Obama administration downplayed DHS' Antifa warnings, focused on alt-right

The Left thinks the KKK is more of a violent threat as opposed to Antipha.

That's because the kkk is a more violent threat that ANTIFA.

Yes the source is.

"according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI"

FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks
Third paragraph


That's why I wrote "follow the link from fox" - to Politico.

And no, there is no link in the third paragraph.
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Antifa is just OWS recycled. Same bunch of useless street-shitters.

That is some ignorant bullshit right there.

antifa is a reaction to Trump and the alt right. That doesn't justify violence by their members.

ANTIFA is actually a very old movement. They fought nazis and fascism in Europe long before the US got involved.

I agree that violence against innocent people is wrong. Same with looting and riots but violence against nazis and fascists is justified. We beat them in Europe and we will beat them here.

Had you Googled you would have seen more than one source, like my link to the liberal Politico, but I understand how easy it is for partisan nutters to just dismiss anything negative about their party members.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
If Fox News uses the US Constituion as a source, does that mean the US Constitution is fake news?

Fox News claimed Hurricane Harvey affected Houston residents. I guess that's bullshit.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.
No one ever heard from the KKK for the past 20-30 years. Yet all of the sudden, they are a major force.

Can't you see you are being duped by the elite DNC media?

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.
No one ever heard from the KKK for the past 20-30 years. Yet all of the sudden, they are a major force.

Can't you see you are being duped by the elite DNC media?
I"m not being dupped by anyone. I have always opposed the message of hate from the KKK. That isn't the focus of My point.

The Antifa ***** are exactly the same. They are haters of the first order. In fact, on a scale of then and now, they are closer to the Nazi than the KKK at this point in time.

There really is only one good Antifa/SJW. A dead one.
No, the source is NOT FBI and DHS.

Where are the links to FBI and DHS statements?

Follow the link from fox ...

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.
No one ever heard from the KKK for the past 20-30 years. Yet all of the sudden, they are a major force.

Can't you see you are being duped by the elite DNC media?
I"m not being dupped by anyone. I have always opposed the message of hate from the KKK. That isn't the focus of My point.

The Antifa ***** are exactly the same. They are haters of the first order. In fact, on a scale of then and now, they are closer to the Nazi than the KKK at this point in time.

There really is only one good Antifa/SJW. A dead one.
Oh please wake up. The KKK has no power and few members.

I am willing to the bet the house, that a large percentage of Americans never heard of the KKK until this event in Charlottesville. It was false flag event designed to inflame dumb Americans.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.


For the last time, yes, that's why I noted that.

There are no links.


No documentation.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.
No one ever heard from the KKK for the past 20-30 years. Yet all of the sudden, they are a major force.

Can't you see you are being duped by the elite DNC media?
I"m not being dupped by anyone. I have always opposed the message of hate from the KKK. That isn't the focus of My point.

The Antifa ***** are exactly the same. They are haters of the first order. In fact, on a scale of then and now, they are closer to the Nazi than the KKK at this point in time.

There really is only one good Antifa/SJW. A dead one.
Oh please wake up. The KKK has no power and few members.

I am willing to the bet the house, that a large percentage of Americans never heard of the KKK until this event in Charlottesville. It was false flag event designed to inflame dumb Americans.

Not long ago, I would have agreed to some of what you say.

Problem is, pino trump has these vermin coming out of the damn woodwork.

And nonsense that most Americans had never heard of the kkk.
No, the source is NOT FBI and DHS.

Where are the links to FBI and DHS statements?

Follow the link from fox ...

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.
No one ever heard from the KKK for the past 20-30 years. Yet all of the sudden, they are a major force.

Can't you see you are being duped by the elite DNC media?
I"m not being dupped by anyone. I have always opposed the message of hate from the KKK. That isn't the focus of My point.

The Antifa ***** are exactly the same. They are haters of the first order. In fact, on a scale of then and now, they are closer to the Nazi than the KKK at this point in time.

There really is only one good Antifa/SJW. A dead one.



And YOU hold yourself up as some sort of saint when it comes to "hate"?

