Obama's missed INTEL briefings- Any of those on Libya or Egypt?!!


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Here's a link to his official schedule.. PATHETIC.. This BOZO doesn't know shit because he never shows up for his own INTEL briefings.


Leftists screeched like bats in heat over Boooooooooooooosh and intel.. and yet:

USATODAY.com - Bush's daily intel briefing revamped

Now we have the messiah- doesn't show for even half of his briefings and all of a sudden, "OBAMA can read them at his fund-raisers.. he can do two things at one time." The complete and absolute hypocrisy is astounding!!

We know:

There was NO security provided for the protection of our people in these embassies.

Obama was warned back in 2009 and 2010 about the danger in these embassies and SLASHED funding.

No amount of spin, blame game can save the sorry ass of this Appeasement President.

Years of warning about embassy security preceded Libya attack | WashingtonGuardian
The absent President--- A scandal in National Security.. Is it any wonder we were attacked again on 9-11-2012?????
In 2012, Barack Hussein Obama attended only 38% of his daily Intel briefs.. This man can spend taxpayer money traveling all over campaigning to raise money.. play golf as if that's his Presidential duty.. Remember all of the parties he and Michelle had??? BUT HE DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO BE BRIEFED ON NATIONAL SECURITY!

This President deserves to be FIRED for his neglience, incompetence, and his aide to our enemy.
Few details: demonstrators smashed windows of the security offices outside the embassy before breaking through the main gate of the heavily fortified compound in eastern Sanaa. Security guards opened fire and there were reports of casualties on both sides but no details were immediately available.
More news:

Up to 5,000 protesters are trying to get into the US compound in Sanaa, according to local reports. Hundreds got past two police barricades and managed to get inside the building. They were then driven back by security forces firing weapons into the air. TV pictures showed Yemenis trying to scale walls to get back into the compound.

Yemen: US Embassy Stormed By Protesters

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