Really, was this phantom staffer part of the call, or did they just report what they imagined they heard?
Maybe we should just ask the russians. They were on the call.

Isn't that what started the collusion investigation; Trump jokingly asking Russia for Hillary's emails???
There was already evidence that the Russians were helping Trump.
What evidence was that?
Really assfuck. Pull your head out of your fast ass & become better informed.
Isn't that what started the collusion investigation; Trump jokingly asking Russia for Hillary's emails???
No. Thanks for asking!
Fake Dossier. A bunch of HRC BS.
Ooops, also false. Thanks for posting!
Let the voters decide. Seems simple.

We can't have that. The voters did decide last election, and that's what this impeachment is all about. Trump didn't get permission from the Democrats or the establishment to take the job. We the people just gave it to him.
This impeachment has nothing to do with the election.

It has to do with Trump breaking the law.
For all intensive purposes both the Nixon administration and the Clinton administration co-operated with the investigation. Trump never considered co-operating. Both Clinton and Nixon understood the perils of impeachment for both parties and the harm it is does to the country. An impeachment always further divides the nation making bi-partisan efforts nearly impossible. It also makes the process just another method for changing presidents, not a good thing. Unfortunately, Donald Trump sees impeachment as just another personal battle with little thought for how it effects others and the future of the nation.

I believe the House investigation should culminate with a decision to do what the Senate will most likely do, leave the decision of wrong doing in the hands of the voters.

Nobody was fishing for a crime during Nixon or Clinton. They both knew the jig was up. What the Democrats are trying to do to Trump is find the crime so they can impeach him, even if it's holding a witness guilty on obstruction simply because they got a date wrong or something like that.

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Jesus fucking Christ. How long was the Starr investigation? How many subjects did they try?

Trump is flaunting his corruption right out in the open. He is spitting on the US Constitution .

And you love it.

What I love is how you Democrats are chasing voters to our side. That's what I love about it. If your heads weren't so clouded to see what others see, you'd understand the damage Democrats are doing to themselves.

Trump Campaign Raises $3.1M in Donations During Impeachment Hearings

The wealthy are scared to death they will lose their buddy who keeps handing them money.

As an Amerocan, I don't give a shit about voters. I care about justice and the US Constitution.

Too band you Trumpettes can't say the same.

We do care about the Constitution, because it says impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors, not phone calls badly interpreted and lied about for political expediency.

And Trump committed a high crime during that phone call.
In you case there isn't anything to insult, Gomez.

Sure there is. You're a coward who has been ducking the question of the "deliverable" for days. I expressed an honest opinion, and you respond with your juvenile "so" bullshit, and some Spanish names. Stick it, gomer.

That wasn't me - LOL.

You admitted the Biden thing is fishy, the deliverable is the truth of what happened in 2016 and how Biden got that gig is my guess. Again, I am smart. Very smart. But I am not a mind reader. I don't see anything wrong with what DJT did. I bet prior presidents have done similar crap. This was in an open phone call. He was not hiding anything. Per usual, leftists like you make a mountain out of a mole hill. He should have been more direct, maybe".

DJT: Your country is very corrupt and my intelligence persons tell me that the whole Russia conspiracy started there in 2016. I have a hard time authorizing additional weaponry to a country that is corrupt. I understand you're trying to clean up the corruption. Would you please share with me what happened with Crowdstrike and how Hunter Biden got that board seat with Burisma? Why was the prosecutor fired?

I see ZERO wrong with this. NOTHING. He is not asking for the President of Ukraine to make shit up, he is asking for details on shit that actually happened.

I hope you understand this, Lopez.

Of course it was you, you transparent coward.

Yay an ad hominem from Domingo. My salient argument was too much for you? LOL

Again, Trump never asked the Ukraine to make up anything and his request was via an open phone call. You admitted the Biden board seat was iffy and this was not the first time. Remember China and the Bidens?

