One state solution - modified

You don't have facts. You just repeat Israeli propaganda. Facts we present are within source documentation which we provide links to. You guys trumpet Israeli propaganda willy nilly without any connection to source documentation.
Yada yada yada. You are a Muslim convert who repeats old Islamic lies and propaganda, that's been heard, seen, and laughed at like a million times.

You are upset because every one of your used and reused claims has been shot down on this forum. Maybe you'll have better luck on an Islamic website where there are more morons like yourself?

Ahhh, now their greatest personal insult. The accusation of being a Muslim convert.

No claims I've made have have been shot down, they are simple facts everyone outside a pathetic group maniacal zealots know and agree on.
Notice there is no denial.

All claims you made have been shot down and you are just doing what idiot converts do showing your true colors by being an anti Semite who hates Israel. Converts like you are a dime a dozen and always ignorant. But I'm sure you please your "friends". Right, MOHOMOD? Ha ha ha.
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"All claims you made have been shot down and you are just doing what idiot converts do,
showing your true colors by being an anti Semite who hates Israel. Converts like you
are a dime a dozen and always ignorant. But I'm sure you please your "friends". Right, MOHOMOD? Ha ha ha."

"I have made no claims. I just posted text from the original documents.
Because the facts are not consistent with your absurd world view, you ignore the facts."

here's what you jose/joanserpent, sherri/etc-monikers. . .

. . . and the rest of your cult followers "ignore" on a consistent basis in Palestine

...and their closest FRIENDS and BUSINESS ASSOCIATES around the world:




JOE, offshoot terrorist group

...and whoever else can help them load-up their 'tunnels' with their daily supplies as needed:

what else [violent & evil] are we [you] ignoring ?
How about Saudi then that is an Islamic state, with many racist laws and naziesque traditions. How many more Islamic states are racist and follow the teachings of NAZISM .

Or are you saying that islam is not civilised so has no place in modern society

Not going to get a response from the Racist Pro Palestinian . What about Abbas saying No Israelis Allowed. ? Meanwhile Israel does have Arabs . Consider the source.

Cor, you are demanding.
Do you have any idea how many posts there is on this site before I stumble over yours?
Or do you imagine I sit with finger poised, but just refusing to respond, rather than doing something more useful?

Listen up.
Any state that claims to be exclusively for one religion is a Bad Thing.
Islamic states are not necessarily as you claim, exclusively for Islamic people. Just like Christian states are not necessarily exclusively for Christian people.

Israel is demanding to be recognised as a Jewish State, when it is not even prepared to define what it means by that. "First recognise it, then we will tell you what you have agreed to" is their attitude.

Has anyone ever asked you to sign a blank cheque, and told you they would fill in the amount later? What did / would you say?

Israel does not even ITSELF recognise Israel as a Jewish state. Bibi is trying to get some legislation through now, to do that.
Israel does not demand that Britain, the US, Russia or ANY OTHER STATE recognises Israel as a Jewish state.

Now, why should Palestine be the first, when no one has even bothered to define what it means?
BTW, Palestine has formally recognised Israel and agreed to its right to exist multiple times.
Has Israel recognised Palestine and agreed to its right to exist yet? Or do they still keep trying steal bits, until there is nothing left?

O.K. Listen up

Tell us why we should recognize a " palestinian state" but not a Jewish one.

How Many Muslim Countries Are There in the World? -

There are 57 recognized Arab/ Muslim Countries. Why can't there be a Jewish State?

Tell us why Abbas states NO ISRAELIS ALLOWED! Don't you find that racist? Of course you don't

Your " claim" that Islamic States have more then one religion is laughable. Look at what is going on in the Muslim World with Christians who practice their religion. In the " civilized" Arab World like Saudi Arabia Christians can't practice their religions freely.

