On Obama and Syria - a thoughtful look.

A real problem for the administration. Assad has clearly gone over the line, yet there is not anyone that looks sane to take his place. I, for one, am glad I do not have to make this decision.
A real problem for the administration. Assad has clearly gone over the line, yet there is not anyone that looks sane to take his place. I, for one, am glad I do not have to make this decision.

Except it isn't clear Assad went over the line.


Can anyone explain why Bush lied when he believed the findings of all the intelligence agencies, but Obama is a genius when he ignores them?
A real problem for the administration. Assad has clearly gone over the line, yet there is not anyone that looks sane to take his place. I, for one, am glad I do not have to make this decision.

Another nine percenter who will foolishly follow his leadership no matter how much they lie. ^^
"The Obama administration could have always made the argument in the past few days that it could justify attacking the regime of Bashar al-Assad on humanitarian grounds to prevent further massacres of the Syrian people with chemical weapons despite the fact that there was no international authorization for attacking Syria and no congressional resolution sanctioning such an attack."

Bergen: Obama, realist and risk taker - CNN.com

When will Obama's minions demand the same standard of evidence they expected from Bush?
When the rich are the first to risk their lives in war.
The noose is tightening on these bastards. Zbignjev Brezinski stated it best, and I paraphrase, that the speed of world communications, alternate media etc has seriously damaged the power structure's ability to hatch their schemes. People are figuring out what I knew 7 years ago. Look at Britain as a shining example.
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i agree with him for waiting to consult congress

it also allows us to get more intel on whether chemical weapons were actually used and are both sides using them...
What's Obama plan? Does he have one or is this another clusterfuck like he left Egypt and Libya?

Plan A: Get in there and help Al Qaeda and the Islamists killing Christians
His state department via Rice is tugging hard at him to blast Syria so it will weaken Iran. Iran is the last cog in the wheel that must be broken in order secure Eurasia, oil interests, mineral wealth, and hegemony. Same shit, different president. Some of you morons can't get this fact through your dense skulls. The Kristols McCains or Kagans could care less about the cost of such an imperialist misadventure.
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The noose is tightening on these bastards. Zbignjev Brezinski stated it best, and I paraphrase, that the speed of world communications, alternate media etc has seriously damaged the power structure's ability to hatch their schemes. People are figuring out what I knew 7 years ago. Look at Britain as a shining example.
Kerry said something similar a few days ago regarding the internet making it more difficult (for elites) to govern; hopefully he will draw his last breath in a federal prison alongside Bill and Hill.

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