One Question To Rule Them All

Jun 10, 2013
Pardon my Lord of the Rings-esque thread title...

It seems to me that pro-Palestinian posters can be divided into two categories:

Category #1: People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is the elimination of the Jewish State in favor of a single "Palestine."

Category #2: People who believe that the just outcome of the confict is a "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Now, certainly, within Category #2 there are all sorts of details that would have to be worked out, but the dividing line between the categories is the key.

I will say this: if you fall into Category #1, we have nothing to discuss. There is no potential for any meaningful common ground.

So, the ultimate question is...

Which category do you fall into?
Pardon my Lord of the Rings-esque thread title...

It seems to me that pro-Palestinian posters can be divided into two categories:

Category #1: People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is the elimination of the Jewish State in favor of a single "Palestine."

Category #2: People who believe that the just outcome of the confict is a "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Now, certainly, within Category #2 there are all sorts of details that would have to be worked out, but the dividing line between the categories is the key.

I will say this: if you fall into Category #1, we have nothing to discuss. There is no potential for any meaningful common ground.

So, the ultimate question is...

Which category do you fall into?
You forget that within category number 2 most of them want it under such conditions that it will lead to the eventual destruction of Israel anyhow.
I am for a Category #3. A one state solution whereby Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Pardon my Lord of the Rings-esque thread title...

It seems to me that pro-Palestinian posters can be divided into two categories:

Category #1: People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is the elimination of the Jewish State in favor of a single "Palestine."

Category #2: People who believe that the just outcome of the confict is a "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Now, certainly, within Category #2 there are all sorts of details that would have to be worked out, but the dividing line between the categories is the key.

I will say this: if you fall into Category #1, we have nothing to discuss. There is no potential for any meaningful common ground.

So, the ultimate question is...

Which category do you fall into?
Pardon my Lord of the Rings-esque thread title...

It seems to me that pro-Palestinian posters can be divided into two categories:

Category #1: People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is the elimination of the Jewish State in favor of a single "Palestine."

Category #2: People who believe that the just outcome of the confict is a "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Now, certainly, within Category #2 there are all sorts of details that would have to be worked out, but the dividing line between the categories is the key.

I will say this: if you fall into Category #1, we have nothing to discuss. There is no potential for any meaningful common ground.

So, the ultimate question is...

Which category do you fall into?

Put me down for the one state solution. And I will never compromise. The land belongs to God. He can give it to whom he will. The Pali's can squeal like pigs but that's the bottom line. Scripture cites HUNDREDS of times "the land that I have given you". There will never be two states.
I am for a Category #3. A one state solution whereby Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Pardon my Lord of the Rings-esque thread title...

It seems to me that pro-Palestinian posters can be divided into two categories:

Category #1: People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is the elimination of the Jewish State in favor of a single "Palestine."

Category #2: People who believe that the just outcome of the confict is a "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Now, certainly, within Category #2 there are all sorts of details that would have to be worked out, but the dividing line between the categories is the key.

I will say this: if you fall into Category #1, we have nothing to discuss. There is no potential for any meaningful common ground.

So, the ultimate question is...

Which category do you fall into?
I second the emotion! All in favor say "Hail yes!"
I am for a Category #3. A one state solution whereby Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Since they are already in their indiginous homelands, that category is nothing less than ethnic cleansing.

I support a two-state solution.

I don't believe in national borders defined by deities.
HistoryBefore67, et al,

One Question To Rule Them All: The choice? People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is:
  • Category #1: The "elimination of the Jewish State" in favor of a single "Palestine."
  • Category #2: A "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Sometimes we inadvertently engineer an interrogative where we induce the fallacy of questionable alternatives or a false dilemma. In this case it could be that you are representing a situation as having only undesirable alternatives.

Q1 Category #1: This is essentially an alternative where the outcome is an "Arab State;" the Jewish National Homeland is overrun by Arab Palestinians in a peaceful way (negotiation) after three "use of force" efforts failed. This will leave the Jewish population disenfranchised and subject to Arab domination. This would be a gradual takeover, transitional which will probably result into a reversed insurgency after the Israelis are required to lay-down their independence.

