Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
Biden, Gore and a few other popular dems better jump in or we run the risk of electing a freak.
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?

Biden, Gore and a few other popular dems better jump in or we run the risk of electing a freak.
And if they do and kick that freak Hillary out of the race, we still run the same risk ...

What does it matter???
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...

he's a compulsive liar and a troll. His relationship with reality is tenuous at best.
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...

he's a compulsive liar and a troll. His relationship with reality is tenuous at best.
And you are in denial, as your lifetime hero is now a common spy, about to get the gallows pole..................
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.

The FBI does not inform a person when they are investigating someone, but the State Dept knows that the FBI has uncovered entire missing months of e-mails and the State Dept will not pretend that this is not happening, they can not because Hillary is now presumed guilty as she has stated that all e-mails are turned over, and entire months are missing. This is perjury, like it or not.
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.

The "jail thing" is just nut jobs getting there undies wedged up their ass because they know she is going to be the next POTUS.
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.

The FBI does not inform a person when they are investigating someone, but the State Dept knows that the FBI has uncovered entire missing months of e-mails and the State Dept will not pretend that this is not happening, they can not because Hillary is now presumed guilty as she has stated that all e-mails are turned over, and entire months are missing. This is perjury, like it or not.

LOL, what do you have a mole in the State Department or something? You're engaging in pure speculation which doesn't in any way jib with the article you linked and perjury is very specific as in you can't charge her with it based on public statements, she'd have to had made them under oath.

Seriously you Republicans need to get off this "she's going to jail" nonsense, I'd love to see it but it just isn't going to happen (she's too well connected) which for the Republicans is probably good news since the Democrats are likely to nominate her and she'll be easy pickings in the general, unless of course you Republicans snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory by doing something stupid (like nominating Donald Trump).
Obamas State Department tells Hillary Clinton to find the missing e-mails or go to jail

I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

"As a result, I ask that you confirm that, with regard to her tenure as secretary of state, former Secretary Clinton has provided the department with all federal records in her possession, regardless of their format or the domain on which they were stored or created, that may not otherwise be preserved in the department’s recordkeeping system,” Patrick F. Kennedy, under secretary of state for management, said in the letter, dated Oct. 2.
Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.

The FBI does not inform a person when they are investigating someone, but the State Dept knows that the FBI has uncovered entire missing months of e-mails and the State Dept will not pretend that this is not happening, they can not because Hillary is now presumed guilty as she has stated that all e-mails are turned over, and entire months are missing. This is perjury, like it or not.

LOL, what do you have a mole in the State Department or something? You're engaging in pure speculation which doesn't in any way jib with the article you linked and perjury is very specific as in you can't charge her with it based on public statements, she'd have to had made them under oath.

Seriously you Republicans need to get off this "she's going to jail" nonsense, I'd love to see it but it just isn't going to happen (she's too well connected) which for the Republicans is probably good news since the Democrats are likely to nominate her and she'll be easy pickings in the general, unless of course you Republicans snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory by doing something stupid (like nominating Donald Trump).
Senate Panel Probes Another Possible Archive of Clinton’s Emails If the Senate finds more e-mails that Hillary deleted that were work related then there is more perjury, again you are in denial that Clinton has not already hired a CRIMINAL attorney.....

State Dept. tells Hillary Clinton to search for more emails So much for a pardon, Obama has the hammer and nails and is in a crucifying mood................

Clinton will now get several CRIMINAL attorneys................

Unlike you, I read your link and there is nothing in there about "or go to jail".

You let your hack partisan wishful thinking get the better of you, liar.

Couldn't agree more.

Most boring manufactured scandal. Ever.
I don't see anything in the article you linked regarding "find the missing e-mails or go to jail" , I don't even see where the word "jail" is mentioned in it....

Seems like a pretty plain jane request to me...
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.

The FBI does not inform a person when they are investigating someone, but the State Dept knows that the FBI has uncovered entire missing months of e-mails and the State Dept will not pretend that this is not happening, they can not because Hillary is now presumed guilty as she has stated that all e-mails are turned over, and entire months are missing. This is perjury, like it or not.

LOL, what do you have a mole in the State Department or something? You're engaging in pure speculation which doesn't in any way jib with the article you linked and perjury is very specific as in you can't charge her with it based on public statements, she'd have to had made them under oath.