Come on man. Use your logic, Diego.
There is nothing between Hunter Biden & China. There as nothing inappropriate with Joe Biden in Ukraine.

Trump's extortion is obvious.

Your argument is a lie.

Nothing between Hunter and China, then why did they send 600K+ to an account controlled by him and Devon Archer?

Now we know why ABC squashed the Legit and Corroborated story about Epstein and Clinton Raping Children. And then went on a witch hunt to destroy the whistleblower.

There are no reports or claims that Clinton raped children

That would be Donald Trump.
Using foreign aid to extort for political gain is corruption.
You just described what Biden did.
What political gain?????
Keeping his job. If it was exposed that he used his position as VP to get his crackhead son, who had zero experience in oil and gas, and zero experience in Ukraine, a no-show position based solely on his last name on the Board of Directors of a Ukranian oil and gas company, Biden would have been toast.
More blatant lies

There is ZERO evidence of Biden soliciting a job for his son

What? Why did Devon Archer visit poppa joe in the WH two days before Hunter was appointed to the board?

And this is according to who?
That wasn't me - LOL.

You admitted the Biden thing is fishy, the deliverable is the truth of what happened in 2016 and how Biden got that gig is my guess. Again, I am smart. Very smart. But I am not a mind reader. I don't see anything wrong with what DJT did. I bet prior presidents have done similar crap. This was in an open phone call. He was not hiding anything. Per usual, leftists like you make a mountain out of a mole hill. He should have been more direct, maybe".

DJT: Your country is very corrupt and my intelligence persons tell me that the whole Russia conspiracy started there in 2016. I have a hard time authorizing additional weaponry to a country that is corrupt. I understand you're trying to clean up the corruption. Would you please share with me what happened with Crowdstrike and how Hunter Biden got that board seat with Burisma? Why was the prosecutor fired?

I see ZERO wrong with this. NOTHING. He is not asking for the President of Ukraine to make shit up, he is asking for details on shit that actually happened.

I hope you understand this, Lopez.

Of course it was you, you transparent coward.

Yay an ad hominem from Domingo. My salient argument was too much for you? LOL

Again, Trump never asked the Ukraine to make up anything and his request was via an open phone call. You admitted the Biden board seat was iffy and this was not the first time. Remember China and the Bidens?

Come on man. Use your logic, Diego.
There is nothing between Hunter Biden & China. There as nothing inappropriate with Joe Biden in Ukraine.

Trump's extortion is obvious.

Your argument is a lie.

LMAO. "Nothing inappropriate" --- you have got to be kidding me. Even Hunter Biden stated otherwise. StupidFakeDave, adults are speaking STFU and go and play with your dolls.
Hunter said he should not ha ve taken the position. But there was nothing illegal or corrupt for a US citizen to serve on the board of a foreign corporation.

Right to the point where his name was used to get access to the State Dept., that crossed the line.

Of course it was you, you transparent coward.

Yay an ad hominem from Domingo. My salient argument was too much for you? LOL

Again, Trump never asked the Ukraine to make up anything and his request was via an open phone call. You admitted the Biden board seat was iffy and this was not the first time. Remember China and the Bidens?

Come on man. Use your logic, Diego.
There is nothing between Hunter Biden & China. There as nothing inappropriate with Joe Biden in Ukraine.

Trump's extortion is obvious.

Your argument is a lie.

LMAO. "Nothing inappropriate" --- you have got to be kidding me. Even Hunter Biden stated otherwise. StupidFakeDave, adults are speaking STFU and go and play with your dolls.
Hunter said he should not ha ve taken the position. But there was nothing illegal or corrupt for a US citizen to serve on the board of a foreign corporation.

Right to the point where his name was used to get access to the State Dept., that crossed the line.

When was that? What access?
Sure there is. You're a coward who has been ducking the question of the "deliverable" for days. I expressed an honest opinion, and you respond with your juvenile "so" bullshit, and some Spanish names. Stick it, gomer.