Q2 Category #2: This essentially already exists. The "State of Palestine" was, for all practical purposes, recognized when the UN decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations (4 Dec 2012). And recalling Resolution 181 (II) and the subsequent recognition of the Resolution by the Palestinians.​


  • Status Quo: This is essentially a "no change" solution. Israel maintains the occupation as is; until the new reality develops.
  • Unilateral Withdrawal: This is essentially the case where Israel changes the occupation and withdrawals behind the Green Line.
  • Imposed Solution: This is essentially the option where both side submit to binding arbitration or international litigation.

I don't believe that any solution will be considered a "just solution" by a majority on both sides that have the outcome of quelling the hostility and insurgency.

I tend to think that neither side is hurting enough, suffered enough, and convinced enough, to actually want to negotiate in good faith.

Thus, the "status quo" will probably remain; a quasi-Two State outcome.

Most Respectfully,
So let us get this straight. It is well documented that in 1948 there were appoximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. Today under Israel's ethnic cleansing for over 50 years there are only just under 6 million Palestinians left. And you tell us the Palestinians are already in their indigenous homeland. Please explain. Thank you.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

I am for a Category #3. A one state solution whereby Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Since they are already in their indiginous homelands, that category is nothing less than ethnic cleansing.

I support a two-state solution.

I don't believe in national borders defined by deities.
HistoryBefore67, et al,

One Question To Rule Them All: The choice? People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is:
  • Category #1: The "elimination of the Jewish State" in favor of a single "Palestine."
  • Category #2: A "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Sometimes we inadvertently engineer an interrogative where we induce the fallacy of questionable alternatives or a false dilemma. In this case it could be that you are representing a situation as having only undesirable alternatives.

Q1 Category #1: This is essentially an alternative where the outcome is an "Arab State;" the Jewish National Homeland is overrun by Arab Palestinians in a peaceful way (negotiation) after three "use of force" efforts failed. This will leave the Jewish population disenfranchised and subject to Arab domination. This would be a gradual takeover, transitional which will probably result into a reversed insurgency after the Israelis are required to lay-down their independence.

Q2 Category #2: This essentially already exists. The "State of Palestine" was, for all practical purposes, recognized when the UN decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations (4 Dec 2012). And recalling Resolution 181 (II) and the subsequent recognition of the Resolution by the Palestinians.​


  • Status Quo: This is essentially a "no change" solution. Israel maintains the occupation as is; until the new reality develops.
  • Unilateral Withdrawal: This is essentially the case where Israel changes the occupation and withdrawals behind the Green Line.
  • Imposed Solution: This is essentially the option where both side submit to binding arbitration or international litigation.

I don't believe that any solution will be considered a "just solution" by a majority on both sides that have the outcome of quelling the hostility and insurgency.

I tend to think that neither side is hurting enough, suffered enough, and convinced enough, to actually want to negotiate in good faith.

Thus, the "status quo" will probably remain; a quasi-Two State outcome.

Most Respectfully,
One other alternative:

Israel annexes the West Bank and calls it Judeah and Samaria (it's name for 3000 years until Arabs changed the name in 1948), and provides a path to citizenship to those who wish to stay. Others have the option of leaving to Gaza, Jordan, and Egypt or any other country they wish to.

This alternative is already in motion.
HistoryBefore67, et al,

One Question To Rule Them All: The choice? People who believe that the just outcome of the conflict is:
  • Category #1: The "elimination of the Jewish State" in favor of a single "Palestine."
  • Category #2: A "two state solution" in which a two sovereign nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian/Arab, would emerge and recognize each other.

Sometimes we inadvertently engineer an interrogative where we induce the fallacy of questionable alternatives or a false dilemma. In this case it could be that you are representing a situation as having only undesirable alternatives.

