On Tape: Boehner looks two little girls in the face - and lies.

Well there's lots of tape of obama looking into the face of 300some million peoples faces and lying.
How would you feel about this idea.
1. Enforce the borders
2. Fine the businesses for hiring them
3. Increasing the number of Mexicans given citizenship every year. Maybe 500,000/year?
4. Allowing the illegals a chance to go back to Mexico so they can get in line.

This way we would have control of who and what becomes a citizen.

Nobody should trust obama not to just take executive action and ignore what he doesn't like, such as enforcing the borders
You call me a dumbass and look right at a lie and don't even see it.

Well, just because you are obviously "challenged", I'll explain it.

Boehner told those girls he supported immigration and a couple of hours later said that not only didn't he support it, he would make sure it never came to the floor. The opposite of what he told that thirteen year old.

Don't worry. Being smarter than you, she knew he was lying.

Hey moron, you are too simple-minded to understand what you see and hear, especially when it doesn't support your idiotic beliefs. He supports immigration, he doesn't support amnesty for illegals, and especially the bill put together by the Senate.

Again, you are a dumbass.

What bill are you even talking about? Dumbass.

Your total ignorance comes as no surprise to anyone.
How would you feel about this idea.
1. Enforce the borders
2. Fine the businesses for hiring them
3. Increase the number of Mexicans given citizenship every year. Maybe 500,000/year?
4. Allow the illegals a chance to go back to Mexico so they can get in line. Forgive them for the crime of illegal immigration.

This way we would have control of who and what becomes a citizen.

Could both parties agree with this?

1. Obama is and has been enforcing our borders. He has put more Border Control on our southern border than any other president. And, he has deported more illegals than any other president. The number of illegals coming in is almost zero.

2. Its actually against our best interest to stop all businesses from hiring non-citizens. And yes, there is a difference between "illegals" and "non-citizens" but most people don't really want what is best. They just want to hang on to their blind hate.

What we need to stop is the drug traffic but America takes no responsibility for causing that. If we didn't buy their drugs, they wouldn't come here to sell.

3. How many Mexicans are applying for and getting citizenship now? Is a half million more or less than that number?

4. Mexicans already go home.

Fact is, we invite them here. We have always invited them here to do the jobs Americans won't do. We used to fly them back and forth. Who is going to do the jobs Americans won't do?

When will Americans get it through their collective heads that the GObP has orchestrated this whole thing to scare ignorant people. Small family farms are going broke because they cannot afford to pay American wages for shit jobs and even if they could, there are no Americans to do those jobs.

The small farmer defaults and his land is picked up by big business for pennies on the dollar. We have the Republicans to thank for that. Remember how they fought against the farm bill?

The US has completely trashed the Mexican economy but when does that get talked about?

Why do Americans worry so much about dirt poor strawberry pickers coming from the south but never even think about our unprotected borders? The closest many Americans get to a conversation about our wide open borders is when they whine about security at our airports.

For Pete's sake, idiot rw's here on this board were apoplectic over the very smart idea of illegals having government-issued identification that would keep track of who they were and where they were. Stupid fools yammer that we should just 'round them up and deport them' but don't ask them how we should find the illegals.

All of this is moot because the Rs will fight against anything getting done. They promised they would stop the governing of the US and they have made good on that promise.

Have a nice day.
Republicans are too old, too lazy and too fat to do the work immigrants do. Which is why it's so weird they think someone will take their jobs. So many Republicans are on Medicare and Social Security and don't even have jobs.
It's a WHITE NATIONALIST POSITION not to give these people a chance.

This is a fact.

lots of American born Latinos are not to fond of "Illegals" themselves....they can see whats going on they pay taxes....some sound worse than you white people do....and that is a fact....
How would you feel about this idea.
1. Enforce the borders
2. Fine the businesses for hiring them
3. Increase the number of Mexicans given citizenship every year. Maybe 500,000/year?
4. Allow the illegals a chance to go back to Mexico so they can get in line. Forgive them for the crime of illegal immigration.

This way we would have control of who and what becomes a citizen.

Could both parties agree with this?

1. Obama is and has been enforcing our borders. He has put more Border Control on our southern border than any other president. And, he has deported more illegals than any other president. The number of illegals coming in is almost zero.

2. Its actually against our best interest to stop all businesses from hiring non-citizens. And yes, there is a difference between "illegals" and "non-citizens" but most people don't really want what is best. They just want to hang on to their blind hate.

What we need to stop is the drug traffic but America takes no responsibility for causing that. If we didn't buy their drugs, they wouldn't come here to sell.