In the Jewish State of Israel there are other religions. These are practiced freely

You claim that Palestine has recognized Israel? :lol: Not true

Is the Arab Peace Plan Really About Peace? « Commentary Magazine

Is the Arab Peace Plan Really About Peace?
Jonathan S. Tobin | @tobincommentary
05.01.2013 - 12:00 PM

Secretary of State John Kerry hailed the idea of reviving the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative put forward yesterday in Washington by a delegation from the Arab League. Kerry, who reportedly is hoping to host a multi-party peace conference this spring, was pleased that Qatar’s foreign minister had suggested that the proposal might be modified from its original take-it-or-leave-it demand that Israel return to the 1967 lines to one that allowed for a mutually-agreed “minor swap of land” that would modify the border.

This is progress of a sort, and should not be entirely dismissed. But before those advocating for more Israeli concessions in response to the proposal get too excited, it’s important to remember why this initiative flopped the first time around: it’s not really a peace proposal.

While the Arab Peace Initiative continues to be cited by Israel’s critics as proof that the Jewish state really does have partners, this idea has always been more about polishing the image of the Arab world in the United States than anything else. Conceived in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks when the Arab states, and in particular Saudi Arabia, were viewed with disgust by most Americans, the initiative was part of an effort to rehabilitate their image. But despite the fact that New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman (who claimed it stemmed from a conversation he had with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah) and others in the foreign policy community promoted the idea, it fizzled. Why? Because it was not an invitation to negotiate, but a diktat. Even worse, it contained a vital poison pill: the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel that would, in effect, mean the end of the Jewish state, not peace with it.

While the initiative does not specifically mention the so-called “right of return” by which the descendants of the Arab refugees of 1948 would be allowed to enter Israel, Prince Abdullah made this clear when he said this on the day the Arab League adopted the proposal:

I propose that the Arab summit put forward a clear and unanimous initiative addressed to the United Nations security council based on two basic issues: normal relations and security for Israel in exchange for full withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories, recognition of an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds al-Sharif as its capital, and the return of refugees.

Tell us please what the Palestinians are doing to " negotiate" :D

Israel isn't trying to " streal" anything. They are not going to go back to Borders that were never recognized in the first place ( the same way you claim Israel has never demanded they be recognized as a Jewish State which is a lie ) give up E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are and allow " Right of Return" which would eventually annex Israel to Palestine

Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel

Your " claim" that Israel was not established to be a Jewish State is also a lie.

Freedom of Religion in Saudi Arabia

His example of " Freedom of Religion" :cuckoo: Can you imagine if this was Israel???
OK Folks. It got a little hot in here so now the sheriff is back in town. Keep it civil and on point.
Quick many of you who are posting on this thread have actually BEEN to Israel?

Me? A couple of times, and both of those port visits were to Haifa Israel.

How many of you have actually been to the West Bank?

Me? Never visited. Also, never went to Jerusalem, although I wish I had. Stood duty that day and missed the tour.

So.................for all of you people who scream for various forms of compromise, how much do you REALLY know about those whom you claim to speak for?
Interesting point ABS.

How many here have BEEN to Nazi Germany?
And conversely, how many feel they have a decent handle on how it was operated?

Personally, I would not put one shekel into the Israeli economy.
But I would be open to a visit to Palestine, either the West Bank, or Gaza. By boat perhaps, from Cyprus?

Are there many scheduled ferries?
Quick many of you who are posting on this thread have actually BEEN to Israel?

Me? A couple of times, and both of those port visits were to Haifa Israel.

How many of you have actually been to the West Bank?

Me? Never visited. Also, never went to Jerusalem, although I wish I had. Stood duty that day and missed the tour.

So.................for all of you people who scream for various forms of compromise, how much do you REALLY know about those whom you claim to speak for?

WB and Jerusalem, not haifa
Interesting point ABS.

How many here have BEEN to Nazi Germany?
And conversely, how many feel they have a decent handle on how it was operated?

Personally, I would not put one shekel into the Israeli economy.
But I would be open to a visit to Palestine, either the West Bank, or Gaza. By boat perhaps, from Cyprus?

Are there many scheduled ferries?
No ferries. You have to go to Sweden or Turkey and book a Blockade Runner.
Oh, that's strange.

