One Is More Than None


Sep 23, 2010
Minding our own business is never an option with the New World Order crowd; nevertheless, Syria should be easier for John Kerry to handle than Venezuela. Remember that Kerry’s kind loved the late Hugo Chavez to pieces when he first came on the scene, and mourned him in death. Now, Chavez’s legacy is biting the very people who champion Communism and fair elections run by Communists on their collective asses:

U.S.-Venezuelan relations took a turn for the worse Thursday, as Secretary of State John F. Kerry called for a recount in the presidential election that Nicolas Maduro just narrowly won — and the president-elect responded that Mr. Kerry should just mind his own business.

“It’s obscene, the U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of Venezuela,” Mr. Marduro said, as United Press International reported. “Take your eyes off Venezuela, John Kerry. Get out of here. Enough interventionism.”

Venezuelan President-elect Nicolas Maduro tells John Kerry to ‘get out of here’
By The Washington Times Thursday, April 18, 2013

Venezuelan President-elect Nicolas Maduro tells John Kerry to 'get out of here' - Washington Times
Assuming the news out of Syria is true, I’m betting that an undaunted Kerry will rush to the aid of United Nations busybodies who landed in a puddle of do-do again:

DAMASCUS, Syria — Syria’s Foreign Ministry says 11 people, including six members of a U.N. fact-finding mission, have been abducted by armed groups in central Syria.

Let’s not confuse the people of Syria with UN fact-finders. Kerry made a mess of Syria to begin with. He should do better with his only option this time around:

The Arab Spring is Middle East Policy; so it is safe to say that the Administration supports terrorists. Every problem should be so easy. Just have John Kerry contact them and tell them to release the UN fact-finders.

The president’s task is easier. Putin owns Syria’s president, Bashar Assad. Just have Barack Taqiyya call Putin and ask for a little quid pro quo.

[ame=]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]​

Putin telling Assad to back off a notch or two until the UN’s people are released is not much to ask in return for the Ukraine.

Incidentally, I do not see how terrorists can commit crimes against the United Nations in light of the United Nations Human Rights Council, nor can I understand why any American would want to help the United Nations in anything:

A ministry statement blamed rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad, accusing them of committing “terrorist crimes” against the U.N. staff and the U.N. Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

6 UN fact-finders abducted by armed groups in Syria
By Associated Press May 27, 2014 | 6:24am

6 UN fact-finders abducted by armed groups in Syria | New York Post

Frankly, I do not see the UN’s problem as an American problem, but I can see the worst-case scenario:

The Administration sends more US military personnel to rescue UN employees than they sent to rescue Americans in Benghazi. Sending only one is more than sending none.

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