That wasn't me - LOL.

You admitted the Biden thing is fishy, the deliverable is the truth of what happened in 2016 and how Biden got that gig is my guess. Again, I am smart. Very smart. But I am not a mind reader. I don't see anything wrong with what DJT did. I bet prior presidents have done similar crap. This was in an open phone call. He was not hiding anything. Per usual, leftists like you make a mountain out of a mole hill. He should have been more direct, maybe".

DJT: Your country is very corrupt and my intelligence persons tell me that the whole Russia conspiracy started there in 2016. I have a hard time authorizing additional weaponry to a country that is corrupt. I understand you're trying to clean up the corruption. Would you please share with me what happened with Crowdstrike and how Hunter Biden got that board seat with Burisma? Why was the prosecutor fired?

I see ZERO wrong with this. NOTHING. He is not asking for the President of Ukraine to make shit up, he is asking for details on shit that actually happened.

I hope you understand this, Lopez.

Of course it was you, you transparent coward.

Yay an ad hominem from Domingo. My salient argument was too much for you? LOL

Again, Trump never asked the Ukraine to make up anything and his request was via an open phone call. You admitted the Biden board seat was iffy and this was not the first time. Remember China and the Bidens?

Come on man. Use your logic, Diego.
There is nothing between Hunter Biden & China. There as nothing inappropriate with Joe Biden in Ukraine.

Trump's extortion is obvious.

Your argument is a lie.

Nothing between Hunter and China, then why did they send 600K+ to an account controlled by him and Devon Archer?


It doesn't matter.
Of course it was you, you transparent coward.

Yay an ad hominem from Domingo. My salient argument was too much for you? LOL

Again, Trump never asked the Ukraine to make up anything and his request was via an open phone call. You admitted the Biden board seat was iffy and this was not the first time. Remember China and the Bidens?

Come on man. Use your logic, Diego.
There is nothing between Hunter Biden & China. There as nothing inappropriate with Joe Biden in Ukraine.

Trump's extortion is obvious.

Your argument is a lie.

LMAO. "Nothing inappropriate" --- you have got to be kidding me. Even Hunter Biden stated otherwise. StupidFakeDave, adults are speaking STFU and go and play with your dolls.
Hunter said he should not ha ve taken the position. But there was nothing illegal or corrupt for a US citizen to serve on the board of a foreign corporation.

Right to the point where his name was used to get access to the State Dept., that crossed the line.

When did that happen.
For a bipartisan vote to remove the president, there needs to be a valid high crime or misdemeanor or the people will revolt at the ballot box.

Bribery and Treason are the two specific reasons a president can be impeached for. Likewise if the people see a valid reason to remove the President not acted on because of a partisan vote, they can also revolt at the ballot box.

There's a constitutional definition of treason, tell the class how it applies to a freaking phone call.

For a bipartisan vote to remove the president, there needs to be a valid high crime or misdemeanor or the people will revolt at the ballot box.

Bribery and Treason are the two specific reasons a president can be impeached for. Likewise if the people see a valid reason to remove the President not acted on because of a partisan vote, they can also revolt at the ballot box.

There's a constitutional definition of treason, tell the class how it applies to a freaking phone call.

I know you want to try playing this off as just a phone call. But during that call there was a conversation and in that conversation Trump committed bribery and extortion.
sondalnd admitted that there was a shake down.
A shakedown with no quid, no pro, and no quo?

How does that work?

It wouldn't matter if there was. As Professor Dershowitz pointed out, there is no law against quid pro quo's in the statute. He looked up, down and sideways. Couldn't find one.

ray ray ray.... articles of impeachment do not hafta follow traditional criminal law. doucherwitz is grabbing at straws.

Yeah see how far it gets in the senate without criminal wrong doing.


I am sure there are many Republicans who will vote no.

I can think of a couple of dems that may as well.


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