Obamas One Last "Fuck You" to American Voters; an Intercessional SCOTUS Appointment

So Trump's winning is the "will of the American people", but Obama winning re-election wasn't? I'm no Obama supporter, but let's be consistent.
OF course Obama's election in 2012 was the will of the American people.

Romney just sucked that bad.
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​

How can a guy who was the first to win two terms with more than 51 % since Eisenhower defy the will of voters, who by a 3 million margin preferred Hillary?

Thinking ain't your jam, is it.
As I already noted the Supreme Court ruled years ago that the short time between Congresses is NOT a valid recess for Presidential appointments.
I'm not saying you are wrong, but that is one I haven't heard. You got a link to that?
Ruled us by E.O.'s!? Hardly. Obama has made 266 Executive Orders as of December 20th. (A number that I am sure has changed since then) W. Bush had 291, Clinton had 364, and Reagan had 381. Of two term Presidents, Obama's usage of E.O.'s may ended up being the fewest since G. Cleveland.
It is not the number of EOs that is problematic but what they covered, in Obama's case he was not implementing duly passed laws in many cases, but instead implementing his own wishes and at other times completely ignoring laws that were passed.

But that is OK, because his legacy will be similarly undone; by Trumps EOs, lol.

I see. Obama's usage of E.O.'s were (d)ifferent. lol
Meh...I doubt Obama has the nerve to do it. But, if the failure decides to go that route it won't hold up anyway....Either way, he loses.
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​

Only a degenerate like you would fall for this crap.
Obama has zero respect for the Will of the American People, who voted against a third Obama term via the Hillary Clinton surrogacy. But that doesnt matter one whit to this witless oaf; he will do everything he can to damage Trump, damage America and kiss the collective asses of his Marxist supporters.

This degenerate should have been impeached five years ago.

Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during ‘intersession recess’

Mr. Obama’s moment will come just before noon, in the five minutes that the Senate gavels the 114th Congress out of session and the time the 115th Congress begins.

In those few moments the Senate will go into what’s known as an “intersession recess,” creating one golden moment when the president could test his recess-appointment powers by sending Judge Garland to the high court.​
Good. I hope President Obama kicks you traitorous bastards in the nuts every chance he gets, until 20Jan17, and thereafter, for a matter of fact.

the SC already ruled in 2014

that 5 minutes is not a recess

even if he did he would be removed 5 minutes later
I see. Obama's usage of E.O.'s were (d)ifferent. lol
Yes, show me an EO by a previous President that circumvented passed laws, like Obama did in just one example, where he put about 4 million illegals into a "not to be prosecuted" category that in effect amends existing law without Congressional action.

It may seem like a trivial matter to folks like yourself, but following the letter of the law actually is an important thing for the Chief Executive to do.
I see. Obama's usage of E.O.'s were (d)ifferent. lol
Yes, show me an EO by a previous President that circumvented passed laws, like Obama did in just one example, where he put about 4 million illegals into a "not to be prosecuted" category that in effect amends existing law without Congressional action.

It may seem like a trivial matter to folks like yourself, but following the letter of the law actually is an important thing for the Chief Executive to do.

That was clearly a bullshit EO and I was pleased when the courts slapped it down.

Here are a few other examples of overreach of EO's:

Executive Order 13233 from George W. Bush circumvented the Presidential Records Act.

George W. Bush also signed a secret Executive Order that expanded the use of domestic wiretapping without the need of approval from the courts.

Executive Order 9066 from FDR allowing internment camps of Japanese Americans.

Executive Order 10340 from Harry Truman seized private property during the Steel Strike.

The idea that Obama is 'ruling us by EO's is just hyper-partisan bullshit. The same people crying over Obama's usage of EO's will be cheering when Trump does the very same. The other side of the coin will piss and moan. It's always (d)iffe(r)ent to the blind partisans. Meh.

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