Okay Raiders are in Vegas now,I wont deny that.

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First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.
How bad are Nevada taxpayers going to get screwed?

Not that bad. Hell, we already have some nice tax breaks just from living here, like no state income tax.

Cost of living is cheaper than Cali too, for me it was about 50% less.

My issue is that taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for stadiums for a league that makes several billion a year. The leasing deals also stink for the cities and counties.
Tax revenues.

The cities want the tax revenues.

Sales tax.

Property tax.

Hotel tax.

Income tax (state).
Oakland will be looking for a new team to put into their newly renovated old stadium.

Wonder who it will be?

Who is not happy where they are now?

New Orleans?



These sound interesting:

Oakland Saints

Oakland Panthers

Oakland Jaguars

Oakland Browns.

First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

uh yes you WOULD.:rolleyes:

yeah his gay boyfriends.:rofl:
What you will do now is worship me for predicting it and never talk shit to me again.
Yah and me too !!

no syntholic yes,he I would cause HE at least gave a REASON for his beliefs on the raiders coming to vegas,you on the other hand, just babbled on senselessly parroting the media over and over again never giving a reason why you thought they were coming when i asked the very valid question-that was all the media said last year all the time,was carson was a done deal,they lied then,why do you believe them NOW? as i said,syntohilic at least gave a REASON for his opinion,you just babbled on and ran off from that question everytime.:rolleyes:

oh and nice theory,unlike st louis and san diego,oakland will NOT take another team and support them.
First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

uh yes you WOULD.:rolleyes:

yeah his gay boyfriends.:rofl:
I called Vegas, you said I would be wrong, what do you know? Besides you think Vince foster and Waco are real.
First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

kinda like the shithole he is going into now.:haha:the most poor city in the country and to a half empty stadiium since he will be pricing all the poor residents there out.the same thing will happen there that is happening in santa clara.Niner fans from the city cant afford the prices there cause it has gone corporate now and as a result,you have half empty stadiums there all the time which will be the case with vegas as well.great move mark.:up:

this move will be even more stupid than his fathers move to LA which was bad enough with no fan support there for them which was why he moved back,VEGAS will be even worse.:rolleyes: the fans that DO show up will be TOURISTS from the other team who wont even care about the game same as the fans that show up for games in santa clare dont care about the game.:D

here is what we will see in vegas.:D
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First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

uh yes you WOULD.:rolleyes:

yeah his gay boyfriends.:rofl:
I called Vegas, you said I would be wrong, what do you know? Besides you think Vince foster and Waco are real.

bullshit,you did NOT call vegas,you were as much of an idiot as pooper who said the rams AND raiders
First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

uh yes you WOULD.:rolleyes:

yeah his gay boyfriends.:rofl:
I called Vegas, you said I would be wrong, what do you know? Besides you think Vince foster and Waco are real.

You are just as much of a bullshit liar as pooper is with his wild ass claims he has that rightwinger and anquity somehow own me when THEY insisted the Rams would never come back to LA again yet pooper goes around saying those two trolls somehow OWN me? comedy gold.:rofl::lmao:

see you are just as much of a fucking bullshit liar troll as pooper is here because I have caught you committing perjury here same as he does all the time in his babbling that anquity and rightwinger SOMEHOW incredibly to his logic,OWN me.:rolleyes:

here is the proof in the pudding you NEVER said they would come back to vegas,in your babblings,you NEVER once said they would come back to vegas, You were as stupid as pooper was who said the Rams AND the Raiders would be back in LA in 2016 as I proved on my other Raider thread recently.:rofl::lmao:

Its all here in black and white you were as much a moron as pooper was when he said the RAIDERS would be in LA with the Rams in 2016.:lmao::rofl:

all in black and white right here you NEVER said they would come to vegas,:uhoh3:you said they would come back to "LA" troll same as pooper despite the HUNDREDS of times I told you guys the owners did not want a Davis owned team in LA again.:lmao:

Post# here shows you are much a fucking liar as pooper is.which is why I disrespect you just as much as i do HIM:up::up_yours:

After over 20 years....LA finally gets an NFL team

I called that one right AS WELL as the Rams AND chargers coming back only being off by one year.I always said the rams were a 100% done deal and the chargers had a 50/50 chance MANY times on my Rams thread.:D

at least I wasnt delusional as you and pooper and said they would be back in LA :rofl:clueless to the fact the owners hate the Davis family which is WHY they approved the move to vegas since they know he will go banrkrupt and have to sell the team down the road they so badly want him out of the NFL.:D
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First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

uh yes you WOULD.:rolleyes:

yeah his gay boyfriends.:rofl:
I called Vegas, you said I would be wrong, what do you know? Besides you think Vince foster and Waco are real.

Hey fucking liar,your just as much of a fucking lying moron as pooper who wont own up and admit he said the Raiders would be in LA with the Rams same as YOU did a few months ago saying they would join the Rams and chargers here and AGREEING with me they would not wind up in vegas..:lmao::rofl::haha:

you and pooper are two peas in a pod,

same as he wont own up to being wrong about the raiders not going back to LA,you not only wont own up to it how i took you to school that I am correct clinton murdered women and childen at waco as well as vince foster always running off with your tail between your legs like the chickenshit coward you are refusing to address the evidence i took you to school on,:rolleyes:but NOW 'LIE" as well you said they would be in vegas,your just as much of lying fucking troll ans pooper,anquity,yost,and rightwinger are.:anj_stfu::rofl::haha::up:

After over 20 years....LA finally gets an NFL team
My prediction is raiders end up in LA.

