Oh Noooo! Clinton Ahead 11 Points!!, Oh Wait,Never Mind,It's An ABC Horse Manure Poll.

:banana: :banana: :banana: Anyone actually buying this "ABC Poll"?, Didn't CNN also once had Hillary ahead by 11 points sometime in the past few weeks?
Could it be that more credible polls are showing Donald ahead by 2/3/4 points?
Even with Fox, Hillary ahead by 4?, Oh Comon! 50 people show up to see Tim Kaine in
Florida recently while last week Trump had overflow crowds at all of his rallies?
Any of us conservatives smell a rat with ABC ??

Let me guess your headline on Nov 9...."Clinton won by 11,000,000 votes...Oh wait, election rigged".
no, it will be. Hillary Wins Landslide! 330 Million Votes VS 23,873,980 for Trump.

Maybe there's an emoticon for that.
Mousterian: 15560758 said:
I think this election is not like any other. Polls be damned. It matters who shows up.
Dirty Donald is whipping up a 'Poll Watch' goon squad. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did, when he took over the German democratic process.
You mean like what Obama did using the Black Panthers at the polls?
at any given moment, 5 Million people are sitting at airports screaming all of the curse words to CNN in regards to thier lies about the polls.
have we all seen some of those videos on u-tube that tell you whats really going on with polls? I do almost everyday....these guys are telling u the truth how the pollsters are being paid by powerful democrats to keep Hillary ahead, no matter what the real polls are saying
Many of these polling organizations are being paid by the Hillary campaign.
have we all seen some of those videos on u-tube that tell you whats really going on with polls? I do almost everyday....these guys are telling u the truth how the pollsters are being paid by powerful democrats to keep Hillary ahead, no matter what the real polls are saying
Many of these polling organizations work being paid by the Hillary campaign.
right? does Trump Own "Monmouth Monkey Balls" ???
ABC NBC CBS 9 minutes on Trumpisms, 30 seconds on e-mails outlining the take down of our country. And then there is the Soros effect spending billions to make up our minds for us.
Trump is an, "I am sick to death of you people." vote.
any minutes on where the hell is Huma?

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