On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas

On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas

That is so ridiculous. Obama has tried to follow the traditional way that every country as well as conservative presidents have used in the past and that's to use the power of government to stimulate the economy. Never before has there been a party that's 90% white that has stood in the way of anything that would help the country.

And they say it's not race.

Who says it's not race? It sure isn't the Dems. Its allllllllllll about race to them. How ironic.
On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas

That is so ridiculous. Obama has tried to follow the traditional way that every country as well as conservative presidents have used in the past and that's to use the power of government to stimulate the economy. Never before has there been a party that's 90% white that has stood in the way of anything that would help the country.

And they say it's not race.

omg, :lol:
you all keep saying Obama is a failure because he is black...I bet he apprciates that
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Anyone can see he is out of answers, he is all talk but is doing nothing.

Anybody with one eye and half sense knows that when Mitch Mcconnell and John Boehner said their primary purpose would be to ensure that Obama would be a one term president we have had a "Do Nothing" congress. No president has ever been able to control anything without some help...it's the way our forebears set up the system. Considering where we were the president hasn't done bad:


......And, even John Boner recognizes the.....

....ERRORS of his way!!!!!

"....only 3 percent of small businesses would be affected by the tax increase. Before the Bush tax cuts, small businesses grew twice as fast under Clinton rates."

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On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas

That is so ridiculous. Obama has tried to follow the traditional way that every country as well as conservative presidents have used in the past and that's to use the power of government to stimulate the economy. Never before has there been a party that's 90% white that has stood in the way of anything that would help the country.

And they say it's not race.

omg, :lol:
you all keep saying Obama is a failure because he is black...I bet he apprciates that

He's a failure becaus he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. He's trying old policies that didn't work If he keeps trying them he thinks they WILL work.

The private sector is the engine that runs the country. Not the fucking Govt. If the private sector isn't running then nothing Govt does will make one iota of difference.
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