Oh Noez! Polar Bears to be Extinct in 80 Years

I guess for once, I got it right to begin with. Please TRY to learn something.

How does climate change affect polar bears?

  • Fewer opportunities to feed
    Polar bears rely on sea ice to hunt and store energy for the summer and autumn, when food can be scarce. Sea ice now melts earlier in the spring and forms later in the autumn in the bears’ southern range, like Hudson Bay and James Bay in Canada. As the bears spend longer periods without food, their health declines. For every week earlier the ice breaks up in Hudson Bay, bears come ashore roughly 10 kg (22 lbs) lighter and in poorer condition.
  • Fewer cubs
    Unhealthy bears can lead to lower reproduction rates – and local extinction. Scientists have found the main cause of death for cubs to be either lack of food or lack of fat on nursing mothers.
Threats to Polar Bears
how is it polar bears can survive in San Diego and Chicago?
Are you completely ignoring my posts and asking questions anyway? C'mon jc. At least read the post first. I'm not insisting on the link.
Hotter seas threaten marine wildlife with extinction - researchers

View attachment 192305

LONDON, May 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Polar bears and other iconic animals could be extinct by the end of the century if ocean temperatures continue to rise at the current rate, marine biologists warned Monday.


Why would they die in just a few generations? Fish and seals are there for food. Polar bears have been living in the San Diego zoo for decades, so warmth doesn’t harm them. The oceans are rising so that warmth is well hidden. So what’s going to kill them?

The absurdity of the chicken little left in their doomsday predictions is hilarious. They’ve been making this prediction for decades only to find thier population increasing.
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Oceans were much warmer 10,000 to 1,000 years ago, yet the Polar Bears are still here.

Pacific Ocean Heat Content During the Past 10,000 Years

Observed increases in ocean heat content (OHC) and temperature are robust indicators of global warming during the past several decades. We used high-resolution proxy records from sediment cores to extend these observations in the Pacific 10,000 years beyond the instrumental record. We show that water masses linked to North Pacific and Antarctic intermediate waters were warmer by 2.1 ± 0.4°C and 1.5 ± 0.4°C, respectively, during the middle Holocene Thermal Maximum than over the past century. Both water masses were ~0.9°C warmer during the Medieval Warm period than during the Little Ice Age and ~0.65° warmer than in recent decades. Although documented changes in global surface temperatures during the Holocene and Common era are relatively small, the concomitant changes in OHC are large."

Doesn't it have to do with the ice floes melting? That's where the bears do their "fishing," I think.

They do most of their seal hunting in the springtime to early summer when there are still a lot of sea ice cover.

They manage to survive in times of little to no summer ice for thousands of years in the early Holocene as shown in a number of published science papers over the years. Even when there were a lot less sea ice cover in the springtime too, they still survived anyway.

Decadal-scale sea ice changes in the Canadian Arctic and their impacts on humans during the past 4,000 years

“Our data show that from ∼6500 to 2600 yrs BP, there were large oscillations in [Canadian Arctic] summer SST from 2–4°C cooler than present to 6°C warmer and SIC [sea ice cover] ranged from 2 months more sea ice to 4 months more open water [than present]. The warming took ∼50–100 years and lasted ∼300 years before replacement by colder intervals lasting ∼200–500 years.”

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If all the ice on earth melted you’d still have a shore. Seals and fish always stay close to shores.

And oceans are not rising.
View attachment 192316
not sure your point there. have you a recent picture of Guam?
Watch Erik the Viking. Funny movie.
You don't have to go as far as Guam; just ask people living in Norfolk, Virginia if the sea is rising.
I did, and no one says it is. so?
Since 1927, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has had a tidal gauge at Sewells Point, the peninsula where the base sits. It has recorded the highest relative sea level rise on the East Coast, nearly 15 inches.

And that rate is expected to accelerate in coming years.

Flooding already is so routine that giant rulers have been erected beside the city roads outside the base to show whether water is too deep to drive into.

In little more than two decades the main road into the base could be flooding almost daily at high tide.

Norfolk Prepares For Battle With Rising Sea Level
Oh noez! Water is no longer a liquid and is building up in a tiny zone!

Or maybe the instrument is wrong.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
Hotter seas threaten marine wildlife with extinction - researchers

View attachment 192305

LONDON, May 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Polar bears and other iconic animals could be extinct by the end of the century if ocean temperatures continue to rise at the current rate, marine biologists warned Monday.


Why would they die in just a few generations? Fish and seals are there for food. Polar bears have been living in the San Diego zoo for decades, so warmth doesn’t harm them. The oceans are rising so that warmth is well hidden. So what’s going to kill them?

The absurdity of the chicken little left in their doomsday predictions is hilarious. They’ve been making this prediction for decades only to find thier population increasing.
View attachment 192307

Oceans were much warmer 10,000 to 1,000 years ago, yet the Polar Bears are still here.

Pacific Ocean Heat Content During the Past 10,000 Years

Observed increases in ocean heat content (OHC) and temperature are robust indicators of global warming during the past several decades. We used high-resolution proxy records from sediment cores to extend these observations in the Pacific 10,000 years beyond the instrumental record. We show that water masses linked to North Pacific and Antarctic intermediate waters were warmer by 2.1 ± 0.4°C and 1.5 ± 0.4°C, respectively, during the middle Holocene Thermal Maximum than over the past century. Both water masses were ~0.9°C warmer during the Medieval Warm period than during the Little Ice Age and ~0.65° warmer than in recent decades. Although documented changes in global surface temperatures during the Holocene and Common era are relatively small, the concomitant changes in OHC are large."

