Ohr Testimony Proves GPS Fusion Founder / Democrats Lied About 2016 meeting w/Trump dossier author


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"New details contained in congressional transcripts and emails about a July 2016 meeting involving the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, and his wife, Nellie, appear to conflict with claims from Democrats -- and the co-founder of the firm behind the dossier -- that significant contacts did not occur until after the election.

According to the records, the little-known breakfast meeting was held on July 30, 2016 at Washington, D.C.’s Mayflower Hotel.

Subsequent emails between Ohr and Steele also confirmed the July 30 meeting in Washington.

Nellie Ohr’s testimony regarding Steele and the FBI would appear to align with her husband’s.

Bruce Ohr told House investigators as part of the Republican-led probe that shortly after the July 30, 2016 meeting, his “first move” was to reach out to senior FBI officials.

Asked by House investigators what they talked about at the breakfast meeting, Nellie Ohr said: “[Steele’s] suspicions that Russian Government figures were supporting the candidacy of Donald Trump.

(In her testimony to Congress, Ohr said that pieces of the unverified dossier – which later would be ILLEGALLY used to secure a surveillance warrant for Trump campaign aide Carter Page - were shared at that meeting.)

However, congressional Democrats have asserted many of the contacts occurred later in the year.”

Can you say PROVEN 'PERJURY' / 'LIES'? 'Perjury' / 'Lies' completely ignored by The FBI, DOJ, and Special Counsel Mueller and his team.....No equal justice, no indictments for the Democrats and 'Anti-Trumper's.

Ohr told Congress:
Andy McCabe, yes and met with him and Lisa Page and provided information to him. I subsequently met with Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and eventually [an FBI agent]. And I also provided this information to people in the criminal division specifically Bruce Swartz, Zainab Ahmad, Andrew Weissmann.” (Strzok and Page left the bureau last year after their anti-Trump texts emerged. Swartz was a deputy assistant attorney general. Weissmann was chief of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Fraud Section before becoming a senior prosecutor on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. Ahmad worked at the DOJ and is also now assigned to Mueller’s team.)

When the 'discrepancies' ('perjury' / lies) were publicly identified / exposed, Democrats immediately tried to downplay Ohr's role in the 'scandal':

"In February, in response to a Republican report on the surveillance-warrant process, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee accused Republicans of overstating Bruce Ohr’s role."

"There appeared to be another discrepancy."

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson perpetrated Felony Perjury before Congress....another crime the DOJ, FBI, and Mueller and his team has refused to look at / investigate.

"The emails showed Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson was in contact with Ohr in August 2016. However, Simpson's November 2017 transcribed interview before the House Intelligence Committee showed him saying he worked through Bruce Ohr "sometime after Thanksgiving."

Ruh-Roh! More and more of the proven Conspiracy keeps coming out, more and more of the evidence that the DOJ, FBI, and even Mueller and his team REFUSE to do their jobs of thoroughly investigating ... and indicting those involved in - EVERY crime exposed in their investigation, only choosing to focus on 'getting Trump'.

"Fox News recently asked the FBI, Justice Department and special counsel's office whether the meetings with Ohr over Steele and the dossier were consistent with -- or in conflict with -- existing DOJ or FBI rules, including chain-of-custody procedures for handling evidence. In addition, the special counsel's office was asked whether Weissmann and Ahmad had fully disclosed their contacts with Bruce Ohr and others over the dossier.

"The FBI and special counsel declined to comment; the DOJ did not immediately respond."

Surprise, surprise.

"An attorney for Nellie Ohr did not respond to a request for comment."

Yeah, she knows she is smack dab in the middle of a Conspiracy involving Obama's NSA, NIA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI, that her and her husband's testimony just proved The FBI, Democrats, and even Mueller's own team lied, perjured themselves, and have refused to acknowledge and investigate proven crimes committed by those involved in the now-exposed Conspiracy.

"An attorney for McCabe did not respond."

