Oh fer fucks sake!!!

Nothing better than logic of the absurd..
On top of that, it is an internet video. So all reasonable responses can be edited out for effect.

I love Mark Dice's Vid's where he pick's on those stupid low info lefty's in California. I'm not partisan at all, but he sure does make his POV look legitimate and American's look dumb.

Nothing better than logic of the absurd..
On top of that, it is an internet video. So all reasonable responses can be edited out for effect.

I love Mark Dice's Vid's where he pick's on those stupid low info lefty's in California. I'm not partisan at all, but he sure does make his POV look legitimate and American's look dumb.

I agree, let us see the raw footage..Many vids are scripted to make a point prevalent...
I'm at a loss for words.

One day decades down the road....these videos will be used as case studies by mental health experts to show the disease of liberalism and how it collapsed the American Empire.

It amazes me how kids in a UNIVERSITY can be so fucking zombie stupid.

They're all like zombies with preprogrammed speech: "Errr....tolerance....errr.....cant judge anyone....errrr...be what you are....errrr...errrr.errrrrrrr"
I'm not, totally expected.

He could believe that he is a 6'5" Chinese woman the serious issue is, should he be able to use his self perceived identity to force a basketball team to accept his identity.

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