OK, Guys, Do We Really Want a Phone That Can Read Our Minds?

I wonder how full every jail house will be due to this invention.

God bless you always!!!

A phone that reads my mind?!?!
I just barely got out of the 8track era!
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​
I really fear inventions like this...I don't want to have my mind read by some new invention :(
It seems some kind of "mind control"... :dunno:
Its only a "threat" if it becomes mandatory and that's not likely to happen. Peeps like me will pay big money for the "convenience" though.

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