taxpayers--because of our governments incompetence. We are the ones that owe the bill & have had to bail-outs these institutions for billions.

You just stated the "People with the money" are responsible. PEOPLE with money-never qualified for sub-prime mortgages--DUH.

The government created this economic collapse with their incompetence in managing Fannie/Freddie & their loosening of the standards for requirements on obtaining guaranteed taxpayer mortgages on Sept. 30, 1999--in their everyone deserves homeownership policy.

It is impossible to risk what you do not have. You'll never change that.

But keep blowing smoke up anyone's ass that you want.

You know you are flat unbelievable. You are twisting & turning--anything & everything you can do to defend a liberal policy of a health care take-over that represents 17% of this economy.

In your comment "it is impossible to risk what you do not have." That is about the dumest comment I have ever gotten from a liberal when they were FACTUALLY cornered & did not have any idea of wtf they were talking about.

In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.

''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''
SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times

I don't know what else to tell your dumb ass. No one can lose something they don't have. It's a very basic piece of logic.

You can cry and play the blame game all you want but in the end, the mortgage meltdown was caused by greedy assed specualtors.
Why is your screen name oreo.

It could be a racist reference or it could be more innocent. You have refused to answer in the past. That makes me suspicious it is a racist reference.

WTF does that have to do with the topic douchebag ? ........
This was a macro analysis annd in your limited way you were taking a micro view of the economy.

Wrong. I was taking a segmented view on the economy, comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Since the original point was that Obama used the USPS/FedEx/UPS comparison, it made no sense for you to compare the USPS to anything other than other delivery and postal services. Instead, you compared it to insurance companies, investment companies, banks, and vehicle manufacturers. Your "macro view" made no sense because there was no point behind it.

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