On The Subject Of Leaks........


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Something that has not been talked about to any serious degree is the subject of the ability of the USA to maintain secrecy since August on the mission that took out Bin Ladin.

With all the Wiki Leaks and what seemed for decades as a porous intelligence network we seem to have developed a tight ship in spite of all attempts to undermine our information gathering apparatus.

Your thoughts?
What we experienced with WikiLeaks was more confirmation than revelation; much of the information wasn’t new – in fact some of it was quite old. But we were able to confirm information that was known or suspected.
I wonder if Obama trusted anyone in the GOP camp with this? Did he brief anyone? Did he trust any of the republicans with the knowledge of this operation?
Something that has not been talked about to any serious degree is the subject of the ability of the USA to maintain secrecy since August on the mission that took out Bin Ladin.

With all the Wiki Leaks and what seemed for decades as a porous intelligence network we seem to have developed a tight ship in spite of all attempts to undermine our information gathering apparatus.

Your thoughts?

Leaks usually occur for political reasons, but in this case there was an overwhelming desire to accomplish this mission. That's why nothing was leaked.
Not to get picky (too late) but the nature of the information is different. The type of information Manning leaked was processed intelligence. It was information that had been collected, analyzed and given some sort of conclusion or meaning. And that's typical of the type of information that an analyst would have access to.

The bin Laden raid was operational planning information. If anyone had any access to it, then it was most likely layered and highly compartmentalized.

My guess is that the list of people who knew this was in the works was extraordinarily short. It's not something driven by politics or position but on an absolute need-to-know. What I find encouraging is that it is still possible to keep things secret in a day and age when people tweet anything and everything.
People are acting like this is the only mission thats ever occured in the history of the United States. Come on now
Not to get picky (too late) but the nature of the information is different. The type of information Manning leaked was processed intelligence. It was information that had been collected, analyzed and given some sort of conclusion or meaning. And that's typical of the type of information that an analyst would have access to.

The bin Laden raid was operational planning information. If anyone had any access to it, then it was most likely layered and highly compartmentalized.

My guess is that the list of people who knew this was in the works was extraordinarily short. It's not something driven by politics or position but on an absolute need-to-know. What I find encouraging is that it is still possible to keep things secret in a day and age when people tweet anything and everything.

Evidently there were several politicians who knew about the mission:

Biden: Congress Knew of Bin Laden Mission for Months, No Leaks | Atlantic Council
WTF??? Does the national media come to USMB and study HUGGY threads for it's ideas???

I just saw a couple of bigass pundits on the tube axing the very question of my OP!! Why no credit for the Huggster ???

Well....it was here before it was there you media bitches!!!!!!!

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