Q1 Category #1: This is essentially an alternative where the outcome is an "Arab State;" the Jewish National Homeland is overrun by Arab Palestinians in a peaceful way (negotiation) after three "use of force" efforts failed. This will leave the Jewish population disenfranchised and subject to Arab domination. This would be a gradual takeover, transitional which will probably result into a reversed insurgency after the Israelis are required to lay-down their independence.

Q2 Category #2: This essentially already exists. The "State of Palestine" was, for all practical purposes, recognized when the UN decided to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations (4 Dec 2012). And recalling Resolution 181 (II) and the subsequent recognition of the Resolution by the Palestinians.​


  • Status Quo: This is essentially a "no change" solution. Israel maintains the occupation as is; until the new reality develops.
  • Unilateral Withdrawal: This is essentially the case where Israel changes the occupation and withdrawals behind the Green Line.
  • Imposed Solution: This is essentially the option where both side submit to binding arbitration or international litigation.

I don't believe that any solution will be considered a "just solution" by a majority on both sides that have the outcome of quelling the hostility and insurgency.

I tend to think that neither side is hurting enough, suffered enough, and convinced enough, to actually want to negotiate in good faith.

Thus, the "status quo" will probably remain; a quasi-Two State outcome.

Most Respectfully,

Thanks for that entirely unhelpful response.
Roudy, et al,

Well, I'm sure some would consider this an additional alternative.

One other alternative:

Israel annexes the West Bank and calls it Judeah and Samaria (it's name for 3000 years until Arabs changed the name in 1948), and provides a path to citizenship to those who wish to stay. Others have the option of leaving to Gaza, Jordan, and Egypt or any other country they wish to.

This alternative is already in motion.

I have no reason to believe that Israel would really want to annex the West Bank or Gaza Strip. This would be Israel stepping into economic quick sand with a domestic security problem. This is a single-state solution, which carries with it all the political baggage of a single-state solution. Jordan and Egypt don't want the Palestinians; they're and albatross and burden they would rather do without.

The best option for the Palestinians is to join in a nationalistic program to rebuild the West Bank and Gaza Strip; a national economic and industrial recovery program.

Most Respectfully,
The problem is that the true pro-"Palestinian" posters around here lack the courage to respond to this thread and simply admit that they want Israel to be eliminated.
Roudy, et al,

Well, I'm sure some would consider this an additional alternative.

One other alternative:

Israel annexes the West Bank and calls it Judeah and Samaria (it's name for 3000 years until Arabs changed the name in 1948), and provides a path to citizenship to those who wish to stay. Others have the option of leaving to Gaza, Jordan, and Egypt or any other country they wish to.

This alternative is already in motion.

I have no reason to believe that Israel would really want to annex the West Bank or Gaza Strip. This would be Israel stepping into economic quick sand with a domestic security problem. This is a single-state solution, which carries with it all the political baggage of a single-state solution. Jordan and Egypt don't want the Palestinians; they're and albatross and burden they would rather do without.

The best option for the Palestinians is to join in a nationalistic program to rebuild the West Bank and Gaza Strip; a national economic and industrial recovery program.

Most Respectfully,
Some will stay while others will move to Jordan most likely. The ones that chose to stay will gradually be able to have the same rights and great lifestyle that their 2 million Arab brethren have enjoyed as being Israeli citizens.

Eventually in a few generations it will come around and the hatred and lies will be gone. It's not going to happen overnight. Nothing ever does in that region.
So let us get this straight. It is well documented that in 1948 there were appoximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. Today under Israel's ethnic cleansing for over 50 years there are only just under 6 million Palestinians left. And you tell us the Palestinians are already in their indigenous homeland. Please explain. Thank you.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

I am for a Category #3. A one state solution whereby Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Since they are already in their indiginous homelands, that category is nothing less than ethnic cleansing.

I support a two-state solution.

I don't believe in national borders defined by deities.

Lets really get it straight. We are not talking about past immigrations. We are talking about a hypothetical future projection that would remove all Palestinians from Israel.

Please read. Thank you.

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