Obama's Potential Return: Biden's Bold Move to Make Him VP and Successor Discussed by Legal Scholars


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Obama's Potential Return:

Biden's Bold Move to Make Him VP and Successor

Discussed by Legal Scholars

4 Jul 2024 ~~

Latest reports indicates that legal scholars suggest that Democratic strategists may be exploring a controversial loophole that could potentially bring former President Barack Obama back to the White House.
The proposed strategy involves nominating Obama as President Joe Biden's running mate in the 2024 election, positioning him to succeed Biden should he step down after the election as reported by NEWSMAX on July 4, 2024.
According to constitutional experts, this move hinges on the interpretation of the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than twice.
However, the amendment does not explicitly forbid a twice-elected president from serving as vice president or from ascending to the presidency through succession.
The theoretical strategy would require President Biden to win reelection with Obama as his vice president. Biden would then step down, allowing Obama to assume the presidency once again.
Critics argue that the spirit of the 22nd Amendment is to prevent any individual from holding the presidency for more than two terms, and this strategy would be a blatant circumvention of that intent.
"While the legal argument may hold some water, it would undoubtedly lead to a major constitutional crisis and intense scrutiny from both the courts and the electorate."
Opponents of the idea also point out that such a move could backfire politically, potentially alienating voters who view it as an attempt to undermine democratic norms.
The potential for protracted legal battles and political fallout makes this a highly controversial and uncertain strategy.Despite the controversy, the mere discussion of this possibility underscores the high stakes and intense strategizing leading up to the 2024 election.
As the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party will pursue this unprecedented and audacious plan, or if it will remain a speculative exercise in legal and political maneuvering.

I read previously something sinilar some time last year. This comes as no breaking news to me in particular.
The desperation of the Neo-Marxist Democrat Left continues to astound the average American.
Obviously the present SCOTUS would no look or decide kindly in this obvious attempt to circumvent the Constitution. That is why Neo-Marxists want to pack the SCOTUS with more judges. Neo-Marxist Democrats mouths water when they dream of controlling the Supreme Court of the United State of America.
That is why Neo-Marxist want to add more Judges so they can control
But circumventing the Constitution is something Neo-Marxist Democrats connive to do daily.
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Obama's Potential Return:

Biden's Bold Move to Make Him VP and Successor

Discussed by Legal Scholars

4 Jul 2024 ~~

Latest reports indicates that legal scholars suggest that Democratic strategists may be exploring a controversial loophole that could potentially bring former President Barack Obama back to the White House.
The proposed strategy involves nominating Obama as President Joe Biden's running mate in the 2024 election, positioning him to succeed Biden should he step down after the election as reported by NEWSMAX on July 4, 2024.
According to constitutional experts, this move hinges on the interpretation of the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than twice.
However, the amendment does not explicitly forbid a twice-elected president from serving as vice president or from ascending to the presidency through succession.
The theoretical strategy would require President Biden to win reelection with Obama as his vice president. Biden would then step down, allowing Obama to assume the presidency once again.
Critics argue that the spirit of the 22nd Amendment is to prevent any individual from holding the presidency for more than two terms, and this strategy would be a blatant circumvention of that intent.
"While the legal argument may hold some water, it would undoubtedly lead to a major constitutional crisis and intense scrutiny from both the courts and the electorate."
Opponents of the idea also point out that such a move could backfire politically, potentially alienating voters who view it as an attempt to undermine democratic norms.
The potential for protracted legal battles and political fallout makes this a highly controversial and uncertain strategy.Despite the controversy, the mere discussion of this possibility underscores the high stakes and intense strategizing leading up to the 2024 election.
As the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party will pursue this unprecedented and audacious plan, or if it will remain a speculative exercise in legal and political maneuvering.

I read previously something sinilar some time last year. This comes as no breaking news to me in particular.
The desperation of the Neo-Marxist Democrat Left continues to astound the average American.
Obviously the present SCOTUS would no look or decide kindly in this obvious attempt to circumvent the Constitution. That is why Neo-Marxists want to pack the SCOTUS with more judges. Neo-Marxist Democrats mouths water when they dream of controlling the Supreme Court of the United State of America.
That is why Neo-Marxist want to add more Judges so they can control
But circumventing the Constitution is something Neo-Marxist Democrats connive to do daily.
Some say he's been running the country anyway might as well make it official.

Obama's Potential Return:

Biden's Bold Move to Make Him VP and Successor

Discussed by Legal Scholars

4 Jul 2024 ~~

Latest reports indicates that legal scholars suggest that Democratic strategists may be exploring a controversial loophole that could potentially bring former President Barack Obama back to the White House.
The proposed strategy involves nominating Obama as President Joe Biden's running mate in the 2024 election, positioning him to succeed Biden should he step down after the election as reported by NEWSMAX on July 4, 2024.
According to constitutional experts, this move hinges on the interpretation of the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than twice.
However, the amendment does not explicitly forbid a twice-elected president from serving as vice president or from ascending to the presidency through succession.
The theoretical strategy would require President Biden to win reelection with Obama as his vice president. Biden would then step down, allowing Obama to assume the presidency once again.
Critics argue that the spirit of the 22nd Amendment is to prevent any individual from holding the presidency for more than two terms, and this strategy would be a blatant circumvention of that intent.
"While the legal argument may hold some water, it would undoubtedly lead to a major constitutional crisis and intense scrutiny from both the courts and the electorate."
Opponents of the idea also point out that such a move could backfire politically, potentially alienating voters who view it as an attempt to undermine democratic norms.
The potential for protracted legal battles and political fallout makes this a highly controversial and uncertain strategy.Despite the controversy, the mere discussion of this possibility underscores the high stakes and intense strategizing leading up to the 2024 election.
As the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party will pursue this unprecedented and audacious plan, or if it will remain a speculative exercise in legal and political maneuvering.