No surprise here - the US IG recommended McCabe for indictment and prosecution MONTHS ago, and the DOJ led by Rosenstein has refused to indict his co-conspirator, especially since McCabe has ratted on Comey, pointing out he lied before Congress as well and indicated he would testify against Comey who ratted him out before Congress.

"Fox News also reached out to the office of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the current chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, for comment." NO RESPONSE YET."

Again, absolutely no surprise here. The Democrats made it clear when they presented a bill calling for the President's Impeachment on Day 1 and responded when asked shouldn't they wait for Mueller's report and any evidence of Guilt by saying they DID NOT NEED Mueller's report or any evidence of wrong-doing by the President to begin Impeachment of the President. Schiff has also already proven himself to be a dedicated 'Anti-Trumper' who wants nothing to do with acknowledging crimes committed by Democrats, as it would take away their focus and attempt to effect the soft coup against the legitimately elected President.

New details of 2016 meeting with Trump dossier author conflict with Dems’ timeline

(Also, I encourage the hard-core reality-denying snowflakes to not simply post a response attempting to minimize the story simply by attempting to slight the source but to prove the EVIDENCE and STORY - the FACTS reported - are not true. Attempting to kill a story by claiming the source has no credibility then pointing to a source like CNN, who just got busted pushing a huge fake news story and calling for violence against children being lied about in the story, seems to be a preferred tactic of snowflakes instead of trying to produce evidence that the story / facts are wrong. Again, this time, spare us of that 'weak ass' defense.)

Indict this sorry arse's ass. get the CNN journalist out and get the FBI to raid that mthr fkrs house for lying.

I never knew lying was a federal crime with the expectation of a full house arrest with flap jackets on.

ACCORDING TO WASHINGTON SOURCES; Adam Schiff is under investigation by the DOJ for leaking classified information. The DOJ is working today to secure all information he has access to.

This man will not be the chair of the House intelligence committee for more than a day or two before he is removed... The next step should be a No-Knock warrant with guns drawn to see what he has outside secure facilities..

If only it were true... the shear number of individuals that need a rectal exam...

ACCORDING TO WASHINGTON SOURCES; Adam Schiff is under investigation by the DOJ for leaking classified information. The DOJ is working today to secure all information he has access to.

This man will not be the chair of the House intelligence committee for more than a day or two before he is removed... The next step should be a No-Knock warrant with guns drawn to see what he has outside secure facilities..

If only it were true... the shear number of individuals that need a rectal exam...
I heard the recent rumor that his exoneration letter has already been written by Mueller and Rosenstein...months ago... :p
Yeah but is Barr going to start a special investigation into the democrats and the deep state for their crimes like they went after the Trump campaign hammer and tongs.
Hey Mueller.... There are LIES......LIES I TELL YOU.....Right over there...... Look.....Look at that big pile of Obama and Clinton Lies...... And Collusion. Russian Collusion. Come on Mueller.

Its right in front of your face, DUDE!

Over here.....right here....

ACCORDING TO WASHINGTON SOURCES; Adam Schiff is under investigation by the DOJ for leaking classified information. The DOJ is working today to secure all information he has access to.

This man will not be the chair of the House intelligence committee for more than a day or two before he is removed... The next step should be a No-Knock warrant with guns drawn to see what he has outside secure facilities..

If only it were true... the shear number of individuals that need a rectal exam...
I heard the recent rumor that his exoneration letter has already been written by Mueller and Rosenstein...months ago... :p
After they gave Flynn, Manafort, Papadoupolis and Roger Stone Lifetime Immunity, Right?
Mueller's Rules:

If you were part of the "Insurance Policy COUP" I want you on the Fake Russia Investigation Team, Comrades!
It is amazing how snowflakes continue to lie, deny, & justify...in the face of such overwhelming and abundant evidence...
So with all the evidence, more and more exposed, US IG recommended indictments...ignored by identified conspirators...does Barr refuse to appoint special counsels to investigate it all?

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