Obummer shows up in Az today to try and bail out loser DEMs.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
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The Southwestern Desert
We'll see if America's greatest con man can pull the wool over Democrat eyes again. It didn't work so well in Virginia a couple years ago.

Is that what he was doing? I thought he was auditioning as a stand up comic.
B. Hussein O will be campaigning in Pennsylvania with Uncle Festerman this coming weekend.

If I were advising Obama , I'd tell him to tell the lieutenant governor to keep his pie hole shut during the event.
As I have written here before, any endorsement must be assessed as to which voters and potential voters would be influenced by the endorsement.

In the case of former President Obama, there is one small demographic that might be impacted: African Americans. It is nothing but a get-out-the-Black vote initiative. Nobody else gives two shits what he thinks or says.

The Latino voters should ask him why Martha's Vineyard deported their refugees to a military holding facility and if the prisoners were allowed instruments.


We'll see if America's greatest con man can pull the wool over Democrat eyes again. It didn't work so well in Virginia a couple years ago.

Almost everywhere he goes, the candidate loses.

I guess he needs the ego stroke from the the adoration of the dozens of zombies who show up to these "rallies".
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