Doesn't it have to do with the ice floes melting? That's where the bears do their "fishing," I think.

They do most of their seal hunting in the springtime to early summer when there are still a lot of sea ice cover.

They manage to survive in times of little to no summer ice for thousands of years in the early Holocene as shown in a number of published science papers over the years. Even when there were a lot less sea ice cover in the springtime too, they still survived anyway.

Decadal-scale sea ice changes in the Canadian Arctic and their impacts on humans during the past 4,000 years

“Our data show that from ∼6500 to 2600 yrs BP, there were large oscillations in [Canadian Arctic] summer SST from 2–4°C cooler than present to 6°C warmer and SIC [sea ice cover] ranged from 2 months more sea ice to 4 months more open water [than present]. The warming took ∼50–100 years and lasted ∼300 years before replacement by colder intervals lasting ∼200–500 years.”

View attachment 192335
Obviously, some of the polar bears made it--probably by going north--because they are still with us. I appreciate an article with some facts in it, though. Thanks.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
That's good to know. How do we convince these screwballs?
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
That's good to know. How do we convince these screwballs?
Who has said they have doubt in recorded science?
I think you are confusing climate change with AGW.
That is why the cultists started calling it that. To compare historical fact with assumption. To confuse people.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
Call me when palm trees return to the arctic circle.

Or did you not know that factoid?
" if we dont charge $646546514354140654254432.55 dollars for carbon, the world is going to blow the fuck up!"
Is not the same as
"the climate changes"
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
That's good to know. How do we convince these screwballs?
Who has said they have doubt in recorded science?
I think you are confusing climate change with AGW.
That is why the cultists started calling it that. To compare historical fact with assumption. To confuse people.
Obviously anyone who denies your tuna melt sandwich promotes global warming, cooling, change is a science denier.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
That's good to know. How do we convince these screwballs?
Start by telling us how every polar bear on earth is going to be gone in 80 years as ‘science’ claims.
The polar bears need to fucking die anyways! Those fuckers fart a lot!
It saddens me to think that my great-grandchildren will never get to experience the majestic polar bear ...

You cant eat meat to survive because the animals fart, but we can charge people a lot fo money, throw away national sovereignty and starve so we can save polar bears that fart o_O
" if we dont charge $646546514354140654254432.55 dollars for carbon, the world is going to blow the fuck up!"
Is not the same as
"the climate changes"
This was about polar bears. Their hunting habitat is melting in the southern Arctic. So they're less well fed and get sick more, therefore are threatened by the change in climate which is melting their ice to hunt from. Simple, shrimple, right?

No, no, noez--the polar bears are FINE and always will be--they can eat at the dump like every other bear and besides that the ice isn't melting--it's actually COLDER--and the ocean levels aren't rising, flooding Norfolk Va every high tide at full moon. That's just silly, OL. THAT's what drives me nuts.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
That's good to know. How do we convince these screwballs?
Who has said they have doubt in recorded science?
I think you are confusing climate change with AGW.
That is why the cultists started calling it that. To compare historical fact with assumption. To confuse people.
What does the A stand for?
" if we dont charge $646546514354140654254432.55 dollars for carbon, the world is going to blow the fuck up!"
Is not the same as
"the climate changes"
This was about polar bears. Their hunting habitat is melting in the southern Arctic. So they're less well fed and get sick more, therefore are threatened by the change in climate which is melting their ice to hunt from. Simple, shrimple, right?

No, no, noez--the polar bears are FINE and always will be--they can eat at the dump like every other bear and besides that the ice isn't melting--it's actually COLDER--and the ocean levels aren't rising, flooding Norfolk Va every high tide at full moon. That's just silly, OL. THAT's what drives me nuts.
Watching this thread is like rubber necking at a car accident. Bunch of ignorant mental cases pretending that climate change isn't happening and isn't impacting the planet--people and critters--in many ways.

Is it really THAT important to you to have an extra $20 in your wallet? In the long run, you can't take it with you and you may be going there a lot faster, along with most of the rest of us, if you keep ignoring what is going on.

The great floods that all major ancient civilizations talk about weren't something they had warning about. Destroyed them and it took a long time for civilization to rebuild. We have a chance to adapt to what is happening because we have more knowledge, but not you--oh noez is right. Talk about blind stupidity. It would be funny if it weren't a serious topic.
99.9999% percent of the people on the planet dont doubt the climate changes, OL.
That's good to know. How do we convince these screwballs?
Who has said they have doubt in recorded science?
I think you are confusing climate change with AGW.
That is why the cultists started calling it that. To compare historical fact with assumption. To confuse people.
What does the A stand for?
anthropogenic = the human impact on nature

Any real newspapers reporting this?
Or are they all on the level of Natural "News".
I consider Natural News a good source. Too bad if you don't. People were uploading the die-offs all over the coast line on youtube and blogs. Too bad you were not paying attention or just a willing lemming for the major news outlets.

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