Obama's Immigration Amnesty Loses In Court.

"Obama's Immigration Amnesty Loses In Court."

This is both wrong and a lie, which comes as no surprise given the fact the OP is a liar.

The president's EO in no way constitutes 'amnesty.'

And neither the merits of the case nor the constitutionality of the policy have been review by a Federal court; the ruling today concerned solely the issue of the stay.

That so many on the right have such a propensity to lie is sad and telling.
It's de facto amnesty. The motherfucker-in-chief will not deport illegals with his EO.
And how many illegals are being deported in the meantime? Hmmm.

The action was on a stay, not the EO itself.

And Congress cannot touch the money in the program, because the program generates the money, not Congress.

Tough, guys.
No republican outrage over activist judges? Huh.
An activist judge is what a liberal judge does. He makes a judgement unilaterally without being asked. The States sued for a judgement and this judge judged the merits. That's not activism.
If it helps you sleep at night...
I sleep quite soundly. You seem to lose sleep when confronted with Truth.
Oh brother... :rolleyes:
No republican outrage over activist judges? Huh.
An activist judge is what a liberal judge does. He makes a judgement unilaterally without being asked. The States sued for a judgement and this judge judged the merits. That's not activism.
If it helps you sleep at night...
What would help me sleep is you libtards lost your voices.
Ah, the one sentence wonder. You know, it's frowned upon to use sock accounts. Especially when they're this obvious.

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