Surely a regular freight and passenger service to local countries would improve Gaza's economy no end.
Which would bring economic stability and prospects to the city, in turn, giving the populace something to do, other than to hang around on street corners waiting for an EU handout, and get them interested in making money, like normal folk?

Why is there no such service?
Oh, that's strange.

Surely a regular freight and passenger service to local countries would improve Gaza's economy no end.
Which would bring economic stability and prospects to the city, in turn, giving the populace something to do, other than to hang around on street corners waiting for an EU handout, and get them interested in making money, like normal folk?

Why is there no such service?
Regular service would mean bringing in contraband and terrorists. They need to fight their way in and sink some IDF Navy ships.
Well, I can see that would be unfortunate.

But I don't agree it would be necessary. Ports operate all over the globe and they work with varying degrees of security. The first pass would be to incentivise to reduce the risk.

So it was clear that any arms shipments would cause a boat or ferry to be impounded for whatever period. At the same time, make sure that the various parties who might want to smuggle can also get reasonably rich with the new trade. Corruption is always a good motivator, especially if it is legalised.

Then have an exceeding good security operation for the boats. Probably NOT Israeli, but with Israeli input and support, and feedback.

Then let trade and the flow of money and goods let people feel they have something worth living for and aspiring to.

Gaza is a walled compound, and there is no way on gods earth that Gazans are leaving to attack Israel. Israel is playing "Catch" now with various small missiles, and that game will not stop while Gazans have no hope.

The cool thing is that Israel actually has few designs to steal Gaza. For that reason, there really can be more common ground than periodic Israeli incursions and bombings suggest.
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Well, I can see that would be unfortunate.

But I don't agree it would be necessary. Ports operate all over the globe and they work with varying degrees of security. The first pass would be to incentivise to reduce the risk.

So it was clear that any arms shipments would cause a boat or ferry to be impounded for whatever period. At the same time, make sure that the various parties who might want to smuggle can also get reasonably rich with the new trade. Corruption is always a good motivator, especially if it is legalised.

Then have an exceeding good security operation for the boats. Probably NOT Israeli, but with Israeli input and support, and feedback.

Then let trade and the flow of money and goods let people feel they have something worth living for and aspiring to.

Gaza is a walled compound, and there is no way on gods earth that Gazans are leaving to attack Israel. Israel is playing "Catch" now with various small missiles, and that game will not stop while Gazans have no hope.

The cool thing is that Israel actually has few designs to steal Gaza. For that reason, there really can be more common ground than periodic Israeli incursions and bombings suggest.
You of course have no idea what you're talking about. Gaza is governed by Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by the US, Europe, and most civilized nations.
Oh, that's strange.

Surely a regular freight and passenger service to local countries would improve Gaza's economy no end.
Which would bring economic stability and prospects to the city, in turn, giving the populace something to do, other than to hang around on street corners waiting for an EU handout, and get them interested in making money, like normal folk?

Why is there no such service?

Gaza no longer has an airport and the deep harbor that was being built for large ships to dock was never completed. Palestinians decided war was a better option.
Fishing is limited to within 6 miles. Gaza territorial water are a small triangle hemmed in by Israel and Egypt. Hamas has worked hard to alienate them both. Gaza was situated to become a rival to monte carlo with highrise hotels, beaches, casinos, entertainment, vacation attractions that could have accommodated large cruise ship, situated for tourism between Egypt and Israel, but it was never finished.
When Israel left homes and communities were demolish, green houses destroyed, farms untended or used by terrorists.
Palestinians had jobs created for them by Israelis and others were being trained in the hotel and tourism sector for future jobs. Gaza could have been very prosperous in a few years.
Well, I can see that would be unfortunate.

But I don't agree it would be necessary. Ports operate all over the globe and they work with varying degrees of security. The first pass would be to incentivise to reduce the risk.

So it was clear that any arms shipments would cause a boat or ferry to be impounded for whatever period. At the same time, make sure that the various parties who might want to smuggle can also get reasonably rich with the new trade. Corruption is always a good motivator, especially if it is legalised.

