One year from now in Minneaopolis


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
One year from now in Minneapolis….

Greg: Ring…ring…ring Hello this is Greg…I need to talk to the new public safety impresario.

Impresario: Hello? Yes….can I help you Greg?

Greg: Yes, at first I called 911 but I ended up with this line instead.

Impresario: That’s right Greg….we no longer need police officers we have a new Public Safety bureau now! Isn’t it great?

Greg….. silence…

Impresario: Greg…are you there?

Greg : Um, yeah…OK…well look my neighbor Leon just came over and took my new Weber Grill out of my back yard and he won’t give it back.

Impresario: Yes…and?

Greg: Well I want it back….that’s stealing and it’s wrong!

Impresario: Now listen carefully Greg…simply explain to Leon
That it belongs to you.

Greg: I Tried that already.

Impresario: What happened?

Greg: He punched me

Impresario: Hmmm…….

Greg: Hello? Impresario are you there?

Impresario: Oh…..yes…I’m here.

Greg: So what’s next?

Impresario: Well you might try offering him something for it.

Greg: I did that

Impresario: What happened?

Greg: He punched me again.

Impresario: Well we’re not supposed to say this but just between you and me why don’t you punch him back?

Greg: I’m five foot two 135 pounds, Leon is six foot four 280 pounds…my punching him back is not a part of the plan dude.

Impresario: Well let me check my Public safety manual and get back to you Greg.

Greg: Aren’t you going to come out or something?

Impresario: Good god no! Leon sounds well…dangerous. Look Greg…I’m an Impresario not a thug!

Greg: DUH! So now what?

Impresario: Well I definitely recommend staying away from him.

Greg: Yeah….I got that part figured out already you dumbass.

Impresario: I’m going to have to hang up now Greg…we are not allowed to tolerate any abusive speech from citizens. You will be receiving a fine in the mail for that
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Meanwhile, while Greg is getting beat up by his neighbor who now has no fear of the law, this is happening in downtown Minneapolis.

One year from now in Minneapolis….

Greg: Ring…ring…ring Hello this is Greg…I need to talk to the new public safety impresario.

Impresario: Hello? Yes….can I help you Greg?

Greg: Yes, at first I called 911 but I ended up with this line instead.

Impresario: That’s right Greg….we no longer need police officers we have a new Public Safety bureau now! Isn’t it great?

Greg….. silence…

Impresario: Greg…are you there?

Greg : Um, yeah…OK…well look my neighbor Leon just came over and took my new Weber Grill out of my back yard and he won’t give it back.

Impresario: Yes…and?

Greg: Well I want it back….that’s stealing and it’s wrong!

Impresario: Now listen carefully Greg…simply explain to Leon
That it belongs to you.

Greg: I Tried that already.

Impresario: What happened?

Greg: He punched me

Impresario: Hmmm…….

Greg: Hello? Impresario are you there?

Impresario: Oh…..yes…I’m here.

Greg: So what’s next?

Impresario: Well you might try offering him something for it.

Greg: I did that

Impresario: What happened?

Greg: He punched me again.

Impresario: Well we’re not supposed to say this but just between you and me why don’t you punch him back?

Greg: I’m five foot two 135 pounds, Leon is six foot four 280 pounds…my punching him back is not a part of the plan dude.

Impresario: Well let me check my Public safety manual and get back to you Greg.

Greg: Aren’t you going to come out or something?

Impresario: Good god no! Leon sounds well…dangerous. Look Greg…I’m an Impresario not a thug!

Greg: DUH! So now what?

Impresario: Well I definitely recommend staying away from him.

Greg: Yeah….I got that part figured out already you dumbass.

Impresario: I’m going to have to hang up now Greg…we are not allowed to tolerate any abusive speech from citizens. You will be receiving a fine in the mail for that

Satire which I enjoyed but you need a link.
I predict white flight from Minneapolis. Then, it will become like Chicago and no one will give a shit.

Sadly, that has happened to many American cities.

There are really no words to describe how sad this is.

As for me, I shall remember the Minneapolis where Mary Tyler Moore threw her hat into the air at the beginning of each show. (Although a poster told me that even in the 1970s, that city was already experiencing crime problems.)
I predict white flight from Minneapolis. Then, it will become like Chicago and no one will give a shit.

Sadly, that has happened to many American cities.

There are really no words to describe how sad this is.

As for me, I shall remember the Minneapolis where Mary Tyler Moore threw her hat into the air at the beginning of each show. (Although a poster told me that even in the 1970s, that city was already experiencing crime problems.)
Well now it’s been looted, pillaged and burnt to the ground. And the left on this forum is typically blaming the right. White flight will definitely ensue!
I predict white flight from Minneapolis. Then, it will become like Chicago and no one will give a shit.

One thing many people don’t understand about "white flight" is that vibrant and diverse people need lots of services just to live. Buses, section 8 housing, social workers, all these must be in place before any diversity can find its way into a community. Only then can a community receive "enrichment", and with enrichment come problems too. Wealthy people (which are mostly whites, but also the others, don't want problems at their door steps, they just leave, because they can. The others, who don't want the same problems, leave as soon they are earn enough to leave. What blacks are calling "white flight" is actually "wealth flight", since every black rich person also leave. When wealth leave, so do taxes that finance all the infrastructure, social programs, welfare, police, etc. and those who stay are left alone, unable to manage themselves, so they return to only thing they can do, or know hot to do. No money means no law and order, means no social services, means violence and crime.

This white flight = wealth flight works amazingly well. There is nothing honorable about staying in a crime ridden area with all the risks to your and your family’s safety, the higher taxes, and the feeling of constant threat one must endure. You move out, build a fence, put a gate on entrance, and try to live in peace. Yes, poor will follow the wealth, because that's what they do, they depend on it. They'll never learn that unless they adopt the mindset that build and sustain their community, they will never be in the position to get ahead, or be accepted.
I predict white flight from Minneapolis. Then, it will become like Chicago and no one will give a shit.

One thing many people don’t understand about "white flight" is that vibrant and diverse people need lots of services just to live. Buses, section 8 housing, social workers, all these must be in place before any diversity can find its way into a community. Only then can a community receive "enrichment", and with enrichment come problems too. Wealthy people (which are mostly whites, but also the others, don't want problems at their door steps, they just leave, because they can. The others, who don't want the same problems, leave as soon they are earn enough to leave. What blacks are calling "white flight" is actually "wealth flight", since every black rich person also leave. When wealth leave, so do taxes that finance all the infrastructure, social programs, welfare, police, etc. and those who stay are left alone, unable to manage themselves, so they return to only thing they can do, or know hot to do. No money means no law and order, means no social services, means violence and crime.

This white flight = wealth flight works amazingly well. There is nothing honorable about staying in a crime ridden area with all the risks to your and your family’s safety, the higher taxes, and the feeling of constant threat one must endure. You move out, build a fence, put a gate on entrance, and try to live in peace. Yes, poor will follow the wealth, because that's what they do, they depend on it. They'll never learn that unless they adopt the mindset that build and sustain their community, they will never be in the position to get ahead, or be accepted.
Well said!

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