There will also be a European team in the next few years.

No Vegas. Too much corruption.

so sealybobo,you said they would NOT go to vegas huh?

fucking liar same as pooper and rightwinger are which again is no surprise because you are the same,cant debate FACTS on government corruption that prove you wrong when i take you to school all the time on vince foster and clinton at waco.:rolleyes:

you not only lie that clinton did not murder vince foster and the women and children at waco like the asshole you are,but lie as well you said they would be in vegas when you only said they would be in LA so shut the fuck up you lying asshole troll.:asshole::up_yours::fu:

I have taken you to school hundreds of times that clinton murdered vince foster and was behind waco,not my fault you are fucking coward who cant debate FACTS and do this-:scared1:

all the time when I post the evidence you wont look at.:rolleyes:
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whats really funny is even the owner of vegas HOCKEY team does not want the Raiders in Oakland.I have never heard of another owner of another city not wanting another sports franchise come into their city before.:up:
NHL owner doesn’t want the Raiders in Vegas

see the hockey team IS a good deal for vegas since they are privately financed,the raiders though is a major time bomb that will explode on them.the hockey team wont ask for skyrocket PSL's that will price the fans out,the raiders ARE.

NHL owner doesn’t want the Raiders in Vegas

vegas will have the same problem that santa clara is having half empty stadiums because the fans have been priced out of the game cause they cant afford the ticket prices and all the other expensives along with it.Has noting to do with them losing,they always packed then in at SF when they were horrible for over a decade.same will occur with raiders in vegas that happend in LA.no fan support with the stadium looking like this,the fans that do show up.

they will probably pack them in now that they are winning but once they lose,this is what the stadium will look like.
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gonna be pissed off bay fans. just like Diego. riots pending ???

There wasn't last time when they went to Lost Angeles.

It just means the Oakland fans will need to go to less games but also make a weekend trip to Vegas out of it.

Oakland to Vegas is but a 10 hour drive -- which means you can drive to it or fly to it.

No biggie then. No diggity.

moron the oakland fans will never support them after leaving them twice.Once the novelty wears off and they start LOSING,all those people from LA,arizona and utah will abondon them and this is what will happen in vegas,same as LA.:badgrin:
this is a great informative video. same thing that happened with the browns move happening all over again.history is repeating itself all over again in the fucked up NFL.

.anyhbody who contiunes to support theese greedy selfish bastards owners and buy their merchandise is a blind sheep lining their pockets.i will never do so again.I will never buy any LA rams stuff either that mother fucker stan kronke voted for it.fuck you kroneke,roger goodell and the NFL.you have all turned this league into a laughingstock circus.enjoy your trips to hell.

Let those lying motherfuckers Mark Davis and dean spanos go to LA and vegas,but same as cleveland got to keep their name,colors and logo,same needs to happen for oakland and san diego.otheriwse the NFL needs to be abolished.well should be anyways with the cheatriots getting away with scandal after scandal but this makes it even twice as much a criminal organization.
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First, it will probably be another 3 years before they move to Vegas...

Got to find a site for the stadium, got to build the stadium.

Second, of all the NFL teams and their ownership, none, in my opinion, has shown more loyalty to the almighty dollar over their fan base than the Raiders.

Oakland, L.A., Oakland... Too many threats of moving to count...

Fuck the Raiders.
All the Raider Haters say the same thing.

But if you knew what a sh!t hole south Oakland is you would not blame Mark Davis at all.

Besides his whores probably live in Vegas so he just wants to be closer to them.

so have them go from one shithole to a city that is an even bigger shithole ,great logic from you as always.comedy gold:lmao::haha:
Vegas is the perfect pick. Where else has a worse level of crime, corruption, drug use and more ignorant fans then Oakland?
gonna be pissed off bay fans. just like Diego. riots pending ???

There wasn't last time when they went to Lost Angeles.

It just means the Oakland fans will need to go to less games but also make a weekend trip to Vegas out of it.

Oakland to Vegas is but a 10 hour drive -- which means you can drive to it or fly to it.

No biggie then. No diggity.

moron the oakland fans will never support them after leaving them twice.Once the novelty wears off and they start LOSING,all those people from LA,arizona and utah will abondon them and this is what will happen in vegas,same as LA.:badgrin:
Arizona will NOT abandon them, we will simply ignore them to death.
gonna be pissed off bay fans. just like Diego. riots pending ???

There wasn't last time when they went to Lost Angeles.

It just means the Oakland fans will need to go to less games but also make a weekend trip to Vegas out of it.

Oakland to Vegas is but a 10 hour drive -- which means you can drive to it or fly to it.

No biggie then. No diggity.

moron the oakland fans will never support them after leaving them twice.Once the novelty wears off and they start LOSING,all those people from LA,arizona and utah will abondon them and this is what will happen in vegas,same as LA.:badgrin:
Arizona will NOT abandon them, we will simply ignore them to death.

if they are as shitty three years down the road as they were last year and the raiders are great,they will abondon the cards.bidwill same as kroneke and spanos are too stupid to get this. how this will backfire on them.:rolleyes:but soon as the raiders suck in vegas,you'll get your cardinal fans back.:biggrin:
this is a great informative video by this guy,He same as me is ALSO not a raider fan but he points out how this is major bad move by the raiders and the NFL as I have been saying in this very short video.:thup:

He is awake,i like this guy,he understands how last years superbowl game was fixed also.:clap:

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