Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs

Barack Obama’s refusal to negotiate with the Republicans in Congress on the government shutdown is proof once again that he doesn’t understand the first thing about presidential leadership.

The one-time constitutional lawyer fails to grasp the fact that the president of the United States does not obtain results by giving orders.

Strangely enough, this one-time constitutional lawyer fails to grasp the fact that the president of the United States does not obtain results by giving orders.

Thanks to our Constitution’s separation of powers, he can’t get action without bargaining with Congress. The presidency and Congress are inextricably linked; one can’t govern without the other.

Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs | Fox News

The American people should have scrutinized that resume harder than what they did. We are paying the price now. The man can't negotiate. Community Organizers just just never did it.
Obama has definitely become a major part of the problem instead of a leader to get the sides to come together.
Obama has definitely become a major part of the problem instead of a leader to get the sides to come together.

Exactly. I just put up a thread on Panetta taking a chunk out of Obama's amateur hour.

How's this for a quote? It's blunt. He lays it out perfectly. If Obama can't handle negotiations find some one else who can.

“You can’t, just because you’ve engaged in some set of negotiations and they haven’t gone anywhere, for one reason or another there’s been a breakdown, [that] is no reason to walk away from the table,” Panetta said.

“If the president, for whatever reason, feels he can’t do it because the Republicans don’t want to confront him, then he ought to be willing to delegate that responsibility to someone who can do it.”

Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com
Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs

Barack Obama’s refusal to negotiate with the Republicans in Congress on the government shutdown is proof once again that he doesn’t understand the first thing about presidential leadership.

The one-time constitutional lawyer fails to grasp the fact that the president of the United States does not obtain results by giving orders.

Strangely enough, this one-time constitutional lawyer fails to grasp the fact that the president of the United States does not obtain results by giving orders.

Thanks to our Constitution’s separation of powers, he can’t get action without bargaining with Congress. The presidency and Congress are inextricably linked; one can’t govern without the other.

Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs | Fox News

The American people should have scrutinized that resume harder than what they did. We are paying the price now. The man can't negotiate. Community Organizers just just never did it.

If McCain had been elected instead you'd have the very same situation you have today, as you can see by the stance that he's taken over this impasse.

And Sarah Palin as Veep would not be out on the Mall at the memorials "palling around" with Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. She would be absolutely invisible during this crisis. So please....get real.
Obama has definitely become a major part of the problem instead of a leader to get the sides to come together.

Exactly. I just put up a thread on Panetta taking a chunk out of Obama's amateur hour.

How's this for a quote? It's blunt. He lays it out perfectly. If Obama can't handle negotiations find some one else who can.

“You can’t, just because you’ve engaged in some set of negotiations and they haven’t gone anywhere, for one reason or another there’s been a breakdown, [that] is no reason to walk away from the table,” Panetta said.

“If the president, for whatever reason, feels he can’t do it because the Republicans don’t want to confront him, then he ought to be willing to delegate that responsibility to someone who can do it.”

Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

Great news...someone comes in to be a leader!! A leader leads...he doesn't walk away.
Why would he negotiate when his whole eduction was about stirring up shit, divide and conquer, and to mock those with whom he disagrees?

POSOTUS (piece of shit of the united states)
Obama has definitely become a major part of the problem instead of a leader to get the sides to come together.

After almost 5 years of nothing but dissent, obstruction and stonewalling, I don't blame him for giving the Tea Baggers his middle finger.

He warned us during his SOU address in 2010 that Citizens United would be our downfall. He stared directly at the SC justices on the front row. He stared them down and said,

""Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections," Obama said. "Well I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong."

And Alito shook his lame, fat, rightwing head. And we did not reverse Citizens United and now his warning has come true.
Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs

Barack Obama’s refusal to negotiate with the Republicans in Congress on the government shutdown is proof once again that he doesn’t understand the first thing about presidential leadership.

The one-time constitutional lawyer fails to grasp the fact that the president of the United States does not obtain results by giving orders.

Strangely enough, this one-time constitutional lawyer fails to grasp the fact that the president of the United States does not obtain results by giving orders.

Thanks to our Constitution’s separation of powers, he can’t get action without bargaining with Congress. The presidency and Congress are inextricably linked; one can’t govern without the other.

Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs | Fox News

The American people should have scrutinized that resume harder than what they did. We are paying the price now. The man can't negotiate. Community Organizers just just never did it.

If McCain had been elected instead you'd have the very same situation you have today, as you can see by the stance that he's taken over this impasse.

And Sarah Palin as Veep would not be out on the Mall at the memorials "palling around" with Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. She would be absolutely invisible during this crisis. So please....get real.

You cannot tell what McCain would be doing if he was the president. Once you've been given the gavel, you are a leader .... not of just your party but of the American people and our country. McCain is a patriot, an adjective I have never heard given to Obama and that just may make the difference how he would be leading this country in times like these.
Why would he negotiate when his whole eduction was about stirring up shit, divide and conquer, and to mock those with whom he disagrees?

POSOTUS (piece of shit of the united states)

Interesting observation. He and Ted Cruz have almost identical educations and careers.
Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs

Obama's leadership proves presidency is no place for amateurs | Fox News

The American people should have scrutinized that resume harder than what they did. We are paying the price now. The man can't negotiate. Community Organizers just just never did it.

If McCain had been elected instead you'd have the very same situation you have today, as you can see by the stance that he's taken over this impasse.

And Sarah Palin as Veep would not be out on the Mall at the memorials "palling around" with Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. She would be absolutely invisible during this crisis. So please....get real.

You cannot tell what McCain would be doing if he was the president. Once you've been given the gavel, you are a leader .... not of just your party but of the American people and our country. McCain is a patriot, an adjective I have never heard given to Obama and that just may make the difference how he would be leading this country in times like these.

Excuse me.....(ding, ding, ding) What has McCain's stance been in the last month? What did he say about Cruz's filibuster?
Want to answer that or just post more bullshit?
What happened to the charges that Obama was a dictator?

He wants to be. That pesky old Constitution is all that stops him.

But it has been reported many times that Obama ignores the Constitution. Wish we could nail these charges down so that America knows what Obama really is, maybe take one item at a time. So in the economic area is Obama a socialist, fascist communist, Marxist, capitalist, feudalist, mercantilist or what? Once that is solved we can go on to Obama's choice of governments.

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