3. How many Mexicans are applying for and getting citizenship now? Is a half million more or less than that number?

4. Mexicans already go home.

Fact is, we invite them here. We have always invited them here to do the jobs Americans won't do. We used to fly them back and forth. Who is going to do the jobs Americans won't do?

When will Americans get it through their collective heads that the GObP has orchestrated this whole thing to scare ignorant people. Small family farms are going broke because they cannot afford to pay American wages for shit jobs and even if they could, there are no Americans to do those jobs.

The small farmer defaults and his land is picked up by big business for pennies on the dollar. We have the Republicans to thank for that. Remember how they fought against the farm bill?

The US has completely trashed the Mexican economy but when does that get talked about?

Why do Americans worry so much about dirt poor strawberry pickers coming from the south but never even think about our unprotected borders? The closest many Americans get to a conversation about our wide open borders is when they whine about security at our airports.

For Pete's sake, idiot rw's here on this board were apoplectic over the very smart idea of illegals having government-issued identification that would keep track of who they were and where they were. Stupid fools yammer that we should just 'round them up and deport them' but don't ask them how we should find the illegals.

All of this is moot because the Rs will fight against anything getting done. They promised they would stop the governing of the US and they have made good on that promise.

Have a nice day.
The number of illegals coming in is almost zero.

not true Ludd.....the news story on the 5:00 news said that was pretty much true from 2008 thru 2009....but now it is back up,not where it was but it has been going back up.....

Mexicans already go home.

not in my neighborhood....
Republicans are too old, too lazy and too fat to do the work immigrants do. Which is why it's so weird they think someone will take their jobs. So many Republicans are on Medicare and Social Security and don't even have jobs.

so does that mean all those fat lazy Democrats are going to do those jobs?...

So many Republicans are on Medicare and Social Security

this was already shot down by a few posters who showed YOU 3-4 links after you said this in another thread.....they showed that there are just as many Democrats as Republicans on these things.....oh you dont remember?.....thats because once again when you were proven wrong...you for some reason....never returned to the thread....not the first time that has happened....
How would you feel about this idea.
1. Enforce the borders
2. Fine the businesses for hiring them
3. Increasing the number of Mexicans given citizenship every year. Maybe 500,000/year?:cuckoo:
4. Allowing the illegals a chance to go back to Mexico so they can get in line.

This way we would have control of who and what becomes a citizen.

.More Mexicans? INSANE
Could both parties agree with this?

1. Obama is and has been enforcing our borders. He has put more Border Control on our southern border than any other president. And, he has deported more illegals than any other president. The number of illegals coming in is almost zero.

2. Its actually against our best interest to stop all businesses from hiring non-citizens. And yes, there is a difference between "illegals" and "non-citizens" but most people don't really want what is best. They just want to hang on to their blind hate.

What we need to stop is the drug traffic but America takes no responsibility for causing that. If we didn't buy their drugs, they wouldn't come here to sell.

3. How many Mexicans are applying for and getting citizenship now? Is a half million more or less than that number?

4. Mexicans already go home.

Fact is, we invite them here. We have always invited them here to do the jobs Americans won't do. We used to fly them back and forth. Who is going to do the jobs Americans won't do?

When will Americans get it through their collective heads that the GObP has orchestrated this whole thing to scare ignorant people. Small family farms are going broke because they cannot afford to pay American wages for shit jobs and even if they could, there are no Americans to do those jobs.

The small farmer defaults and his land is picked up by big business for pennies on the dollar. We have the Republicans to thank for that. Remember how they fought against the farm bill?

The US has completely trashed the Mexican economy but when does that get talked about?

Why do Americans worry so much about dirt poor strawberry pickers coming from the south but never even think about our unprotected borders? The closest many Americans get to a conversation about our wide open borders is when they whine about security at our airports.

For Pete's sake, idiot rw's here on this board were apoplectic over the very smart idea of illegals having government-issued identification that would keep track of who they were and where they were. Stupid fools yammer that we should just 'round them up and deport them' but don't ask them how we should find the illegals.

All of this is moot because the Rs will fight against anything getting done. They promised they would stop the governing of the US and they have made good on that promise.

Have a nice day.
The number of illegals coming in is almost zero.

not true Ludd.....the news story on the 5:00 news said that was pretty much true from 2008 thru 2009....but now it is back up,not where it was but it has been going back up.....

Mexicans already go home.

not in my neighborhood....

Not in ER either. I waited in ER for 5 hours with an MS excerbation while Mexicans came in with stab wounds and gunshots who took priority and I had to pay for their medical care. Had to wait in the ER observations room until a room was vacant. Amnesty? Hell no. :cuckoo:
To top this of hospitalist wanted to release me in the middle of the night to vacate my room that I paid for. Hell no again. Skip my last treatment? Hell no again.
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