Obama's Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis—The Communist


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama’s Communist Mentor

Frank Marshall Davis parroted the Communist line and attacked Democratic icon Harry Truman.
By Paul Kengor

When you write a book, particularly one that requires several years of research, you tend to encounter a bunch of unexpected information. Sometimes you find things that, if reported, will undoubtedly prompt partisans to demand you explain yourself. For me, this begins that process of explaining, given that one of the major characters in my new book on American Communists, Dupes, is Frank Marshall Davis.

Allegations regarding Davis’s Communism are sure to infuriate the Left because of the influence Davis once had over our president. He was a drinking buddy of Barack Obama’s maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, and spent time with young Obama. He turns up in the president’s memoir, Dreams from My Father, shrewdly identified only as “Frank”: “I was intrigued by old Frank, with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes.” Recently, a U.S. Communist-party official confirmed the relationship, bragging in a speech of the Communist Davis’s formative influence over Obama. And yet when the allegations surfaced during the 2008 campaign, they went virtually unreported in the mainstream media.

After an almost four-year-long sojourn in which I tried to ascertain whether Davis was a progressive duped by Communists, or, conversely, a Communist who duped progressives, I determined the latter. No doubt, this conclusion — which means the leader of the free world was strongly influenced by a Marxist — will bring the unholy wrath of liberals. Yet, they should brace themselves for another kind of anger. Once they read what Davis did and wrote, they might redirect their rage. In truth, Davis’s targets were mainly Democrats, and especially a Democratic icon, Harry Truman. What Davis said about Truman was unbelievably outrageous. Worse, he said it because it was the Moscow line.

This is a good interview with the professor...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TQG_rIO1aI]Obama's Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis[/ame]
Before the Radical leftist took over the Dmeocratic party

As for the Democrats, they certainly took notice of Davis. Indeed, the Obama biographers that mention Davis portray him as a victim of McCarthyism; to the contrary, Joe McCarthy never came anywhere near Davis. It was Democrats who pursued Davis, especially anti-communist Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. In those days, the Senate was filled with anti-communist Democrats like Senator John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nev.), and Senator Thomas Dodd (D-Conn.), father of Chris Dodd. Some of the best work investigating pro-Soviet activity by American communists was done by the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by James Eastland (D-Miss.).

When Frank Marshall Davis was called to Washington to testify on his pro-Soviet activities, it was by Democrats. It was a Democratic Senate that, in an official 1957 report titled “Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States,” publicly listed Davis as “an identified member of the Communist Party

Obama, his mentor, and the Democratic Party | The Daily Caller
Just watched "Dreams of my Real Father". Makes the case that Frank Marshal Davis Obama's REAL Father and mentor. That's why the B.C. was forged, not because he born out of country, but because his real Father is a Card Carrying Communist.
Interstate-80 Closing For Coal transport

Obama Coal Mt. Rushmore.jpg"

I-80 will be closed tomorrow across Nebraska and Wyoming . They are hauling a 200 ton lump of coal to the Black Hills so that they can add Obama to Mount Rushmore .

They had to settle for a material such as coal, as they couldn't find a 200 ton piece of shit...


  • $Obama Coal Mt. Rushmore.jpg
    $Obama Coal Mt. Rushmore.jpg
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Wiat Obama's grandma was a commie, because Obama said she was a racist, I thought commies couldnt be racist, I thought it was just conservatives....hmmmmmmmmmm
Oh wait...that's what the left says, but we know a different story dont we?
If Obama were a Republican this kind of stuff would have been plastered all over the media, he never would have been elected. Now what do we get? "Where's Romney's tax returns?"...”What about your gaff Romney” " is it true that you cut some guys hair in high school Romney?"....Incredible, the main stream media is dead in this country, taken over by Obama’s fellow leftists
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I still think the best, "he's a communist" attack on a Democratic president was with FDR. The Truman is a communist attack wasn't bad, but it lacked the freshness and zeal of the FDR charges. By now the program has gotten a mite stale, but it is steady and predictable. Fortunately new Americans are constantly coming along so it still might have some measure of success.
The best attack, without a doubt, was the tyrant or king attack the Republicans used on King Andrew Jackson the First. But with kings disappearing, the king charges ceased to be scary.
The Democratic attacks are a little different, they charge Republican presidents with being stupid. Harding and Bush being at the bottom of the pile, and now, it looks like they have a sure bet with Romney.
Just watched "Dreams of my Real Father". Makes the case that Frank Marshal Davis Obama's REAL Father and mentor. That's why the B.C. was forged, not because he born out of country, but because his real Father is a Card Carrying Communist.

I think he looks a lot more like Davis than he does Obama Sr.....you could be right.
I still think the best, "he's a communist" attack on a Democratic president was with FDR. The Truman is a communist attack wasn't bad, but it lacked the freshness and zeal of the FDR charges. By now the program has gotten a mite stale, but it is steady and predictable. Fortunately new Americans are constantly coming along so it still might have some measure of success.
The best attack, without a doubt, was the tyrant or king attack the Republicans used on King Andrew Jackson the First. But with kings disappearing, the king charges ceased to be scary.
The Democratic attacks are a little different, they charge Republican presidents with being stupid. Harding and Bush being at the bottom of the pile, and now, it looks like they have a sure bet with Romney.

Frank Marshall Davis was a card carrying communist and a self admitted pedophile.

I'm not lying or spinning about Davis. He bragged openly about how he and his wife "showed a young girl the sexual ropes". The girl was a family friend and she was 14 at the time they introduced her to sexuality.
David M. Axelrod was born February 22, 1955, to Myril Bennett Axelrod (who worked for PM, a leftist New York newspaper whose ranks were penetrated by communists seeking to advance the Stalinist line) and Joseph Axelrod (a psychologist who committed suicide in 1974). David would later describe his parents as “your classic New York leftist Democrats.” He grew up in Manhattan and, from an early age, engaged passionately in politics. At age ten, he canvassed for New York mayoral candidate John Lindsay (a Democrat); when he was thirteen, he sold campaign buttons and bumper stickers promoting Robert Kennedy for President.

Axelrod graduated from New York's Stuyvesant High School in June 1972 and enrolled, that fall, at the University of Chicago, where he majored in political science and wrote for the student newspaper. In late 1973 or early 1974, he secured a job as a political columnist for the Hyde Park Herald, a local weekly newspaper. His work at the Herald caught the attention of two particularly noteworthy individuals, David Canter and Don Rose:

David Canter (1923-2004) was the son of Harry Jacob Canter, a lifelong communist who: served as secretary of the Boston Communist Party; ran for governor of Massachusetts on the Communist Party ticket in 1930; earned a special invitation to Stalin's USSR in 1932; and later taught at the Abraham Lincoln School, an infamous Chicago-based front that indoctrinated students in the teachings of Marx and Lenin. Like his father, David Canter was also a lifelong communist. He was educated in Stalin's Soviet Union from 1932-37, before returning with his family to the United States. He later became an attorney and developed ties to the National Lawyers Guild. In the Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications, an exhaustive Congressional analysis compiled between 1955 and 1968, Canter's name appeared 25 times. On July 12, 1962, Canter was subpoenaed to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), where he was questioned about the agendas of Translation World Publishers, the pro-Soviet, Soviet-subsidized publishing house he had co-created with LeRoy Wolins, a well-known communist. Canter refused to answer any HUAC questions about his past or present membership in the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).

David Axelrod - Discover the Networks

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