You're no better than the other alt right assholes here.

Only a fool would disagree with this statement: Antifa is a violent group.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of fools in our country.
They are also as vile racists as the KKK.
No one ever heard from the KKK for the past 20-30 years. Yet all of the sudden, they are a major force.

Can't you see you are being duped by the elite DNC media?
I"m not being dupped by anyone. I have always opposed the message of hate from the KKK. That isn't the focus of My point.

The Antifa ***** are exactly the same. They are haters of the first order. In fact, on a scale of then and now, they are closer to the Nazi than the KKK at this point in time.

There really is only one good Antifa/SJW. A dead one.
Oh please wake up. The KKK has no power and few members.

I am willing to the bet the house, that a large percentage of Americans never heard of the KKK until this event in Charlottesville. It was false flag event designed to inflame dumb Americans.

Not long ago, I would have agreed to some of what you say.

Problem is, pino trump has these vermin coming out of the damn woodwork.

And nonsense that most Americans had never heard of the kkk.
Trump has nothing to do with it, but you citing him only proves you have been duped by the DNC media.

And I posted that a large percentage of Americans never heard of the KKK. This is not the same as most Americans never hearing the KKK. Have you ever met anyone from the KKK?

Stop being a dupe for the 1% establishment.

I didn't read the Fox report, I read Politico's story. The sources for the Politico story come from DHS and the FBI.

FTA: Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice, and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.


For the last time, yes, that's why I noted that.

There are no links.


No documentation.


I never said there were links dumb ass. I said SOURCES! SOURCES from Politico. Just like other news stories, get it cupcake? You know what SOURCES are? Just like when you watch the news and some guy quotes a SOURCE. Do you not consider Politico a reliable news source? They are a leftwing site, isn't that the lefts criteria or does it have to agree with your politics to be considered reliable?
Antifa is just OWS recycled. Same bunch of useless street-shitters.

That is some ignorant bullshit right there.

antifa is a reaction to Trump and the alt right. That doesn't justify violence by their members.

ANTIFA is actually a very old movement. They fought nazis and fascism in Europe long before the US got involved.

I agree that violence against innocent people is wrong. Same with looting and riots but violence against nazis and fascists is justified. We beat them in Europe and we will beat them here.

The modern day Antipha is proactively violently attacking citizens but you keep defending them and giving Antipha the rights to determine who is Nazi and who is not. Antipha is the face of the Left.
The Left thinks the KKK is more of a violent threat as opposed to Antipha.
Hmmmmmm......you are evidently not aware of the terrorist history of the KKK or you and your racist family tree have either ignored it or supported it.
The Left thinks the KKK is more of a violent threat as opposed to Antipha.
Hmmmmmm......you are evidently not aware of the terrorist history of the KKK or you and your racist family tree have either ignored it or supported it.

I am fully aware of the terrorist history of the KKK. In the last year, show me images of KKK members chasing down Democrats at their own rallies and terrorizing them or assaulting them? Show me KKK members showing up at Antifa gatherings with weapons where Antifa had a permit to protest but the KKK did not?

My family does not have a racist history.......we are a family of color. I am just calling out your bullshit support of a domestic terrorist organization committing violence against US in these modern times vs. your concern over an archaic near defunct organization that has disturbing views but is not proactively targeting people and assaulting them. You people support Antifa. I denounce both Antifa and the KKK.
Antifa is just OWS recycled. Same bunch of useless street-shitters.

That is some ignorant bullshit right there.

antifa is a reaction to Trump and the alt right. That doesn't justify violence by their members.

ANTIFA is actually a very old movement. They fought nazis and fascism in Europe long before the US got involved.

I agree that violence against innocent people is wrong. Same with looting and riots but violence against nazis and fascists is justified. We beat them in Europe and we will beat them here.

Antifa thinks they get to determine who is a Nazi and who is a Fascist and go beat the shit out of them. They think by chance a person wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat is automatically a fascist and needs to get roughed up. Far too many members on the Left is ok with this because they have no tolerance for opposing views. That is dangerous thinking from any side of the house.

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