I read previously something sinilar some time last year. This comes as no breaking news to me in particular.
The desperation of the Neo-Marxist Democrat Left continues to astound the average American.
Obviously the present SCOTUS would no look or decide kindly in this obvious attempt to circumvent the Constitution. That is why Neo-Marxists want to pack the SCOTUS with more judges. Neo-Marxist Democrats mouths water when they dream of controlling the Supreme Court of the United State of America.
That is why Neo-Marxist want to add more Judges so they can control
But circumventing the Constitution is something Neo-Marxist Democrats connive to do daily.

This is fake news. Even a cursory examination of the Constitution disallows this.
In this fantasy dream , would they finally factor in Obummer's real history as a queer and communist plus him being married to a male?

Even reality Deniers should admit that these facts could restrict his popularity .
Devastatingly .
Won’t happen. I mean…ok…so Obama get selected as vp…Biden steps down Obama is potus for 4 more years. Next election cycle, Obama is selected as vp running mate…potus steps down, Obama is potus again for 4 more years…in the next election cycle, he is chosen for running mate again, they win, potus steps down, Obama becomes potus again for 4 more years.

I mean, that’s a far fetched scenario..but that is the interpretation they are trying to use to make this argument.
I don't want to go back to the constitution ignoring, racist days of Obama, with new race riots every month. We need to move past the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas and the Bidens. We already know they suck. MAGA
All of this hinges on firing Kamala Harris instead of firing Joe Biden.

Either way a Biden-Obama ticket is a losing ticket. Americans do not want Obama back again. Obama did nothing-not one thing for African Americans when he was president for 8 long years. Blacks are not interested in voting for him EVER again.

America does not want Michelle as First Lady EVER again.
The 12th Amendment blocks Obama from EVER being a VP in America.

"[N]o person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice president of the United States." Since the former president would not be eligible to run for president, he is almost certainly barred from running for vice president. One could make an argument that Obama meets the qualifications stated in Article II, Clause 5, since he is over 35, a natural-born citizen, and a resident of the country for more than 14 years. He would be fine under Article II, but that seems a disingenuous argument at best and the courts would likely not support it.

Obama's Potential Return:

Biden's Bold Move to Make Him VP and Successor

Discussed by Legal Scholars

4 Jul 2024 ~~

Latest reports indicates that legal scholars suggest that Democratic strategists may be exploring a controversial loophole that could potentially bring former President Barack Obama back to the White House.
The proposed strategy involves nominating Obama as President Joe Biden's running mate in the 2024 election, positioning him to succeed Biden should he step down after the election as reported by NEWSMAX on July 4, 2024.
According to constitutional experts, this move hinges on the interpretation of the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than twice.
However, the amendment does not explicitly forbid a twice-elected president from serving as vice president or from ascending to the presidency through succession.
The theoretical strategy would require President Biden to win reelection with Obama as his vice president. Biden would then step down, allowing Obama to assume the presidency once again.
Critics argue that the spirit of the 22nd Amendment is to prevent any individual from holding the presidency for more than two terms, and this strategy would be a blatant circumvention of that intent.
"While the legal argument may hold some water, it would undoubtedly lead to a major constitutional crisis and intense scrutiny from both the courts and the electorate."
Opponents of the idea also point out that such a move could backfire politically, potentially alienating voters who view it as an attempt to undermine democratic norms.
The potential for protracted legal battles and political fallout makes this a highly controversial and uncertain strategy.Despite the controversy, the mere discussion of this possibility underscores the high stakes and intense strategizing leading up to the 2024 election.
As the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party will pursue this unprecedented and audacious plan, or if it will remain a speculative exercise in legal and political maneuvering.

I read previously something sinilar some time last year. This comes as no breaking news to me in particular.
The desperation of the Neo-Marxist Democrat Left continues to astound the average American.
Obviously the present SCOTUS would no look or decide kindly in this obvious attempt to circumvent the Constitution. That is why Neo-Marxists want to pack the SCOTUS with more judges. Neo-Marxist Democrats mouths water when they dream of controlling the Supreme Court of the United State of America.
That is why Neo-Marxist want to add more Judges so they can control
But circumventing the Constitution is something Neo-Marxist Democrats connive to do daily.
Do you have a LINK for the Newsmax article mentioned? Your link is not a source from NEWSMAX which was mentioned in your op?
Trump is not qualified. He tried to overthrow the government, but you ignore that.
It is time for the Obama's and Clinton's to go. Enough of them. Enough of radical riots/insurrections for a period of years. We need a calming for several years minimum. And the media/entertainers/prog politicians need to man up and give us that calming with Trump as President. The nation and the planet needs to cool off from the violence.
All the democrats can do at this point is let Biden lose the presidency with dignity. There is no think tank undercover low down rotten dirty strategy for them to muster up.

Let Biden stay in. Let Kamala stay in. Let the Biden-Harris ticket run its course. If they try anything stupid and illegal the United States Supreme Court is waiting, and watching them carefully.
Obama runs the risk of ruining his own record and reputation if he gets involved. It would be a black-eye on that brand new presidential library he is trying to open.

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