of course we can't forget America's #1 all-time Terrorist, right winger Tim McVeigh


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist car bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. Carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing destroyed one-third of the building, killed 168 people,[1] and injured more than 680 others.[2] The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars,[3][4] causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.[5] Extensive rescue efforts were undertaken by local, state, federal, and worldwide agencies in the wake of the bombing, and substantial donations were received from across the country.

~ wiki
I am more concerned with Jihadists, and you should be too, jizz bucket.
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

he did his own personal 'come to jesus' meeting, knew it was about to get real
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist car bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. Carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing destroyed one-third of the building, killed 168 people,[1] and injured more than 680 others.[2] The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars,[3][4] causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.[5] Extensive rescue efforts were undertaken by local, state, federal, and worldwide agencies in the wake of the bombing, and substantial donations were received from across the country.

~ wiki

and his connection to Iran
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist car bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995. Carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing destroyed one-third of the building, killed 168 people,[1] and injured more than 680 others.[2] The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars,[3][4] causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.[5] Extensive rescue efforts were undertaken by local, state, federal, and worldwide agencies in the wake of the bombing, and substantial donations were received from across the country.

~ wiki
What is the evidence that he was a right winger?
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

Nope...from wiki.....

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[93][94] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution.[95][96][97][98][99][100]
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

Yeah...excpet for that whole 9/11 thing where 3,000 people were killed in one go......you guys always forget that one....and the 49 in orlando.......and the muslim terrorism being spread around the world....and the Norway shooter wasn't christian......please....do some research...
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

Nope...from wiki.....

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[93][94] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution.[95][96][97][98][99][100]
so why did he ask for the last rights from the pedophile catholic church
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

The norway shooter...you kind of have to believe in Jesus to be a Christian...don't you think?

2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia

Furthermore, Breivik stated that "myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God."[201][202] According to the International Business Times, in his manifesto, he "did not see himself as religious",

You can call yourself a vegetarian.....but eating meat regularly means you aren't a vegetarian...
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

Nope...from wiki.....

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[93][94] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution.[95][96][97][98][99][100]
so why did he ask for the last rights from the pedophile catholic church

There are more pedophile school teachers in the California school system than there are the total number of Catholic priests...and you have to send your kids to public school.....
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

Nope...from wiki.....

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[93][94] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution.[95][96][97][98][99][100]
so why did he ask for the last rights from the pedophile catholic church

There are more pedophile school teachers in the California school system than there are the total number of Catholic priests...and you have to send your kids to public school.....
lying for your dead man god again

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'" Fr Ashmore said: "Tim was raised a Catholic. He knows when you ask for that, it's like saying, 'I'm sorry for everything I've done Lord. Please

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

Catholic Answers Forums - Death penalty and Last Rites

Originally Posted by jkatpc (Post 2677663)
I tried asking this on the AAA forum, but I probably bungled up the submission. Anyway, can a Catholic inmate on death row receive all the Last Rites elements immediately prior to execution? Does this ever happen? Although not technically sick, they are facing imminent death. Can they receive the anointing of the sick and the apostolic plenary indulgence?

Yes, it can and should happen.

Timothy McVeigh, for example, requested and recieved Sacramental Absolution just prior to his execution.

They do recieve the Apostolic Blessing, which includes the plenary indulgence. If accepted with no attachment to sin, that means they go directly to Heaven ::)

How's that for a demonstration of God's Mercy :thumbsup:

so we see the crimes on credit cult
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America's #1 terrorist of all time killed hundreds of thousands of Americans over a course of multiple years. He fundamentally changed the nature and structure of this nation while destroying our founding documents.

His name: Abraham Lincoln.
Murica's #1 terrorist is the IRS, hands down.

try paying your taxes, they won't seem so bad

In the 1980's Playboy ran a cartoon that showed the three most dangerous terrorists in the world and it was the Arab Terrorist, IRA Terroris, and the most deadliest was the man with the briefcase that work for the IRS...

As for Tim McVeigh, well at the time he was the worst of the worst and got what he had coming to him but since then 9-11-2001 happen changed the OKC bombing to the second worst terrorist attack and the 9-11 bombers have replaced McVeigh as the worst terrorists to attack this country, well outside the lunatics that run our country...
He was an atheist lefter.
he was a christer

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'"

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik

Nope...from wiki.....

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[93][94] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution.[95][96][97][98][99][100]
so why did he ask for the last rights from the pedophile catholic church

There are more pedophile school teachers in the California school system than there are the total number of Catholic priests...and you have to send your kids to public school.....
lying for your dead man god again

Timothy McVeigh received the Last Rites shortly before his death a priest told reporters yesterday. Fr Ron Ashmore, of St. Margaret Mary Church, said McVeigh asked to see Terre Haute prison chaplain Fr Frank Roof in the execution chamber minutes before his death. One of McVeigh's attorneys, Nathan Chambers, said when he arrived at the prison, the warden told him a priest was available if McVeigh wanted the Last Rites. Chambers said, when he asked McVeigh, he replied: "Sure, send him in.'" Fr Ashmore said: "Tim was raised a Catholic. He knows when you ask for that, it's like saying, 'I'm sorry for everything I've done Lord. Please

Timothy McVeigh asked for Last Rites

Asshole....from his own book....And of course you are listening to an attorney......

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[93][94] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution.[95][96][97][98][99][100]

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