Seriously you Republicans need to get off this "she's going to jail" nonsense, I'd love to see it but it just isn't going to happen (she's too well connected) which for the Republicans is probably good news since the Democrats are likely to nominate her and she'll be easy pickings in the general, unless of course you Republicans snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory by doing something stupid (like nominating Donald Trump).
Senate Panel Probes Another Possible Archive of Clinton’s Emails If the Senate finds more e-mails that Hillary deleted that were work related then there is more perjury
How is that perjury? It doesn't seem like you understand what perjury is .....
, again you are in denial that Clinton has not already hired a CRIMINAL attorney.....

Please point out where I said anything about her having hired (or not hired) a CRIMINAL attorney.
State Dept. tells Hillary Clinton to search for more emails So much for a pardon, Obama has the hammer and nails and is in a crucifying mood................

Clinton will now get several CRIMINAL attorneys................

Unlike you, I read your link and there is nothing in there about "or go to jail".

You let your hack partisan wishful thinking get the better of you, liar.

Couldn't agree more.

Most boring manufactured scandal. Ever.
Again that is because the FBI does not issue press releases on it's investigations. The fact is that Obama just ordered Hillary to comply with the law, and by doing this he is not complicit when she does not comply with the law.

The President has thrown her under the train so to speak, you can deny that this is happening all you choose, it makes no difference. So go ahead and stomp your little feets.
That is because the request came from the FBI who does not have to tell your palsy ass what they are doing with the 200 Federal agents and 17 judges that are currently investigating Clinton. Now there is another possible account found, if this is true then Hillary PERJURED herself and this means JAIL JAIL JAIL, your opinion means nothing. Hillary Email Scandal: Has Another Private Account Been Found?


Looks to me like the request came from the Under Secretary of State for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy, the FBI isn't mentioned in the article you linked.

It appears to be more ass covering by the State Department, since The Duchess of Benghazi has publicly stated umpteen times she's turned over everything and if State had evidence to the contrary and were going to pursue criminal charges they'd have just done it. I also don't see how Hillary perjured herself since as far as I know she didn't make those statements under oath. This damages her royal highness politically but jail... not even close IMHO.

The FBI does not inform a person when they are investigating someone, but the State Dept knows that the FBI has uncovered entire missing months of e-mails and the State Dept will not pretend that this is not happening, they can not because Hillary is now presumed guilty as she has stated that all e-mails are turned over, and entire months are missing. This is perjury, like it or not.

LOL, what do you have a mole in the State Department or something? You're engaging in pure speculation which doesn't in any way jib with the article you linked and perjury is very specific as in you can't charge her with it based on public statements, she'd have to had made them under oath.

Seriously you Republicans need to get off this "she's going to jail" nonsense, I'd love to see it but it just isn't going to happen (she's too well connected) which for the Republicans is probably good news since the Democrats are likely to nominate her and she'll be easy pickings in the general, unless of course you Republicans snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory by doing something stupid (like nominating Donald Trump).
Senate Panel Probes Another Possible Archive of Clinton’s Emails If the Senate finds more e-mails that Hillary deleted that were work related then there is more perjury
How is that perjury? It doesn't seem like you understand what perjury is .....
, again you are in denial that Clinton has not already hired a CRIMINAL attorney.....

Please point out where I said anything about her having hired (or not hired) a CRIMINAL attorney.
Hillary Clinton's legal adviser warns her: Time to lawyer up If she does not, then she is retarded, so you choose, either she has criminal attorneys, or she is retarded, your choice,
State Dept. tells Hillary Clinton to search for more emails So much for a pardon, Obama has the hammer and nails and is in a crucifying mood................

Clinton will now get several CRIMINAL attorneys................

Unlike you, I read your link and there is nothing in there about "or go to jail".

You let your hack partisan wishful thinking get the better of you, liar.

Couldn't agree more.

Most boring manufactured scandal. Ever.
Again that is because the FBI does not issue press releases on it's investigations. The fact is that Obama just ordered Hillary to comply with the law, and by doing this he is not complicit when she does not comply with the law.

The President has thrown her under the train so to speak, you can deny that this is happening all you choose, it makes no difference. So go ahead and stomp your little feets.
Keep wishing, hack.


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