Then have an exceeding good security operation for the boats. Probably NOT Israeli, but with Israeli input and support, and feedback.

Then let trade and the flow of money and goods let people feel they have something worth living for and aspiring to.

Gaza is a walled compound, and there is no way on gods earth that Gazans are leaving to attack Israel. Israel is playing "Catch" now with various small missiles, and that game will not stop while Gazans have no hope.

The cool thing is that Israel actually has few designs to steal Gaza. For that reason, there really can be more common ground than periodic Israeli incursions and bombings suggest.
You of course have no idea what you're talking about. Gaza is governed by Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by the US, Europe, and most civilized nations.

Gaza's territorial sea and air space are controlled by Israel. It and land borders are controlled by Israel and Egypt. Hamas rules nothing, really.
Well, I can see that would be unfortunate.

But I don't agree it would be necessary. Ports operate all over the globe and they work with varying degrees of security. The first pass would be to incentivise to reduce the risk.

So it was clear that any arms shipments would cause a boat or ferry to be impounded for whatever period. At the same time, make sure that the various parties who might want to smuggle can also get reasonably rich with the new trade. Corruption is always a good motivator, especially if it is legalised.

Then have an exceeding good security operation for the boats. Probably NOT Israeli, but with Israeli input and support, and feedback.

Then let trade and the flow of money and goods let people feel they have something worth living for and aspiring to.

Gaza is a walled compound, and there is no way on gods earth that Gazans are leaving to attack Israel. Israel is playing "Catch" now with various small missiles, and that game will not stop while Gazans have no hope.

The cool thing is that Israel actually has few designs to steal Gaza. For that reason, there really can be more common ground than periodic Israeli incursions and bombings suggest.
You of course have no idea what you're talking about. Gaza is governed by Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by the US, Europe, and most civilized nations.

Gaza's territorial sea and air space are controlled by Israel. It and land borders are controlled by Israel and Egypt. Hamas rules nothing, really.

Hamas made their bed. Perhaps they should have gone to anger management and worked on a different approach with Israel and Egypt.
You of course have no idea what you're talking about. Gaza is governed by Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by the US, Europe, and most civilized nations.

Gaza's territorial sea and air space are controlled by Israel. It and land borders are controlled by Israel and Egypt. Hamas rules nothing, really.

Hamas made their bed. Perhaps they should have gone to anger management and worked on a different approach with Israel and Egypt.

No, the Western Powers, Britain and the European Jews that settled in Palestine made their bed, a long time ago. If European Jews had not settled and displaced the non-Jews, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Gaza's territorial sea and air space are controlled by Israel. It and land borders are controlled by Israel and Egypt. Hamas rules nothing, really.

Hamas made their bed. Perhaps they should have gone to anger management and worked on a different approach with Israel and Egypt.

No, the Western Powers, Britain and the European Jews that settled in Palestine made their bed, a long time ago. If European Jews had not settled and displaced the non-Jews, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

If Arab armies didn't attack Israel in 1948, and again in 1967 , there wouldn't be refugees.
You real what you sow
If Arab armies didn't attack Israel in 1948

Arab armies were sent to stop Israel (Haganah) from executing Plan Dalet which was to expel as many non-Jews as possible that were in the partition area assigned to Jews. They would have been expelled either way, the Jews did not want 45% of the population to be non-Jewish as it was at the time of the partition.
Gaza's territorial sea and air space are controlled by Israel. It and land borders are controlled by Israel and Egypt. Hamas rules nothing, really.

Hamas made their bed. Perhaps they should have gone to anger management and worked on a different approach with Israel and Egypt.

No, the Western Powers, Britain and the European Jews that settled in Palestine made their bed, a long time ago. If European Jews had not settled and displaced the non-Jews, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
"We" ain't having a conversation. "You" are having a coversation whereby you spout your know-it-all propaganda and garbage and ignore and denounce any true facts. You are a paid Hamas propagandist and it's obvious. Right?

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